Royal Yacht Britannia Esta magnífica embarcación ha huéspedado algunas de las personas más famosas del mundo. Pero, por encima de todo, has sido el hogar de Su Majestad La Reina y la Familia Real. Ahora en Edimburgo, sea bienvenido a bordo para descubrir el corazón y alma de la más especial de las residencias reales. Antes de que suba a bordo del Royal Yacht Britannia, se le dará una audioguía complementaria con todas las cautivadoras historias de la embarcación y muestras únicas de la vida de la Familia Real Británica. Desde Sir Wiston Churchill hasta Boris Yeltsin, Rajive Gandhi o Nelson Mandela, algunas de las personas con más influencia del mundo han sido bienvenidas en el Britannia. Ahora podrá estar donde estuvieron y descubrir lo que se encontraron. Puede escoger disfrutar del tour en un gran número de idiomas. También hay una audioguía infantil en inglés, una versión para gente con problemas de visión u otra para gente con problemas de aprendizaje. También hay la opción de llevar los diálogos de las audioguías escritos. Empezará su visita en el Puente en este tour sin guías que cubre las cinco magníficas cubiertas del Britannia, llevándolo por las fabulosas Cámaras de Estado y las habitaciones de los empleados, y acabando en la reluciente Sala de Máquinas. La mayoría de los objetos de abordo son piezas originales que han sido amablemente cedidas por la Colección Real. Algunos de los puntos más destacados del tour incluyen el Comedor de Estado, el Sun Lounge y la Sala de Guardia de los Oficiales. Esté preparado para encontrarse con algunas sorpresas en el Britannia. Busque el Garaje de abordo con los Rolls-Royces de Su Majestad. Incluso podrá ver por dentro el Dormitorio de La Reina, un espacio único que no se puede ver en ninguna otra residencia real. En Marzo de 2009 se abrió el Royal Deck Tea Room a bordo. Siéntese y disfrute de las increíbles vistas marítimas mientras los amables camareros le sirven aperitivos con tés especiales y cafés y un ambiente espectacular. Una vez vuelva a tierra firme, la galardonada tienda en la Ocean Terminal le ofrecerá regalos exclusivos y muy populares del Britannia, tan originales como la misma embarcación. ¿Qué escogerá para rememorar su visita? Castillo de Edimburgo Información del Castillo de Edimburgo Encontrará muchas cosas que hacer y ver en el Castillo de Edimburgo. Para empezar unas vistas impresionantes, ya que el castillo ocupa un lugar privilegiado en lo alto de la ciudad, por otro lado, también encontrará mucho que contemplar en su interior. El Gran Salón es una de las principales atracciones, este se utiliza como sede principal para las asambleas de estado y se cree que fue acabado en el siglo XVI. Mide 29 por 12 metros y tiene muchos elementos admirables como el techo renacentista. También podrá aprender mucho en su visita al Castillo de Edimburgo, en el Museo de la Guerra Nacional, en la Exposición de Prisiones de Guerra, en el Museo al Regimento Royal Scots, en el Memorial de la Guerra Nacional Escocesa y en el Museo al Regimento Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. Observe los cañones del Castillo de Edimburgo para conocer la artillería, una parte importante de la historia militar del castillo. El Mons Meg es capaz de disparar una piedra de 150 kg a más de 3 kilómetros y cuando fue construido era tecnología pionera. El One O'clock Gun se llama así porque se disparaba en esa hora todos los días. Esto se estableció en 1861 para informar de la hora a los barcos cercanos. Las joyas de la corona del Castillo de Edimburgo, conocidas como Honores de Escocia, son también de visita obligada debido a su impresionante belleza. Están permanentemente expuestas en la Sala de la Corona. La capilla del Castillo de Edimburgo se llama St. Margaret's y es el edificio más antiguo que se conserva en Edimburgo. Fue construida en 1130 por David I y para su madre, y siempre cuenta con flores frescas. Tiene una bóveda a prueba de bombas desde el siglo XVI, cuando se utilizó como un almacén de pólvora. ¿Dónde se encuentra el Castillo de Edimburgo? El Castillo de Edimburgo ocupa una posición dominante en el centro de la ciudad, en la cima de un volcán extinto de 700 millones de años de antigüedad llamado Castle Rock. Con vistas a la capital, el Castillo de Edimburgo forma parte del conjunto llamado “Old and New Towns of Edinburgh” que es Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Tour del Castillo de Edimburgo Haga la visita guiada del castillo incluida en el precio de su entrada para beneficiarse del vasto conocimiento de los guías expertos. Escuche historias acerca del lugar contadas por la gente que lo conoce mejor y formule cualquier pregunta que le surja durante el recorrido. El punto de encuentro está en el reloj pasando la puerta Portcullis, una vez que haya pasado la cabina telefónica. ¿Quién construyó el Castillo de Edimburgo? Aunque se desconoce la fecha exacta de su construcción, el castillo de Edimburgo ha dominado sus alrededores con majestuosidad durante siglos. El castillo data de principios de la época normanda, cuando el Gran Salón fue construido por Jaime IV, aunque se cree que el lugar ya estaba ocupado en la Edad de Bronce.
