London Zoo Tiger Territory: Heimat der zwei vom Aussterben bedrohten Sumatra-Tigern des Zoos, die nach einer umfassenden Sanierung ein brandneues 3,6 Millionen Pfund teures Gehege bekamen. Im Tiger-Territory begeben sich Besucher auf eine Reise durch einem indonesischen Lebensraum und begegnen den wunderschönen Tigern durch Glasfenster die vom Boden bis zur Decke reichen. Die neue Anlage, die fünfmal so groß ist wie das frühere Tigergehege, wurde mit dem ZSL-Team aus Tierpfleger, Naturschützern und Experten entworfen um sicherzustellen, dass es den Bedürfnissen der Großkatzen perfekt entspricht. Tiger sind ausgezeichnete Kletterer und beobachten ihr Terrain gerne von einem hochgelegenen Aussichtspunkt und Tiger Territory erlaubt ihnen genau dies zu tun. Die Anlage verfügt über hohe Bäume auf denen die Katzen klettern können und hohe Fütterungssäulen, um ihre natürlichen räuberischen Verhaltensweisen zu fördern. Für die meisten Katzenarten eher unüblich: Tiger lieben das Wasser. Besucher können beobachten wie sie in ihrem maßgeschneiderten Pool abhängen. Wenn sie nicht im Wasser spielen, haben die Tiger Zugang zu Indoor-Höhlen, in denen die Besucher den großen Katzen beim Entspannen zugucken können. Sorgfältig angepflanzt um die tropischen Blätter der Insel Sumatra zu imitieren, studierte das Team von Experten des Gartenbaus Bilder der einheimischen indonesischen Flora, die der Tierpfleger Teague Stubbington bei seinem jüngsten Besuchs des ZSL-Tigerschutzprojekts gemacht hatte. Tiger-Territory arbeitet auf der ganzen Welt um das Schicksal des Sumatra-Tigers zu ändern. Damit wird es ZSL ermöglicht Tiger im ZSL London Zoo zu züchten und mehr über dieses flüchtige Tier zu erfahren. Das European Breeding Programme und das Global Management Species Programme for Sumatran Tigers werden vom ZSL London Zoo koordiniert – hier sind ZSL Spezialisten verantwortlich dafür eine gesunde und vielfältige Tigerpopulation in Zoos auf der ganzen Welt zu gewährleisten. Tiger Territory wird eine Generation von Menschen informieren und dazu inspirieren die Tiger zu schätzen, ihre Rolle in dessen Überlebenskampf zu unterstützen und somit weiterhin Hoffnung für die nächsten Jahre zu schaffen. Animal Adventure Wir haben gerade unseren neuen Kinderzoo namens Animal Adventure eröffnet. Diese Ausstellung bietet Tausenden von Kindern die Möglichkeit in die Sehenswürdigkeiten, Geräusche, Gerüche und Erfahrungen des Lebens im Tierreich einzutauchen. Penguin Beach Der 1.200 m² großer Pool der Ausstellung ist viermal größer und dreimal so tief wie der alte Pinguinpool des Zoos. Er fasst 450.000 Liter Wasser. Unsere große Vorführfläche macht die Fütterungszeit zu einem noch größeren Spektakel als zuvor. Penguin Beach Live bietet zweimal täglich Fütterungen, bei denen die Besucher beobachten können wie die Vögel um ihr Essen tauchen. Penguin Beach ist eine Brutstätte für Kolonien von Humboldt-, Goldschopf-, Brillen- und Felsenpinguinen und eine spezieller Pinguinkinderspielplatz, in dem die Kinder schwimmen lernen können. Butterfly Paradise Die Butterfly Paradise Ausstellung im ZSL London Zoo zeigt Arten aus mehreren Großregionen wie Afrika, Südostasien und Mittel- und Südamerika. Meet the Monkeys Vor zwei Jahren haben wir unsere Meet the Monkeys Gehege eröffnet für eine Brutgruppe von Bolivianischer Totenkopfäffchen. Ihr Lebensraum wurde so entworfen, dass es den bolivianischen Regenwald so nah wie möglich nachbildet obwohl es im Zentrum von London liegt. Aquarium Das Aquarium ist seit 1853 im ZSL London Zoo beheimatet und hat eine sehr interessante