The Hellvape Rebirth RTA comes with 25mm diameter and 2ml juice capacity. The pack also attach a 5ml bubble tube for large juice storage. It features adjustable honeycomb airflow design, and the airflow hits coil directly, which will bring great taste for you. The Rebirth RTA also adopts dual-post build deck for easy coil installation. Plus easy screw-to-open top refilling design and colorful 810 resin drip tip, the Hellvape Rebirth is really an ideal rebuildable atomizer for DIY vaping fun. Dual-post build deck for easy coil building Honeycomb airflow for great flavor 2ml e-juice capacity with 5ml extra bubble tube 2 Post build deck with gold plated positive post 14x1mm and 2x1.5mm honeycomb airflow holes on each side Quarter turn top fill 2ml with straight glass and 5ml with bubble glass 7.5mm coil cutting tool 810 Cobra drip tip and 810 frosted drip tip included Easy screw-to-open top refilling design Colorful 810 resin drip tip Dual Post Build Deck 25mm diameter Size: 50 x 25mm Brand: Hellvape Model Rebirth Tank Capacity 5ml/2ml Diameter 25mm
Lachsfarben, intensive Aromen von Waldbeeren und Himbeeren, der Wein überrascht mit leicht exotischen Nuancen. Rund und ausgewogen, lebendig und frisch, leicht blumig und pfeffrig im Abgang. Passt zu Gegrilltem, frischen Salaten, aber auch zu fruchtigen Desserts.
Particulierement parfume, ce gros sel de Camarge aux legumes bio 90 gr pot recharge Provence d Antan est destine a relever des plats aussi varies que crudites, purees, riz et poissons. Ce sel de Mediterranee, associe aux legumes bio, deviendra tres vite l allie indispensable de votre table. Gout puissant, aromes exceptionnels. Gros sel de Camargue aux legumes bio Boite 90 g Marque : Provence D Antan Ingredients / INCI: Gros sel de Camargue Fenugrec Bio Oignon Bio Carotte Bio Poireau Bio Persil Bio Liveche Bio Curcuma Bio Clou de girofle Bio Poivre noir Bio Thym Bio Laurier Bio Romarin Bio Issus de l agriculture biologique.
Eleganter, tief rubinrot glänzender Menzoza-Malbec mit intensivem Duft nach roten und schwarzen Beeren. Am Gaumen wird die frische Frucht von weich gereiften Tanninen sehr harmonisch ausbalanciert. Passt zu: kräftig gewürzten Gerichten, mediterraner Küche mit vielen Aromaten und Kräuter. Aus biologischem Anbau
Ein Wein mit burgundischem Charakter. Aromen von Orangenblüten, Nüssen, Brioche und Butter. Bestechend strukturiert, feinkörnige Textur. Passt zu: Geflügel mit Cremesaucen, Lamm mit Ratatouille, gegrilltem Lachs mit scharfer Salsa, zu Rohmilchkäsen wie Langres und Epoisses.
Mild aromatic tea composition This mild and aromatic blend contains white tea and a few other selected ingredients from controlled organic cultivation. The Pure Beauty Tea is full of natural beauty boosters, each with their own unique properties. Preparation: Pour 1 teaspoon of Pure Beauty in 250 ml (80 °C) of hot water and brew for about 3 - 4 minutes. Ingredients: White tea, pineapple, lemon grass, ginger root, nettle leaves, red clover, pansy, orange blossom, olive leaves, burdock root, chamomile blossom 100% certified organic ingredients