MARDI GRAS WORLD: WHERE MARDI GRAS IS MADE! There are plenty of tours in New Orleans, but only one offers a real, behind-the-scenes look at New Orleans Mardi Gras, and that’s the Mardi Gras World tour. Mardi Gras World gives you an authentic Mardi Gras experience all year round, whether you visit while sightseeing in New Orleans, enjoying a New Orleans family vacation or taking a break from your business trip. Take our day tour to see what it takes to bring Mardi Gras to life year after year. Our tour allows you to see firsthand the hard work and extensive planning that goes into this grand event. Since 1947, Blaine Kern Studios has built the breathtaking parade floats for major parades not only for Mardi Gras, but for parades all over the world. Mardi Gras parades would be nothing without the fantastical floats that line the parade route year after year. The hard work that goes into making these spectacles is what makes Mardi Gras in New Orleans the greatest show on Earth! Our knowledgeable guides take the mask off Mardi Gras with an all-access Mardi Gras tour, winding through the massive studio where these magnificent floats are built from the ground up. You’ll learn about the history of this unique and festive tradition and go beyond its reputation to get a deeper understanding of the real Mardi Gras. The whole family will love the experience of touring the space where our artisans create spectacular floats for over 40 parades each year. There are plenty of opportunities for photos in front of floats, with props, or wearing a traditional Mardi Gras costume on this New Orleans tour. This is an experience you will want to document, so don’t forget to bring your camera! A FREE shuttle is provided with ticket purchase, and has pick-ups at 20 convenient downtown locations. Just call 504-361-7821 to see where our designated pick up locations are. Call when you are at one of our many locations and we will quickly pick you and your party up. If you do not wish to use our complimentary shuttle, the closest parking is available in Lot J across from the Mardi Gras World entrance. ($15.00/vehicle, owned by the New Orleans Convention Center, subject to change) Wandering through the magical float den is an exciting experience for kids and adults alike, so come join us for the best Mardi Gras tour around.
Two-time Oscar winner Glenda Jackson stars as the mad monarch King Lear in a bold new interpretation of Shakespeare's classic.
Grand Carillon (2017) In the middle of the Village from XVIII, Grand Carillon is an unusual musical that will take you back in time. At 16 meters from the ground, the ringers twirl and hit 70 giant bells to the rhythm of the most famous tunes: a spectacular melodic choreography! Le Signe du Triomphe After the highly-charged atmosphere of the Gallo-Roman Stadium, relax with a spell in the Middle Ages. In the Medieval City, admire the expertise of the master craftsmen before setting off on an adventure with ‘The Knights of the Round Table’. Les Vikings After witnessing the assault by the Viking longboats and being serenaded by the Traditional Musicians, take time out to visit the Fort of the Year Thousand and travel through time in the Puy du Fou Odyssey. Le Secret de la Lance Leave the Hundred Years War behind and go through the moat to discover a wide range of activities for the whole family and the Grand Parc’s new show «The Lovers of Verdun». Mousquetaire de Richelieu By the Grand Carrousel, the wonderful French gardens lead you to the Imaginary World of La Fontaine. Then experience the Belle Epoque atmosphere of the Market Town in 1900. Le Bal des Oiseaux Fantômes Deep in the ancient forest, Puy du Fou’s natural surroundings become part of a unique show. From the birds of prey aviaries to Flower Valley, enjoy wandering through a world in which nature reasserts itself. Les Orgues de Feu The Puy du Fou is also the kingdom of children. They are fascinated by the shows and have fun in the Grand Parc’s games and entertainment, before the magic of the Organs of Fire.
