Features: Help to prevent dangerous and costly collisions. Help to provide increased safety for passengers, pedestrians and family members who happen to be around the moving vehicle. Detect small children and low walls as well. Anti-freeze and rain proof. Easy to install. 4 sensors system, double CPU and advanced chipset to enhanced coverage and detection, more sensitive. Colored LED display.
98% bacterial filtration efficiencyIdeal for dry surgery when there is no risk of splashes60 masks per packConforms to EN14683:2005 type II
Beschreibung Lochsäge Speed for Multi Construction, 68 mm, 2 11/16"""" Robuste Hartmetallzähne - für außerordentlich schnellen Bohrfortschritt und hohe Langlebigkeit. Speziell geformte, große Spannauswurfschlitze - für einen besonders schnellen Bohrfortschritt. Power-Change-Adapter - für einfaches Entfernen des Bohrkerns und schnellen Lochsägenwechsel. Die Schnittqualität hängt von der richtigen Drehzahl ab. 68 mm, 2 11/16"""". Technische Daten: Arbeitslänge: 60 mm Bohrer-Typ (Kategorisierung): Lochsäge Bohrloch-Durchmesser: 68 mm Material (Bohrer): Hartmetall Material-Eignung: Mauerwerk, Stein, Holz, Kunststoff
The Irwin SDS Speedhammer Plus Drill Bits are designed for SDS drilling. They drill exceptionally fast into brick, block, masonry, concrete and granite. The patented, unique single flute design ensures efficient, speedy removal of dust and lower vibrations and 28% greater capacity meaning more efficient waste removal. They have a patented extra short drill bit head which means the head takes 80% of the workload, ensuring higher durability and speed. Clears drilling dust directly into the flute, reducing the risk of clogging. The bits have 25% more tungsten carbide for extra strength and they drill 25% faster than competitive drill bits with the same high durability. In addition, they have more aggressive cutting angles and self-centring for faster drilling.Irwin Speedhammer Plus Drill Bit. Specifications:Diameter: 5.0mm.Total length: 160mm.Working length: 100mm.
812-1211-211 Solenoid 812-1201-211, 93265-19, 93265-1WR
Heller HSS Metall-Spiralbohrer 8.4 mm 18524 0 Gesamtlänge 117 mm rollgewalzt DIN 338 Zylinderschaft 10 St. (18524 0)