Produkteigenschaften: Kalt/Warm-Mehrfachkompresse 12 x 12 cm Die Kompresse sollte vor dem Auflegen in ein dünnes Tuch eingeschlagen werden. Anwendung maximal 15 Minuten. Anwendungsbereiche: S...
Exclusive information on Alli Alli 60mg Hard Capsules 84s -Weight Loss AidA healthy diet and physical activity are the foundations of weight loss and weight management are the basis of effective weight loss - alli works alongside these foundations to help aid weight loss. alli can help to boost weight loss by up to 50% when used in conjunction with a weight loss plan and is designed for those following a low fat, reduced calorie diet. The active ingredient within alli is orlistat 60mg, which is a clinically proven, evidence-based weight loss treatment. Recommended Dosage: One alli capsule to be taken three times a day with water immediately before, during or up to one hour after meals containing fat. No more than three 60mg capsules should be taken within a 24 hour period. Note: alli only works if it is taken with a meal that contains fat, alli has no effect upon diets that contain no fat content. If a dose is missed and it is less than an hour since the last fat containing meal, then the dose can be taken. However, if more than an hour has passed since the last meal, then no capsule should be taken.
Un niveau de stress eleve peut etre nocif pour les cellules de votre corps. Le stress peut contribuer au vieillissement cutane et peut augmenter les pensees et idees negatives. Vous pouvez alors perdre toute motivation ou envie d evoluer car il affecte egalement votre humeur et peut vous laisser dans un etat de colere inimaginable. Les personnes ne reagissent pas toutes de la meme maniere au stress : certaines se sentent depassees, certaines veulent tout abandonner etcertainess en prennent aux autres. Enfin, le stress peut avoir un effet negatif sur votre systeme nerveux. Energisyon 500ml du laboratoire Catalyonsest compose de cuivre qui est un oligo-element reconnu pour ses bienfaits sur le systeme nerveux. Le cuivre va aider a reduire votre niveau de stress oxydatif pour mieux proteger vos celules tout en vous procurant tonus et energie grace a son action regulatrice.
Fashion and Health Dual Loop styling is back this year and with a new silicone builds, the therapy bracelet is perfect if you are looking for a clean, comfortable and stylish design which is protected in the water, snow and the sun.
Clinically Proven Benefits - The DUO-LOOP wristband contains powerful negative ion producing materials in the pod and patented magnetic technology working together to produce the most powerful product of its type on the market today. Based on the magnetic therapy beliefs, this results in an increased blood flow, which produce higher levels of the anti-inflammatory white blood cells whilst helping to remove toxins from your body. - Flexi, waterproof silicone band dual loop style, ideal for an active lifestyle. - Negative ions improve performance and create a sense of wellbeing.
71% of people suffer from some sort of joint pain. Magnetic therapy has shown to: - Reduce pain - Increase mobility - Make daily movements easier - Reduce stiffness - And they are effective regardless of age, gender or health
Key Features - Powered by Colantotte to relieve stiffness and improves circulation - Alternating north and south polarity oriented ferrite magnets maximizes magnetic field - Infused with negative ions released at rates of over 1,000 cc - Registered as a CE Mark Class 1 Medical Device - Water resistant high grade medical silicone construction
Box Contents 1x Trion:Z DuoLoop Magnetic Therapy Bracelet Red White - Small
Produkteigenschaften: Die Whitening-Zahnpasta «White Is Black» entfernt Verfärbungen mithilfe von Aktivkohle, ohne zu schmirgeln, ohne zu bleichen. 950 ppm Fluorid. Stärkt die Mundgesundheit: Enz...
Produkteigenschaften: KELO-COTE® Gel ist ein leichtes, anwenderfreundliches Silikongel zur Narbenbehandlung. KELO-COTE® reduziert Narben nachweislich und flacht sie ab, mildert Juckreiz und vermi...