Kew Gardens, is a World Heritage Site located in 121 hectares of stunning vistas with six magnificent glasshouses set in a beautiful landscape beside the River Thames between Richmond and KEW in south-west London. Kew Gardens represents more than 250 years of historical gardens. It is home to a remarkable collection of over 30,000 types of plants from all over the world that range from the decorative to the peculiar. Kew Gardens provide opportunities for public enjoyment and enrichment and the behind-the-scenes scientific work helps ensure a sustainable future for plants and people. In the summer of 2004, Kew's determination to make serious botany great fun for children was demonstrated with the opening of 'Climbers and Creepers'. Bringing a new use to an old cycad house by White Peaks, Climbers and Creepers engages children from around 3-9 years in the pleasures of learning more about plants and their relationships with animals and people. Apart from the sheer beauty and tranquillity of the garden's landscapes Kew offers a wonderful day out for all, whether horticulturally, historically or botanically inclined. Botanical Highlights The dates below are approximate, and flowering can vary by three to four weeks, depending on the weather. Spring: Mid-February - early March: A million-and-a-half crocuses below the Temple of Bellona between Victoria Gate and King William's Temple - one of Kew's most spectacular displays (typically late Feb - early March). Camellias between Victoria Gate and the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanic Art. Spring bedding and spring flowers in the open woodland around the Azalea Garden. Daffodils, forsythia and cherry blossom. Orchids, bromeliads and anthuriums in Kew’s Tropical Extravaganza, an annual display of exotic blooms in the Princess of Wales Conservatory. April - May: Lilacs near Kew Palace and White Peaks. Spring bedding in front of the Palm House. Scillas in the Woodland Garden. Flowering cherries, crab apples, magnolias and tulips throughout the gardens. May - June: Bluebells in the Queen's Cottage Grounds. Lilacs, azaleas, rhododendrons and magnolias, Brentford Gate area. The tiny but beautiful alpine flowers in the Davies Alpine House and the Rock Garden. Himalayan blue poppies and rhododendrons in the Woodland Garden. Native plants in long grass areas. Horse chestnut blossom. Summer: June - July: Summer flowers in the walled Duke's Garden and in the Woodland Garden. Giant water lilies growing rapidly in the Princess of Wales Conservatory and the Waterlily House. The Mediterranean Garden near King William's Temple. The Rose Pergola, the Rose Garden and the Order Beds. The Rock Garden. Tulip trees, opposite the Palm House, Philadelphus near the Pagoda. July - September: Themed summer bedding in front of the Palm House. The Order Beds. Giant water lilies flowering in the Princess of Wales Conservatory. Water lilies flowering in the Aquatic Garden and Waterlily House. The herbasceous borders of the Duke's Garden, fascinating medincinal herbs in the Queen's Garden, Grass Garden, Rose Garden. Hibiscus, hydrangeas and Indian bean trees. Autumn: September - October: Autumn crocus in September in the Woodland Glade - Kew's first burst of autumn colour. Belladonna lilies. Trees in autumn colour. October - November: Last of the autumn colours. Grass Garden. Autumn-flowering crocuses, colchicums and hardy cyclamen. Strawberry trees west of King William's Temple and between the Princess of Wales Conservatory and Rock Garden. Winter: November - December: Fruiting trees and shrubs, winter bark. Winter-flowering cherry. January - February: Snowdrops in the Rock Garden and Conservation Area, crocuses along the Princess Walk. Witch hazels by King William's Temple. Cornelian cherry in the winter border in the Duke's Garden. Duchess border along wall outside the Duke's Garden. Camellias between Victoria Gate and the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanic Art. Clematis cirrhosa on the Rock Garden Wall. Rhododendrons in the Rhododendron Dell and, if the winter is mild, the carmine blooms of Magnolia campbellii might appear early. Shrubs in the Winter Border near the Ice House. The Davies Alpine House. Heathers, hellebores, viburnums and cornelian cherry.