Geschichte. Es ist in drei verschiedene Hallen unterteilt, in denen verschiedene Fischarten beheimatet sind. Das Aquarium ist ebenfalls an vielen verschiedenen Naturschutzprojekten und Zuchtprogrammen beteiligt Blackburn Pavilion Fliegen Sie zu unserem neuen tropischen Blackburn Pavilion und lassen Sie sich in einem Vogelparadies im Zentrum von London entführen! Clore Rainforest Lookout Neu im ZSL London Zoo. Spüren Sie die Hitze Südamerikas in unserem tropischen Biom, wo exotische Bäume gedeihen und südamerikanische Affen, Vögeln und Wirbellosen sich frei entfalten können. Hier gibt es keine Trennwand zwischen euch und diesem erstaunlichen Lebensraum. Gorilla Kingdom Diese bahnbrechende £5,3 Millionen Ausstellung holt Zentralafrika ins Herz von London. Es bietet Besuchern die Möglichkeit, die erstaunliche Welt dieser Tiere in einer natürlichen Umgebung ohne Gitter zu erleben. Interaktive Möglichkeiten und Bildungsaktivitäten werden Besucher aus allen Lebensbereichen ansprechen. Gorilla Kingdom hebt die Bedrohungen hervor denen diese majestätischen Kreaturen in der Wildnis ausgesetzt sind. ZSL arbeitet daran sie zu beschützen, und diese Ausstellung markiert eine wichtige Entwicklung im Bewusstsein und in der Unterstützung deren Notlage.
Siam Park Algunas de las atracciones que encontrará en Siam Park Parque Acuático… La atracción más representativa de Siam Park, Tower of Power, le dejará boquiabierto. Ascienda a lo alto de la torre, coja aire y agárrese fuerte mientras baja por una pendiente, casi vertical, de 28 metros de caída libre hasta emerger a través de un misterioso acuario. The Lost City – descubra los secretos de esta fortaleza acuática mientras se aventura a través de puentes, cascadas y toboganes. La atracción para niños que les encanta a los adultos. Baby Zone – para no olvidarnos de nadie, Siam Park tiene una zona especial para bebes. Los más pequeños también podrán disfrutar en estos toboganes especialmente diseñados para ellos. Relájese y tome el sol debajo las palmeras mientras contempla las bonitas vistas de la isla La Gomera y del océano, o disfrute de un snack en la tierra blanca de la playa en un maravilloso ambiente Thai. Con sus cómodas hamacas y parasoles, el agua turquesa le transportará al paraíso. Temperatura del agua = 24º. Sea Lion Island – al entrar al parque, será bienvenido por nuestros simpáticos leones marinos. Ellos le enseñarán lo mucho que puede uno divertirse bañándose y jugando en el agua. Maxi Cat Los guías formados le ayudarán a identificar la gran variedad de mamíferos que habitan alrededor de la isla. El delfín mular y el calderón son solo 2 de las 28 especies que habitan en este lugar. Asegúrese de traer su cámara de hacer fotos para capturar este gran momento mientras estos mamíferos juegan alrededor de su embarcación. A continuación, navegaremos hacia la costa sur y dependiendo de la excursión, iremos a visitar los acantilados en Los Gigantes. Relájese en nuestra cubierta espaciosa, dese un chapuzón o bucee en las aguas cristalinas del Océano Atlántico. Durante el viaje de regreso tendrá la oportunidad de ver los resorts y las playas y calas volcánicas de la costa mientras la excursión llega a su fin en Puerto Colón. Un día inolvidable para toda la familia. Incluye: - Comida - Transporte desde algunas localidades - Asistencia o Tour guiado Comida: El crucero por la mañana incluye un sandwich y fruta. El crucero por la tarde incluye paella y fruta. También se incluye cerveza, vino y refrescos. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Alemán y Francés.
