We are excited to announce a new drop ride and show – Escape Alcatraz – has arrived at the San Francisco Dungeon ! The new ride creates a thrilling finale to the sixty-minute Dungeon experience, complete with fresh sets, script, characters, and costumes, culminates in a heart-pounding drop ride simulating a jump from the infamous island prison into the frigid and choppy waters of the San Francisco Bay. Escape Alcatraz is now included in all tickets. The Dungeons is the first for Merlin in the USA and Madame Tussauds is the fifth addition to the USA and a cornerstone on Merlin Entertainments roll out of new sites across the USA, Asia, Europe and Australasia. The San Francisco Dungeons is an experience that will inform and entertain, is scary but fun, that sees the funny side of horror and is grippingly captivating. Humour sets Dungeons apart with this actor-led live shows as it trawls through history and brings every visitor face-to-face with the chilling truth our past. Madame Tussauds is the ultimate celebrity fun day out, where else can you get up close and personal with A-List celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights and historical icons and relive the lives, events and moments that made the world talk about them. HALLOWEEN AT THE SAN FRANCISCO DUNGEON 2015 SCARE DATES ANNOUNCED OCTOBER 1ST – OCTOBER 31ST, 2015! Miss Piggott is returning to The Home of Halloween, The San Francisco Dungeon! Join Miss Piggott as you experience 200 years of history through 9 live actor shows. October heralds the return of Miss Piggott, a saloon owner who may or may not run a little shanghaiing business on the side. She's been away looking for some new girls for her saloon, but she's been hearing some news about this Jack fellow who's moving in on her turf and might be threatening her girls. She'll be scoping out the situation, so she might pop up for a night at a bar or two in the city, working the crowds and listening in for some of the latest gossip. She's planning to be back in the Dungeon by Halloween, right in time to chase Jack away, and ply her new customers with some more tricks and treats. The San Francisco Dungeon is the first attraction of its kind in North America and brings to life the stories of the old Bay Area with a full theatrical cast, special effects, gripping storytelling, and 360-degree sets. The San Francisco Dungeon is the ultimate live action journey through the Bay Area’s murky past where the audience is part of the show. ** No child or children under the age of 13 will be admitted to The San Francisco Dungeon unless accompanied and supervised by a paying adult aged 18 years or over.
Siam Park Just some of the attractions for you to enjoy at Siam Water Park include... Siam Parks’ most iconic feature, The Tower of Power, is also its most jaw-dropping thrill ride. Climb the tower, take a deep breath and hang on to your swim wear as you plunge down the almost vertical 28 metre drop in “free-fall” and emerge (unscathed but screaming your head off!) via a mysterious aquarium. The Lost City uncover the secrets of this splashy water fortress as you venture across bridges, through waterfalls and down gentle slides. This is the park attraction for kids that adults love! Baby Zone not to leave anyone out, Siam Park also has a special area for water babies! The really young members and their parents can enjoy slides that have been specially designed for them. Relax and sunbathe underneath the palm trees as you take in the beautiful views at La Gomera and the ocean or enjoy a snack on the white sand beach and in a wonderful Thai atmosphere. With its comfortable sun beds and sun umbrellas available, the turquoise waters will transport you to paradise. Water temperature 24º. Sea Lion Island as you enter the park there is a warm welcome from the fun-loving Sea Lions. They can be watched as they swim and play, showing you just how much fun can be had in the water. Royal Delfin The 2 hour excursion is a great way to see how you enjoy the sea and visa versa. When the whales and dolphins are close to the boat you can get excellent views through the glass bottom, or window in the catamaran but if they are a distance away you will get a good view of them from the deck. Whale watching is like fishing and it can't always be promised that you will see them but you have a better chance to see them in these waters than anywhere else in Europe. Through the glass bottom you will see plenty of fish and if the whales appear beneath the boat you will really see them up close and personal! As you sail on the crystal clear water you will be treated to spectacular views of the coastline and of the beautiful island. A perfect way to enjoy a family day out with sun on your face and a soft gentle and welcoming breeze blowing through your hair! Bon Voyage! Including on-board service: Specialized guides on board. Panoramic windows with submarine vision. Live submarine TV. Don't forget to bring with you bathing suit, cap, sun creme and suitable shoes!
