Doppelseitige Klebefolie auf Rolle, 15 cm breit, 15 m lang. Zum einfachen Zuschneiden mit der Schere. Die Folie ist nach dem Abziehen der Schutzfolie milchig-transparent. Tipp: Ideal in Verbindung mit unseren Stanzschablonen. Gewünschtes Papier rückseitig mit der Folie bekleben, wie gewohnt ausstanzen und das fertige Objekt nach entfernen der Schutzfolie aufkleben.
practical zipped laundry washing bag sock bra cleaner mesh net. This laundry washing bag is made of nylon and it has three size that can meets different hosehold requirement. It can protect clothes, reduce rolling and distortion in washing machine and keep clothes in previous state. It is a good tools to store clothes or other stuffs. Such as the small one is suitable to storage socks, bra, underwear or others. The middle one is ideal to storage T-shirt, pants and others. The big one is useful to storage coat or other winter clothes :) Mesh design makes it ventilate and prevent rare delicacy. It is recommmend not to fill too much clothes when put it into wash machine. It is adviced to fill it about two thirds.
The Equalising range has been expertly formulated to create a range of products suitable for Oily and Combination skin types. Searching for balance, skin types of this nature crave products that will even tone and equalise oil and moisture levels. The products within the Equalising range have been blended with Orange Blossom and Ginger extract to satisfy this skin type demand. Orange Blossom offers natural healing for sensitive and delicate skin. Known to stimulate cell regeneration, this natural antiseptic treats oily and blemish prone skin whilst Ginger extract helps normalise and balance skin s oil production. By using this range of products, oily and combination skin types will achieve balance and help diminish problems associated with this skin type. The Equalising Includes - Equalising Cleanser (200ml), Equalising Toner (200ml), Equalising Moisturiser (200ml), Equalising Mud Mask (100ml), Gentle Facial Exfoliator (150ml).
10 niedliche, ausgestanzte 3-D Motive "Elche zum Liebhaben", mit Glimmerlack-Veredelung, ca. 6,5 bis 8 cm.
Marabu Metallic-Liner, 25 ml, Farbton: gelb . Universelle Metallicfarbe auf Wasserbasis für Textilen (nach Fixierung waschbeständig bis 40°C) und viele weitere Untergründe wie Papier, Holz, Metall, Glas, Leder, Kunststoff, etc. Anleitung: - Für sauberen und staubfreien Malgrund sorgen. - Trockenzeit ca. 6 Std. je nach Auftrag der Farbe. - Bei Textilien (Baumwoll- und Mischgewebe bis max. 20% Ku...
50 kleine Organza-Schleifen, Band ca. 7 mm breit, insgesamt ca. 3 cm, schoko.