SODEMATUB Universaltisch 128RPB, 1.200 x 800, birnbaum/braun Arbeitsplatte: birnbaum, Gestell: braun, Höhe: 740 mm (128RPB)
Sehr praktisch und formvollendet. Das Dormiente Massivholzbett Nuevo in der Maxi-Ausführung besitzt einen breiten Rahmen und mehr Absenktiefe für Lattenrost und Matratze. Wie der preiswerte Grundtyp ist auch Nuveo Maxi aus geölter Buche und basiert auf dem gleichen komplett, metallfreiem Stecksystem.
Elektrisch, verstellbarer Komfortrahmen mit Schulterkomfort- und regulierbarer Mittelzone. Der Selecta FR7 Einlegerahmen ist aus hochwertigem, massivem Buchenholz, das mit Leinöl behandelt wurde. Das Ergebnis: eine samtig-glatte Oberfläche, die vor Abnutzung geschützt ist ohne dass die natürliche Atmungsaktivität des Holzes darunter leidet. Darüber hinaus ist der FR7 extrem stabil und leistungsfähig. Der Selecta FR7 bietet sowohl als starres Basismodell, als manuell verstellbarer Rahmen als auch in der elektrischen Version eine wirkungsvolle Schulterkomfortzone, die ein tiefes, angenehmes Einsinken der Schulterpartie erlaubt. Die notwendige Unterstützung im Lordosebereich schaffen die in der Festigkeit regulierbaren Doppelleisten der Mittelzone
The Phoenix FS2252E Excel Firefile Filing Cabinet Safe replaces the FS2242E and is able to hold A4 and A5 Suspension files plus can withstand temperatures in excess of 1050C for 90 minutes. The FS2252E 2 drawer filing cabinet is tested to NT Fire 017-90 Paper testing standards which ensures unrivalled protection for documents and data. The FS2252 E is fitted with a high Security user friendly digital electronic lock, programmable with users own code up to 16 digits. This Lock operates independently on each drawer allowing for any combination of open or locked drawers. Insulation is provided by the unique light weight Styronite F insulation material. Tight construction of body and drawer prevent smoke and heat damage to the contents and each drawer is individually insulated for better fire protection All steel is electrolytic zinc coated to provide for an extended life and is finished in high quality scratch resistant paint Ral9003 White which gives a brighter, smoother and longer lasting finish TheFS 2252E is the newupdated version of the FS2242 it benefits from heavy duty slide rails which allow the drawer to move back and forth smoothly while carrying up to a massive 50kg of filing Every Phoenix Excel Fire File has 2 years on site guarantee against manufacturing defect and free lifetime "after the fire" replacement warranty. OPTIONAL EXTRAS AVAILABLE : Optional high security electronic fingerprint locking available Optional data protection insert available to protect computer media - 'Mixed Media File'. Data media such as computer disks and tapes require added protection from heat and moisture, extending the firefiles capability to cater for this requirement is the media chest. This unique data protection unit, fitting snugly into the bottom drawer, provides for ease of use and ensures maximum protection for your valuable data.
Badetextil-Set von Jorzolino. Das Set aus hochwertiger Baumwolle enthält: 3 Waschlappen, 3 Gästetücher, 2 Handtücher, 1 Badetuch. Erhältlich in 16 verschiedenen Farben. Das Set wird in einheitlichen Farben versandt.
Phoenix Datacare DS2002F Data Safe with Fingerprint Lock The Phoenix UK Datacare Safe is ideal for use in the home or office and provides unrivalled protection against burglary, fire and water damage. This Size 2 DS2002F Data Safe is manufactured with an advanced high security fingerprint lock with a clear LED display and internal alarm which can be programmed with up to 128 fingerprints. This data safe also has an automatic slam-shut locking feature. This Biometric Fingerprint Safe is suitable for protection of £1,500 cash or £15,000 worth of valuables. It features an internal door and the twin water resistant seals provide an airtight water resistant inner compartment for your computer media. This Phoenix DS2002F Safe offers up to 90 minutes fire protection for your digital media due to its double walled steel body and door filled with fire resistant barrier material. The Datacare Safe is drop tested from 9.1 meters to ensure survival in the case of building collapse.