National Geographic Encounter: Itenerary Your Encounter journey begins as a guided tour, where you'll experience a battle between two Humboldt squid, visit a luminous coral reef at night, and more. Once you “swim” through a kelp forest, you’ll continue at your own pace, as you find yourself in the middle of a magnificent feeding frenzy and get up-close with a life-sized 50-foot humpback whale. You’ll then dive even deeper on your adventure in Exploration Hall. Hear breathtaking stories from National Geographic photographers and deep-sea explorers. Take on ocean gaming challenges. Learn about the sea’s greatest wonders and mightiest creatures. And discover how you can be a champion for our oceans in everyday life. Empire State Building: The world-famous 86th and 102nd floor Observatories offer unmatched views of New York City and on a clear day one can see to New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Delaware. 1,050 feet above the city’s bustling streets, the 86th floor Observatory offers panoramic views from within a glass-enclosed pavilion and from the surrounding open-air promenade. 200 feet higher, our 102nd floor Observatory is a private and serene perch in the middle of the greatest city in the world. The Observatories have been a “must visit” for millions each year since it opened to the public in 1931. Each year approximately four million people are whisked to our 86th and 102nd floors, consistently one of New York City’s top tourist attractions. Visit the Observatories 365 days per year, day and night, rain or shine, for magnificent views of Manhattan and beyond. The Empire State Building embodies the feeling and spirit of New York City. It is recognized not only as an iconic landmark offering some of the most spectacular views on earth, but also as an international symbol of shared hopes, dreams, and accomplishment. Accessibility: The Empire State Building is fully ADA compliant. We have handicapped restrooms on the 86th Floor Observatory and also have lowered viewing walls and binoculars. Service dogs are allowed throughout the building. Motorized and non-motorized wheelchairs are permitted. The 86th Floor has ramps to make getting around easier and lowered viewing walls so that visitors in chairs can still take in the view. Additional Options: 102nd Floor Observatory: Upgrade available at Observatory ticket office (2nd floor) or 86th floor kiosk for an additional $20.00. Express Pass: Purchase exclusively from the official Empire State Building onsite ticket office on the day of arrival to move to the front the line. Dining: State Grill and Bar offers a prix fixe dinner package to observatory guests with fresh locally sourced foods prepared in our glass enclosed kitchen and unique, local craft beers and cocktails. There are also two Starbucks, a café, Chipotle, Sushi-teria, and the budget minded Heartland Brewery.
