Operating Calendar: Remember that LEGOLAND Florida and the water park are not open 365 days a year. Please click here for a detailed calendar view of opening times. FREE Shuttles available from Orlando: Shuttle leaves from I-Drive 360, 8350 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819. You can add a free shuttle voucher to your order here. KENNEDY SPACE CENTER Kennedy Space Center General Admission This package includes admission to KSCVC includes all of the exhibits, attractions, the IMAX theatre tickets and a very comprehensive bus tour to the Apollo/Saturn V Center. Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex (KSCVC) is a must see destination in Central Florida. Less than an hour east of Orlando, KSCVC provides a mixture of the past and the future, with rich historical references in each of the exhibits, coupled with a clear vision into the future, bolstered by the amazing learning from both the International Space Station and the Hubble telescope photos. It is easy to spend a full day at KSCVC, particularly if you would like to add on 'Lunch With an Astronaut*' or one of the special interest guided tours. Hotels are plentiful in nearby Titusville or the Cocoa Beach area, just south of Cape Canaveral. *Additional fee, to be paid direct at KSCVC. For a virtual tour of the Atlantis Shuttle, please click here: http://vtour.govtour.com/xplorit.php?tid=67507 Please note, this does not include Transport and is an entry ticket only.
Relive the glamor and cool of old Vegas as Frank Sinatra Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin come to life in The Rat Pack is Back with discounted tickets from ShowTickets.com
National Geographic Encounter Itinerario Su viaje por Encounter comienza como una visita guiada, donde experimentará una batalla entre dos calamares de Humboldt, visitará un arrecife de coral luminoso por la noche y más. Una vez que “nade” a través de un bosque de algas marinas, continuará a su propio ritmo, mientras se encuentra en medio de un magnífico frenesí de alimentación y se acerca a una ballena jorobada de 15 metros de tamaño natural. Luego profundizará aún más en su aventura en Exploration Hall. Escuche historias impresionantes de fotógrafos de National Geographic y exploradores de aguas profundas. Acepta juegos desafiantes en el océano. Aprenda sobre las maravillas más grandes y las criaturas más poderosas del mar. VR World NYC Experiencias Hay una amplia variedad de experiencias para todo el mundo. Algunos se divertirán disparando a droides en el espacio y luchando contra zombies, o quizás corriendo en una carrera, mientras que otros preferirán volar en parapente o escalar una montaña. También podrá disfrutar con cortometrajes en un mundo de realidad virtual o pintando en la green verde. Algunas experiencias requieren mover todo el cuerpo mientras que otras se realizan sentado. Colas Cada participante tiene aproximadamente entre 5 y 10 minutos en cada experiencia. La mayoría de las experiencias tienen un panel con un tiempo de espera para cada una de ellas. Los visitantes sólo pueden esperar en una cola a la vez. Sin embargo, hay algunas experiencias que no tienen cola y se pueden realizar en cualquier momento, incluso mientras espera en una cola para otra experiencia. Los participantes que se hayan inscrito con su teléfono móvil recibirán un mensaje de texto cuando les llegue su turno en la cola. Registro En la entrada, cada participante se registrará usando su nombre real, un pseudónimo, un correo electrónico, el número de teléfono y alguna otra información. Aunque no es obligatorio, si los participantes dan su número de teléfono recibirán una notificación cuando estén los primeros en la cola de las atracciones. Después de este proceso, se dará una pulsera a los participantes que servirá para entrar en la cola de cualquier experiencia VR y serán libres para explorar todo el lugar. Comida y bebida Hay una amplia oferta de bebidas no-alcohólicas, cerveza, vino y licores. Los cócteles de la casa no le decepcionarán. Podrá probar el VRWorldian, el Simon's Escape, el Caipirinha Assassin o el Salty Borzoi, sólo para nombrar algunos. No hay comida disponible. Aunque no hay comida dentro del edificio, los visitantes son libres de salir y entrar del edificio mientras dure el tiempo de su entrada.
