Prepare to laugh in this perfect blend of comedy and magic as Adam London stars in Laughternoon. ShowTickets.com has your discount tickets to the show
Experience Prince's biggest hits during Purple Reign: The Prince Tribute Show at the Tropicana Las Vegas with tickets from ShowTickets.com.
The world-famous 86th and 102nd floor Observatories offer unmatched views of New York City and on a clear day one can see to New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Delaware. 1,050 feet above the city’s bustling streets, the 86th floor Observatory offers panoramic views from within a glass-enclosed pavilion and from the surrounding open-air promenade. 200 feet higher, our 102nd floor Observatory is a private and serene perch in the middle of the greatest city in the world.
The Observatories have been a “must visit” for millions each year since it opened to the public in 1931. Each year approximately four million people are whisked to our 86th and 102nd floors, consistently one of New York City’s top tourist attractions. Visit the Observatories 365 days per year, day and night, rain or shine, for magnificent views of Manhattan and beyond.
The Empire State Building embodies the feeling and spirit of New York City. It is recognized not only as an iconic landmark offering some of the most spectacular views on earth, but also as an international symbol of shared hopes, dreams, and accomplishment.
Accessibility: The Empire State Building is fully ADA compliant. We have handicapped restrooms on the 86th Floor Observatory and also have lowered viewing walls and binoculars. Service dogs are allowed throughout the building. Motorized and non-motorized wheelchairs are permitted. The 86th Floor has ramps to make getting around easier and lowered viewing walls so that visitors in chairs can still take in the view.
Additional Options:
102nd Floor Observatory: Upgrade available at Observatory ticket office (2nd floor) or 86th floor kiosk.
Express Pass: Purchase exclusively from the official Empire State Building onsite ticket office on the day of arrival to move to the front the line.
Dining: State Grill and Bar offers a prix fixe dinner package to observatory guests with fresh locally sourced foods prepared in our glass enclosed kitchen and unique, local craft beers and cocktails. There are also two Starbucks, a café, Chipotle, Sushi-teria, and the budget minded Heartland Brewery.
Building Information
1,050 feet to the 86th floor Observatory
1,250 feet to the 102nd floor Observatory
1,453 feet, 8 9/16 inches to the tip of the broadcast tower
Broadcast tower adds 203 feet 8 9/16 inches
103 floors
1,872 steps to the 103rd floor
Sits on 79,288 square feet, approximately 2 acres
Weighs 365,000 tons
Volume is 37 million cubic feet
200,000 cubic feet of Indiana limestone & granite exterior cladding
An estimated ten million bricks were used in construction
730 tons of aluminum and stainless steel were used in construction
57,000 tons of steel were used in construction
Contains 473 miles of electrical wiring and 70 miles of pipe
6,514 windows
210 columns at the base support the entire weight of the building
Construction was completed in one year and 45 days
Seven million man-hours went into constructing the Empire State Building
Final cost of property and construction was $41 million
73 elevators
Five entrances
2.85 million rentable square feet
Madame Tussauds New York
There’s so much to see and do at Madame Tussauds, interact with, take pictures of and get up close and personal with over 220 life-like wax figures of celebrities, politicians & icons from the past and present. Experience the magic our of Cinema 4D theatre, that delivers 3D technology with the latest in 4D special effects! Scare yourself silly with the dark side of Madame Tussauds in SCREAM, our live-actor filled attraction and finally immerse yourself in the real essence of New York City in our newest exhibit, The Spirit of New York! Located in the heart of Times Square, no visit is complete until you’ve experienced the world famous Madame Tussauds.
The Spirit of New York – 2,000 square foot exhibit
Experience the Spirit of New York, our new interactive exhibit celebrating New York's greatest icons and unforgettable moments.
Immerse yourself in everything that is New York with a vibrant walk through the city's history along with iconic wax figures of yesterday and today. From classic movie scenes to moments that lifted spirits and shook history, a stop in NYC is not complete until you've experienced the world-famous Madame Tussauds. Stand along side Marilyn Monroe in a classic NY scene, ring the bell at the Stock Exchange, and reflect on the past at the 9/11 Memorial. Take a scenic stroll through Central Park, sit behind the wheel of a real NY cab or step on set of the "LIVE! with Regis & Kelly" show for your very own interview!
From the Brooklyn Bridge to Broadway, there is only one place in the city where you can experience so much of New York without ever leaving Times Square. Look no further, it's all at Madame Tussauds New York!?
