Features: Stylish appearance, simple and easy to use. Just the right feel comfortable, writing smooth. Double headed pen is more convenient for you to use. Using PP material as pen shell, has great airtightness and durability. Watersoluble dye inks is odorless, non-toxic and environmental-friendly. The color will dissolve in the water; you can mix the colors as you like. Pen point has compact fiber and great air permeability, which ensures the ink permeate smoothly. Suitable for effect rendering, art design, and cartoon design.
Shipping Weight:0.113; Package Dimensions:; Listing Date:12/17/2020
Bei unserem Troyer Pullover gehen wir keine Kompromisse ein. Wir entscheiden uns bewusst für engmaschigen Strick aus durchweg super weicher Bio-Baumwolle. Eine schön schwere Stoffqualität, die leicht auf deinem Körper liegt. Ressourcenschonend geschneidert in Portugal und nach strengen Vorgaben GOTS-zertifiziert. Dazu ein hoher Kragen mit halbem Reißverschluss und eng gefasste Bündchen gegen jede Art von Winterwetter.
Temporada:Primavera Otoño; Tejido:Poliéster; Longitud de la Manga:Manga Larga; Delicado:Limpieza húmeda y en seco,Lavable; Sexo:Hombre; Estilo:Ropa de calle,Design,Casual; Elasticidad:Microelástico; Ocasión:Diario,Festivos,Deporte,Deportes; Tipo de Ajuste:Ajuste regular; Diseño:Letra,Estampados,Caricatura,Estampado,Cremallera; Escote:Con Capucha; Categoría:Chaqueta,Sudadera con capucha y cremallera completa; Página delantera:FF; Día listado:01/19/2023; Pecho:; Largo:; Entre Hombros:; Tipo de impresión:Impresión 3D; LONGITUD DE MANGA:; Cuerda de sombrero:
These wedding party socks make great gifts for the male members of the wedding party on your special day.
Features: Great for fidgety hands, helps relieve stress. Great gift for quit smoking, shaking legs, biting nails, etc. It is easy to clean, easy to carry, and easy to use. Perfect size suitable for adults and kids, simple, small, simple, discrete and fun, also effective for focus and deep thought. Finger playing and table top spinning both work well. High performance bearing for extremely fast and long spin times. Really magical item to release anxiety, mood, make you focus on your work. Extra smooth surface finish offers you wonderful and comfortable feel, never hurts your hands.