Malta boasts over 7000 years of history and is brimming with attractions and places of interest. Enjoy the sea views as we take you around the best of Bugibba and all of its grand hotels and tourist points of interest. If you're looking to escape the Maltese sun for a while then hop-off at Bus Stop 5 and explore the Malta National Aquarium, an attraction that is great for all the family! A great place to wander around is the Qawra Seafront at Bus Stop 7, where you can breathe in the fresh sea air and watch the world go by. Another must-see attraction that is a guaranteed great day out is at the Mediterraneo Marine Park, located at Bus Stop 9 where you can watch some fantastic dolphin performances! For all the keen historians then be sure to hop-off at Bus Stop 20 to visit the War Museum at Valleta, situated right on the harbour. You'll learn all about Malta and it's role during the second World War. Live like a local for the day at the Marsaxlokk Fishing Village at Bus Stop 24, it's filled with little boats and if you're there on a Sunday, you can see the Sunday Market in full swing. Go ahead and book your tickets today!
A former convent and theatre, the Liceu hasn't always resembled the opera house we see today. Its history is full of ups and downs and mysteries that make this cultural icon a key venue which we invite you to discover on a guided tour of the building. You'll walk through its most representative areas, starting with the historic lobby, in the eclectic Catalan Renaixement style. From there, you'll continue to the auditorium, an exact replica of the impressive horseshoe-shaped hall designed by the architect Miquel Garriga i Roca in 1847. You'll go up to the Hall of Mirrors, an imposing room with a ceiling decorated with allegorical paintings and texts referring to art and music. You'll discover the new foyer, the area where people used to relax during the interval and currently a multi-purpose room which hosts small-scale performances.
ITINERARY Escape busy city life on this half-day trip from Dublin and take this Northern Coastal tour to Malahide Castle. At the first stop you can enjoy a live-guided tour of the refurbished Malahide Castle and explore the grounds that spam across 250 acres. When exploring make sure you watch out for some spooky ghouls that are said to have stuck around despite the restoration! Relax in the private gardens of Lord Talbot, which have been opened to the public and are described by garden lovers as a little botanic haven. Visit the unique local craft shops or sit back with a hot cup of coffee and a sweat treat from the Castle's coffee shop. Continue on with a scenic coastal drive through the picturesque Malahide & fishing village of Howth. Take time to wander around this charming village before we make our way to Howth summit for a spectacular photo opportunity overlooking Dublin Bay. The perfect way to unwind, less than one hour from the city!
London Eye At 135 metres, the London Eye is the world's tallest observation wheel, with 40 kilometre panoramic views on a clear day. The gradual journey takes approximately 30 minutes and offers spectacular views of London and its famous landmarks such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and St Paul's Cathedral. Now also included - London Eye 4D Experience!!! The London Eye 4D Experience is a groundbreaking 3D film with in theatre effects, such as wind, bubbles and mist, to make the 4D. The film itself is a touching story of a little girl in London with her father. Her view of famous London landmarks is obscured by people and traffic, but a seagull draws her attention to The London Eye and her father takes her for an experience; finally she has an amazing view of the city. Colourful parties inside the capsule, time lapse of The London Eye day and night and a spectacular firework display all add up to an emotional and entertaining experience; the perfect prelude to an experience on The London Eye itself. For a different perspective visit at sunset and see the city lights come on and the skyline awash with vibrant colours. Developed to further enhance your experience, the guide book offers a panoramic map of London, pointing out all the landmarks you will see on your journey. It includes interesting facts and figures about London and tells the story behind the concept, design and construction of London's newest and most talked-about landmark. The London Eye has 32 capsules, each carrying 25 guests, take you on a 30 minute journey through the most spectacular views of, over and around London spanning 25 miles in all directions. Safety and security is our number one priority. For your safety and convenience, please read the following information on what items can and can not be taken on to the London Eye. Please be aware that all guests are subject to a security search when boarding the London Eye. Please note that the following items CAN be taken on board the