Tras abandonar su resort y conocer a sus guías, empezaremos el ascenso hacia la reserva de Soria. Apreciaremos increíbles vistas del paisaje volcánico a lo largo del camino, una vez allí nos detendremos para tomar un desayuno tradicional (no incluido) de especialidades de la región, zumo de papaya recién fresco y pan casero. Ha llegado el momento de seguir adelante por la carretera, a toda velocidad por caminos de tierra levantaremos nubes de polvo a nuestro paso. Verás las casas-cueva locales, las plantaciones de frutas tropicales y las formaciones rocosas fuera de este mundo. Después de un viaje a través de un fragante pinar, pararemos en Tunte para almorzar en un restaurante tradicional. Disfrutaremos un festín de pollo asado, una selección de ensaladas y diminutas patatas de la región, acompañadas con mojo picón. La sangría y los refrescos también están incluidos en el precio. Luego, los más valientes pueden ir a dar un paseo en camello al estilo bereber en Fataga, por unos 30 minutos. Por la tarde continuaremos con nuestro viaje, atravesando algunas de las múltiples reservas naturales de la isla, haremos un montón de paradas para hacer fotos antes de regresar al resort más tarde. Esta aventura llena de acción 4X4 es la mejor manera de descubrir los encantos ocultos de esta hermosa isla.
Uno de los cruceros más grandes jamás construidos, la única nave de su tipo que sobrevivió habiendo estado activa en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Guerra de Corea. Lanzado en 1938 HMS Belfast pronto fue comisionado al servicio en 1939 como el mayor crucero a disposición de la Marina Real en aquél momento. Jugó un papel importante en la destrucción del crucero de batalla alemán Scharnhorst y en el desembarco de Normandía. Sirvió a la Armada Real hasta el 1.965, cuando fue salvado por la nación en 1.971 como recordatorio del único patrimonio naval de la Gran Bretaña. Construcción Naval Esta nueva exposición orientada a las familias está formada por una parte práctica, pantallas interactivas y proyecciones que muestran las técnicas de construcción naval y de la época de la navegación a vela hasta métodos de prefabricación modernos. La exposición se centra en la ciencia, la ingeniería y la historia social de la construcción naval en la Gran Bretaña, y los elementos interactivos de la exposición le permitirán que los niños de todas las edades participen en la experiencia. Explore Uno de los cruceros más grandes es el único superviviente después de haber estado de servicio durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ha servido a la Gran Bretaña durante 32 años, jugó un papel importante en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Guerra de Corea, y también realizó otras misiones entre los años 50 y 60. Se salvó de ser destruido en 1971, y ahora forma parte del Museo Imperial de la Guerra y es el primer barco preservado por la nación desde Nelson’s Victory. Gracias a los trabajadores y voluntarios – muchos de los cuales son veteranos de la tripulación – el museo se asegura de que HMS Belfast todavía tiene un papel importante que desempeñar en el patrimonio británico marítimo. La historia del HMS Belfast El término “crucero” se remonta a los tiempos en que grandes fragatas podían separarse de la flota oficial para cruzar de forma independiente. El crucero de vela, al igual que su contraparte del siglo XX, fue lo suficientemente potente y rápido para atacar y destruir los enemigos. Durante el siglo XIX, cuando la vela se convirtió en vapor y los barcos de manera fueron reemplazados por los construidos de hierro, y más tarde de acero, el crucero se convirtió en un buque de guerra utilizado para patrullar las rutas comerciales del imperio. Tenga en cuenta: los niños menores de 16 años deberán ir acompañados por un adulto. Duración aproximada de la visita: 1½ - 2 horas
Are you ready for: The Captain Hook Cruise for the whole family? This Pirate Boat Trip is on top of the must-things-to-do for children in Albufeira. Your kids will have the best day of their holiday, for sure! This Pirate Cruise is a pleasant sailing trip for a nice price, ideal for groups and families. From the prirate boat you can observe the rock formations and beaches of Albufeira, São Rafael, Castelo and Galé from a true Captain sailing ship and you can even go for a dive in the Ocean! Highlights: 2-hour excursion to the most paradisical beaches of the Algarve: San Rafael, Castelo and Galé, led by a local guide; 100% fun guarantee for your kids; If you feel like a refreshment, take a dive into the cool ocean; Access exclusive areas far from the busy touristic areas; Onboard commentary and safety briefing included by experienced skipper. Don’t forget: There’s no need to print your ticket, but please bring your reference number and ID card to check-in; Bring sunscreen, swimming gear and a towel; Safety briefing and life-jackets included; Food and drinks are not included; The ship, “Leãozinho”, small lion in Portuguese, complies with the latest safety and rescue equipment according to the EU regulations for safety at sea; Check-in should be done at the location provided on your ticket 20 minutes before departure; Detailed operator information, including local telephone numbers and addresses, are included on your confirmation email.