El Tour de 30 minutos será guiado por uno de los capitanes experimentados. A tener en cuenta: todos los tours en hirdrodeslizador incluyen la entrada de las áreas de exhibición. Los espectáculos van incluidos con todas las áreas de exhibición. Exhibición de reptiles Esta exhibición presenta docenas de especies de reptiles, tanto nativas de Florida como exóticas. Aprenderás datos interesantes de las amigables tortugas e iguanas y también sobre el cocodrilo llamado Caníbal de 46 kg. Los adiestradores demostraran como estos animales viven y sobreviven en la naturaleza Exhibición de los Everglades En esta exhibición se hace la presentación del vídeo “Our Everglades Story”. Este video muestra la historia de los Glades y la relación con algunos temas importantes de la actualidad, como los esfuerzos que han hecho a lo largo de los años para conservar la zona de los Everglades. Exhibición de animales exóticos Una organización a parte lleva cada día una variedad de animales al parque para que puedan ser visitados. El objetivo principal de esta organización es educar e informar al público sobre las especies en peligro de extinción, como la Pantera de Florida. Los mamíferos que están al cuidado de esta organización son adoptados o rescatados de instalaciones que han perdido la licencia o de particulares que poseían el animal ilegalmente. Normalmente los animales que podrá observar de cerca son panteras, leopardos, caracal, linces e incluso algunos mamíferos más pequeños. Tenga en cuenta que los animales de esta exhibición pueden cambiar día a día y no hay garantía de que siempre encuentre animales específicos.
Nehmen Sie sich so viel Zeit wie Sie brauchen, und erkundigen Sie den weltberühmten Fußballclub in Ihrem Tempo. Hier werden die wildesten Träume aller Fußballfans wahr! Sie haben auch die Möglichkeit, eine exklusive Tour durch das Stadion zu machen, um Orte zu besuchen, die normalerweise geschlossen sind. Gehe den Tunnel entlang, der zu den Umkleideräumen führt, setze dich auf die Bank und versuche dir vorzustellen, wie die Manager das Spiel sehen. Betreten Sie das Spielfeld und besuchen Sie sogar die "Director's Box": die exklusivste Zone des Santiago Bernabéu Stadions, die den Offiziellen beider Mannschaften, Würdenträgern und besonderen Gästen vorbehalten ist. Es ist auch der Ort, an dem die Kapitäne von Real Madrid viele der Trophäen gesammelt haben, die in der glorreichen Geschichte des Teams gewonnen wurden. Im Anschluss werden Sie eingeladen das offizielle Museum zu besuchen, das die legendäre Geschichte des Real Madrid feiert, und Ihnen die Möglichkeit bietet, mit dem Team in die Vergangenheit zu reisen und alles über seine Siege zu erfahren. Das Museum enthält Exponate, die alle Fans ansprechen werden. Die Tour endet im offiziellen Clubladen. Neuer interaktiver Audioguide: Ein unterhaltsames, innovatives digitales Erlebnis, das Ihnen erlaubt, die Bernabeu Tour noch intensiver zu erleben. Verfügbar in Spanisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Russisch und Chinesisch. Es kann im Stadion für 5 € gekauft werden.
At over 828 metres (2,716.5 feet) and more than 160 stories, Burj Khalifa holds the following records: Tallest building in the world Tallest free-standing structure in the world Highest number of stories in the world Highest occupied floor in the world Highest outdoor observation deck in the world Elevator with the longest travel distance in the world Tallest service elevator in the world
Saldremos del hotel alrededor de las 09.30 para dirigirnos al fascinante enclave maya y tzotzil de San Juan Chamula, famoso por sus singulares costumbres religiosas que mezclan las creencias católicas con las mayas. Durante la visita conoceremos aspectos de la cultura y las tradiciones de esta sorprendente comunidad. Primero visitaremos su cementerio atmosférico, con sus cruces mayas diseminadas por una colina. Desde allí recorreremos el pueblo hasta la iglesia principal de la comunidad. Nuestra próxima parada es San Lorenzo Zinacantán, otra comunidad de habla tzotzil. Es una de las comunidades más pintorescas del altiplano, como se observa en la vestimenta de color rojo, azul y púrpura brillante, bordada con grandes flores que usan los habitantes de la localidad. Visitaremos la iglesia principal de la comunidad y también trataremos con los lugareños, a los que podríamos comprar alguno de sus magníficos trabajos. En el camino de vuelta, realizaremos una visita guiada a la maravillosa ciudad colonial de San Cristóbal de las Casas, antes de regresar al hotel alrededor de las 14.30h.