Weicher, warmer Bezug aus Frotte, der einfach wie ein Spannbetttuch über deine Wickelauflagen zu ziehen ist.
You know how it is, you just pop out to enjoy some of the local tourist spots, take some pictures, maybe treat yourself to an ice cream, and suddenly you find an amazing local shop tucked away selling the perfect gifts for your friends and family back home. But you don't want to have to carry a bag... luckily you remembered to pick up your Travel Blue folding rucksack which folds into a pouch small enough to tuck into your pocket. When unfolded it's big enough to get those souvenirs back to the hotel. The pouch also turns into a separate small zipped pocket on the side of the bag and there's a mesh pocket perfect for water bottles on the other side. Adjustable shoulder straps and finish off this feature packed bag. Dimensions (W/H/D) - folded 9 x 11 x 3cm , unfolded 30 x 36 x 9 cmCapacity - 11 litresMaterial - 100% PolyesterRub-a-dub-dub - Wipe Clean
Une formule hypoallergenique et des ingredients doux pour cette Eau nettoyante apaisante Bebe sans rincage 400ml Acorelle. L aloe vera bio aux vertus hydratantes protege l epiderme delicat de bebe. L eau florale de bleuet bio rafraichit et apaise la peau fragile de bebe. La glycerine vegetale hydratante adoucit la peau et la rend plus souple. Les agents lavants doux nettoient delicatement la peau de bebe et ne necessitent aucun rincage. Un parfum 100% d origine naturelle aux notes douces de fleur d oranger et d amande Les essences apaisantes de bigaradier et de verveine exotique feront du change un moment de plaisir et de bien etre pour maman et bebe. De l eau thermale de Castera-Verduzan source Grande Fontaine aux vertus naturelles et reconnues. Cette eau thermale riche en sels mineraux et en oligo-elements a des proprietes apaisantes pour la peau. Composition: Eau thermale de Castera-Verduzan source Grande Fontaine : apaise la peau.
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