Kensington Palace Kensington Palace London, residence of members of the Royal Family since the 17th century is now the official residence of the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge. A must see for any Royal fan. Visitors to Kensington Palace arrive through newly landscaped gardens and entrance hall to journey through the magnificent Kings and Queen’s State Apartments as a courtier. Filled with stories of two royal courts; the House of Stuart and the House of Hanover 1698 -1714, your success will depend on who you know, how you behave and how you dress. The rewards are great, but there are pitfalls along the way! Tower of London One of the most famous buildings in the world, the Tower of London was constructed in the 11th century - almost a 1,000 years ago and has been witness to countless significant events in the development of Britain's now democratic monarchy. During your tour of the Tower of London you will meet the magnificent Yeoman Warders or 'Beefeaters', clad as they were in Tudor times, hear the legend of the ravens and spine chilling tales from the Tower's long history. See the infamous Bloody Tower where the Princes were murdered, Beauchamp Tower where visitors can read carved inscriptions of past prisoners and Traitors Gate where those unlucky enough not to survive imprisonment had their heads impaled - and much more. We sell at less than the gate price, which gives you access to all the Towers and Attractions, as well as the unique Gift Shops, the historic New Armouries Restaurant, Tower Cafe and Kiosk. Your Tower ticket also includes entry to the Crown Jewels. Things to do and See at the Tower of London: Line of Kings Exhibition For over 300 years visitors to the Tower of London have marvelled at displays featuring arms and royal armour, life-sized wooden horses and figures of kings. The White Tower Currently hosting the Power House exhibition, about the various national institutions founded at the Tower of London, the White Tower is recognised as one of the most important historic buildings in the world. It has become an iconic symbol for Britain and London and is a must do on any trip to the Tower of London. Entry to The White Tower is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Crown Jewels The Jewel house at the Tower of London houses the world famous Crown Jewels. 23,578 precious stones and gems make up the Crown Jewels and include the world’s most famous diamond ‘ The Great Star of Africa’. Entry to The Crown Jewels is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Yeoman Warder tours The Yeoman Warders, also known as beefeaters, are the public face of the Tower of London. As well as guarding the Tower and Crown Jewels they also provide tours for visitor where they regale you with tales from the Tower. Yeoman Warder Tours are included in the Tower of London Ticket Price The Royal Beasts The last thing you’d expect to see at the Tower of London would be Lions, Tigers, Elephants and Polar Bears, but for over 600 years the Royal Menagerie played host to these and many more. Discover their extraordinary stories and what life was like for them at the tower. Entry to The Royal Menagerie is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Prisoners Exhibition Aside from the Crown Jewels the Tower of London is probably best known for being a prison. Prisoners have been at the Tower almost since it was built and the new interactive displays in the Prisoners exhibition help children and adults explore their stories. Entry to The Prisoners Exhibition is included in the Tower of London ticket price. The Ravens ‘the kingdom and the Tower will fall if the six ravens ever leave the Tower of London’, well according to legend anyway. Whether this is true or not the ravens have become on of the Tower’s most famous sites, just make sure you see at least 6 when you visit! The Tower Green Believe it or not being executed inside the Tower of London was considered a privilege for those of high rank. The Tower Green contains a permanent memorial for those ‘lucky’ enough to be executed there. The Medieval Palace Being the oldest part of the Tower of London, the Medieval Palace contains amazing interiors that you won’t see anywhere else. here you can experience what life might have been like in a luxurious medieval household. Entry to The Medieval Palace is included in the Tower of London ticket price. River Rover Hopper Pass With the River Red Rover ticket you travel in luxury on a fleet of river liners and may hop on or off at any of the piers as often as you like throughout the day. As the River Thames weaves its way through the heart of London there is history around every bend and there is no better way to see and experience the sights and splendour of this great city than from one of City Cruises modern, wheelchair-friendly RiverLiners™. Enjoy unsurpassed views of some of London's most famous landmarks from the vantage point of our open upper decks and spacious lower saloons with panoramic windows. Take advantage of two bars providing light refreshments and snacks . Cruises depart frequently from Westminster Pier, Waterloo (London Eye) Pier, Tower Pier and Greenwich Pier every day of the year except Christmas Day (25th December). Our shortest trips between piers last about 20-30 minutes while the full round trip takes about two-and-a-half leisurely hours.
There is a security check for entry into the Sainte Chapelle. Sharp objects are not allowed (corkscrews, Swiss Army knives etc.) and may be confiscated. We will make every effort to minimize disruptions to our tours caused by third-party employees We are not responsible for any loss associated with events out of our immediate control. Comfortable walking shoes are advised. There are 422 steps to the top of the towers at Notre Dame. The stairway is narrow in parts with small windows. If these conditions will make you feel uncomfortable you can skip this portion of the tour. This is the final part of the tour so you can leave the group at this moment if you would prefer not to make the climb. All of our tours operate rain or shine.
As one of the Sunshine Coast's leading family and tourist attractions, SEA LIFE Mooloolaba offers entertainment for young and old alike. Walk underwater through the glass viewing tunnel and see Australia's marine life like never before! Come within inches of huge sharks, rays and turtles and see some of the remarkable marine and freshwater animals that Australia is famous for.