Perfect replacement for your old spinner frame.
Smoothly working with your bearing.
Fitted tightly with your bearing.
Also comes with two buttons.
Thème:Thème classique,Thème floral; Saisons:Pour mariage en hiver Noël,Pour mariage en automne,Pour mariage en été,Pour mariage au printemps; Catégorie:Eventail; Matériaux du cadre:Bambou; Tissu:Dentelle; Style:Eventail classique; Embellissement:Rubans; Taille approximative de l'éventail étendu:11"H,19 1/2" de diamètre (hauteur 28cm, 50cm de diamètre); Taille approximative de l'éventail plié:10 1/5 "lx 1 1/5" de diamètre (26cm de long x 3cm de diamètre); Poids net:0.05kg; Poids de livraison:0.10kg; Emballage:Boîte à cadeau; Conseils:Chaque éventail est vendu spéparément
Great for ADD ADHD sufferers.
Helps relieve stress and focus attention.
Perfect size suitable for carry every day.
Feels nice in the hands with its metal texture.
Only for adults and kids over 14 years old!
Portable and fun, great for focus and deep thought.
Hybrid ceramic bearing, providing smooth, fast and constant long-time spinning.
A good choice for killing time, helps relieve stress.
Great for fidgety hands, ADHD sufferers.
Especially helpful to relax effectively when you are all nerves.
It's fun and interesting, also effective for focus and deep thought.
Mini enough to put in your pocket, have fun anytime.
Keeping your floating attention busy.
How to use:
Hold spinner in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly and keep it spinning indefinitely by using small strikes. Spinners can start and stop spinning only with the help of one finger.