San Francisco Musem Of Modern Art: All visitors (including members and visitors 18 and under, who always receive free admission) require a ticket so we can ensure the museum does not exceed capacity. Order tickets in advance for all members of your party so everyone can enter the galleries at the same time. No eating, drinking, smoking, or sleeping is permitted in the Museum. Eating and drinking are permitted in designated areas only (Café 5, Sightglass at SFMOMA, and In Situ). Sealed food and drink containers are allowed if they are packed away inside a bag. Backpacks may not be carried on your back; they must be carried or worn on your front at all times. Aquarium Of The Bay: Explore the magic, beauty and wonder of San Francisco Bay at Aquarium of the Bay. Your visit will take you through three main exhibit areas that display the amazing riches that lie beneath the surface of the San Francisco Bay and surrounding waters. The Bay and the Animals Who Call it Home - approximately 20,000 animals who live in the Bay and nearby waters, from octopuses to eight-foot sevengill sharks. Guests are also treated to mesmerizing walls of jellies and a chance to have up close and personal encounters with leopard sharks, bat rays, skates, and other “splash zone" animals. By connecting our guests with native marine animals in an engaging and meaningful manner, we nurture transformative, emotional connections that inspire conservation advocacy. Because we reach over 600,000 people a year, these connections have high impact. Exploring environmental challenges: Climate change, habitat loss, water pollution, and unsustainable harvest. Provide research on local shark populations Bring back native salmon Assist chefs, restaurants and consumers in selecting sustainable seafood Remove invasive species from marine and estuary environments Support endangered species Educate the public and combat climate-induced sea level rise Enact policy that will create healthy fresh water flows back to San Francisco Bay Our research efforts are grounded in peer-reviewed science and focus on monitoring and improving life for all San Francisco Bay species. We work both alone and in partnership on research, including shark monitoring and captive breeding programs. Our goal is to understand how best to ensure that native animals can thrive in the busy, much used waters of San Francisco Bay, its estuary, marshes and tributaries.
Meet Your Host - Steve Cummins: Steve is an author, stand up comedian, radio host and headliner in every major comedy club in Ireland. He is currently the resident host of The Laughter Lounge, Ireland’s largest and most prestigious comedy club. He has performed comedy on the BBC, RTE and Channel 4. He has also acted on TG4. He has written for three major television projects and created, wrote and presented the comedy panel show “What Were We Thinking?” for the national broadcaster 2FM and hosted his own show, On Demand with Steve Cummins on All 80s Radio.A natural performer and people person Steve brings a warmth and professionalism to this unique Dublin City Sightseeing tour, only from Hidden Dublin Tours.
Take a 30 minute airboat tour of the Florida Everglades. Your tour will be guided by one of our experienced captains who have received extensive training. During the tour, you'll listen to fun facts about this impressive ecosystem. You may even catch a glimpse of wildlife as you skim across the glassy water. On our tours, feel free to let your spirit soar as you view nature at its finest. Note: All airboat ticket purchases automatically include entrance into our exhibit areas! Shows are included in all of the Exhibit Areas! Reptile Exhibit: Our reptile exhibit features dozens of species, both native and exotic to Florida. Along with our friendly turtles and iguanas, you can learn about Cannibal, our 1000 pound alligator. Our handlers are happy to demonstrate how these animals live and survive in the wild. We also have a variety of monitors and rescued exotic snakes. Be sure to bring your camera, so you can capture the excitement of you cradling one of these majestic animals with our "Hold a Baby Alligator" experience! Glades Exhibit: Start off by spending a few leisurely minutes enjoying the "Our Everglades Story" video presentation. This video touches on the history of the Glades and some current subjects of importance to its conservation efforts. Exotic Wildlife Exhibit: A separate organization that brings a variety of animals to the park each day to visit. They strive to educate and enlighten the public about endangered species like the Florida Panther. Mammals in their care are adopted and rescued from facilities who lose their licensing or individuals who possessed the animal illegally. Playful critters abound and amaze as you get up close and personal with many different animals that often include panthers, leopards, caracal's, a bobcat and even some surprise smaller mammals each day. Currently, they display Mia, a beautiful Florida panther, their black leopards, Damien and Jessie and a variety of other small mammals. The handlers are passionate about the care of these gentle animals and are happy to answer any questions. Please note that the variety of animals on display may change from day to day and there is no guarantee of specific animals at any time.
Highlights Explore and absorb all the major classic sights of Krakow See Wawel Cathedral, St Mary's Basilica, Wawel Royal Castleand, Kazimierz - Jewish history more Ticket Includes Bus ticket Boat ticket Professional audio guide Ticket Excludes Hotel Pick Up Food and Drink