London Eye: · briefcases · laptops · small day size rucksacks and bags (maximum size 18" x 13" x 8" or 46cm x 33cm x 20cm) · baby bags The following items CAN NOT be taken on board the London Eye; · large bags/suitcases or rucksacks · motorcycle helmets · skateboards and rollerblades . tripods (unless agreed in advance with the London Eye) · baby buggies* · prohibited items** If you are unsure . * Baby buggies can be left at our 'Buggy' area facility in the ticket hall, although only for the duration of the experience. ** Prohibited items include sharp objects or anything which may be considered a security risk including penknives, scissors, metal nail files, toy or replica guns. If such objects are found or declared they will be checked in and returned to you after your experience providing the item is legal in the UK. Terms and conditions 1. Confiscated objects are left entirely at the owner's risk at all times. 2. London Eye Company (LEC) accepts no responsibility for the loss of or damage to any objects left with LEC. 3. LEC is entitled to refuse to store any visitor's objects at its sole discretion whether for public safety reasons or any other reason. Tower of London One of the most famous buildings in the world, the Tower of London was constructed in the 11th century - almost a 1,000 years ago and has been witness to countless significant events in the development of Britain's now democratic monarchy. During your tour of the Tower of London you will meet the magnificent Yeoman Warders or 'Beefeaters', clad as they were in Tudor times, hear the legend of the ravens and spine chilling tales from the Tower's long history. See the infamous Bloody Tower where the Princes were murdered, Beauchamp Tower where visitors can read carved inscriptions of past prisoners and Traitors Gate where those unlucky enough not to survive imprisonment had their heads impaled - and much more. We sell at less than the gate price, which gives you access to all the Towers and Attractions, as well as the unique Gift Shops, the historic New Armouries Restaurant, Tower Cafe and Kiosk. Your Tower ticket also includes entry to the Crown Jewels. Things to do and See at the Tower of London: Line of Kings Exhibition For over 300 years visitors to the Tower of London have marvelled at displays featuring arms and royal armour, life-sized wooden horses and figures of kings. The White Tower Currently hosting the Power House exhibition, about the various national institutions founded at the Tower of London, the White Tower is recognised as one of the most important historic buildings in the world. It has become an iconic symbol for Britain and London and is a must do on any trip to the Tower of London. Entry to The White Tower is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Crown Jewels The Jewel house at the Tower of London houses the world famous Crown Jewels. 23,578 precious stones and gems make up the Crown Jewels and include the world’s most famous diamond ‘ The Great Star of Africa’. Entry to The Crown Jewels is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Yeoman Warder tours The Yeoman Warders, also known as beefeaters, are the public face of the Tower of London. As well as guarding the Tower and Crown Jewels they also provide tours for visitor where they regale you with tales from the Tower. Yeoman Warder Tours are included in the Tower of London Ticket Price The Royal Beasts The last thing you’d expect to see at the Tower of London would be Lions, Tigers, Elephants and Polar Bears, but for over 600 years the Royal Menagerie played host to these and many more. Discover their extraordinary stories and what life was like for them at the tower. Entry to The Royal Menagerie is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Prisoners Exhibition Aside from the Crown Jewels the Tower of London is probably best known for being a prison. Prisoners have been at the Tower almost since it was built and the new interactive displays in the Prisoners exhibition help children and adults explore their stories. Entry to The Prisoners Exhibition is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Ravens ‘the kingdom and the Tower will fall if the six ravens ever leave the Tower of London’, well according to legend anyway. Whether this is true or not the ravens have become on of the Tower’s most famous sites, just make sure you see at least 6 when you visit! The Tower Green Believe it or not being executed inside the Tower of London was considered a privilege for those of high rank. The Tower Green contains a permanent memorial for those ‘lucky’ enough to be executed there. The Medieval Palace Being the oldest part of the Tower of London, the Medieval Palace contains amazing interiors that you won’t see anywhere else. here you can experience what life might have been like in a luxurious medieval household. Entry to The Medieval Palace is included in the Tower of London ticket price.