Permanent, gentle hair colour with a creamy texture; containing no ammonia, PPD or fragrance. Delivers perfect coverage of grey hair and intense, brilliant colour results. Quick and easy to apply, Exceptional performance, Covers grey hair 100%, Lightening up to 4/5 levels thanks to the super-lighteners, Total uniformity of the tone, Extraordinarily long-lasting results, Intermixable shades for personalised results. Every colour series is available in a 50 ml. size; the Natural series is also available in the 100 ml. size. Up to 70% of ingredients from natural origins: * value calculated in accordance with technical standard ISO 16128 in relation to the mixture of Nayo colour with Nayo Cream Activator. Contains Velian Complex, a patented blend of 4 plant extract (Mullein, Helichrysum, Flax, Dyer’s Chamomile) with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant characteristics.
viton s permanent hair colour from clynol with sejan seed extract intense, vivid and resilient colour results up to 100 per cent grey coverage light auburn brown 5.4 supplied
Lomé Paris Lomé Paris is a unique permanent haircolour cream. Its wide range of shades answers all colour wishes and offers 100% grey coverage and long-lasting colour results at optimal hair condition. The special formulation of Lomé Paris gives the hair a unique bright and intense colour, in fact a natural-looking colour result with intense shine. Ultimate Color. Natural Touch.
Spectral.CSF strebt danach, das Haar zu revitalisieren, zu starken und zu schutzen und ist ideal auf die Bedurfnisse von Frauen abgestimmt. Mit dem innovativen Aminexil-Komplex und der stimulierenden L-Arginin-Aminosaure wird Spectral.CSF zusatzlich mit Ginseng & Aloe Vera angereichert.
Le spray fixant KeratinMD est ideal pour fixer les fibres capillaires KeratinMD et assurer une tenue longue duree. Il aide ainsi a maintenir lapparence dune chevelure plus dense, plus longtemps, tout en lui apportant de la brillance. Formule sans sulfate, ni paraben, ni alcool.