Chicago CityPASS® ticket books include: • Shedd Aquarium • Skydeck Chicago • The Field Museum • Option Ticket 1: Museum of Science and Industry - Chicago OR 360 Chicago • Option Ticket 2: Adler Planetarium OR Art Institute of Chicago Option Tickets — You choose which of the two attractions you prefer to visit, but you do not need to decide this at the time of purchase. Shedd Aquarium VIP entry to Waters of the World galleries, Amazon Rising, Wild Reef, Abbott Oceanarium, Polar Play Zone, an aquatic show and Jellies special exhibit, plus your choice of a 4-D Experience. Skydeck Chicago Fast Pass admission to the Skydeck’s 360-degree views and The Ledge glass floor balconies. The Field Museum All-Access Pass, including admission to all permanent and ticketed exhibitions plus your choice of one digital 3D film. Museum of Science and Industry VIP entry into the museum, including Science Storms, U-505(exhibit only), YOU! The Experience, an Omnimax show and Motion Simulator Ride. 360 Chicago Fast Pass admission to Chicago’s best views and only open-air Sky Walk. Adler Planetarium VIP entry and general admission to all exhibitions, the historic Atwood Sphere and one 3-D theater show. Art Institute of Chicago Audio tour and admission to all permanent collections and non-ticketed special exhibitions.
Tanto como participante de el Encuentro con Delfines o como observador, tendrá derecho a asistir a todos los espectáculos y exposiciones del día seleccionado. Exposiciones Shark Channel – Cuando Miami Seaquarium® abrió por primera vez en 1955, una de las principales atracciones fue el túnel de los tiburones. Hoy en día, los visitantes aún quedan sorprendidos por estas temibles criaturas. En la actividad, los cuidadores de los animales les alimentan mientras explican las diferentes variedades de tiburones que existen en el mundo. Arrecife Tropical – Uno de los favoritos entre los visitantes del parque, el arrecife principal del acuario cuenta con 2.839 m³ llenos de peces de todos los tamaños y colores. Durante la presentación del arrecife, un grupo de participantes del Sea Trek irá acompañado por un buzo y realizarán una visita por al acuario que permitirá que los participantes alimenten los peces tropicales, los meros, las rayas y las morenas. Presentación acompañada de una narración informativa. Manatíes – En la exposición de los manatíes, los clientes podrán encontrarse cara a cara con los mamíferos del estado de Florida a través de piscinas y zonas submarinas. Durante la presentación tendrá la oportunidad de aprender obre estos fascinantes animales en peligro de extinción, y conocerá de qué maneras puede ayudar a salvar estas criaturas marinas. Los manatíes de las instalaciones forman parte del programa de rescate y rehabilitación de Miami Seaquarium®. Foca & Leones Marinos - La piscina para alimentar a los animales se encuentra adyacente a The Golden Dome, un lugar de referencia en Miami diseñado por el arquitecto Buckminster Fuller. A lo largo del día, los visitantes podrán disfrutar de las exposiciones donde podrán observar como los leones marinos y las focas se divierten bajo el sol del sur de Florida. Las sesiones para su alimentación se realizan a diario y ofrecen la oportunidad de alimentar a alguna criatura marina. Discovery Bay – Vea tortugas marinas, aves de Florida y otra vida salvaje en el manglar natural. Explore nuestra exposición de tortugas marinas para aprender sobre las 5 especies que están en peligro de extinción que habitan en las aguas de Florida. Las tortugas de las instalaciones forman parte del programa de rescate y rehabilitación de Miami Seaquarium®. Tropical Wings – Contemple una gran variedad de aves tropicales, incluyendo las cacatúas, los guacamayos, los flamencos y el conocido pavo real llamado Peeps. Escuche con atención a uno de los loros que le dará la bienvenida. Los cuidadores de los animales estarán a su disposición para responder a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener y le contarán todas las curiosidades sobre todas las aves de la exposición. Tropical Wings es el hogar de nuestra piscina interactiva de rayas. Acuario de peces tropicales – Explore la increíble variedad de vida marina tropical que habita en los acuarios de la zona Top Deck Dolphin. Estos acuarios cuentan con una gran variedad de especies de peces con características únicas: explore un gran número de criaturas marinas desde la langosta de Florida que habita en arrecifes de la zona hasta el pez león colorado que fue descubierto recientemente en las aguas del Caribe y que proceden del Pacífico y del Índico. Crocodile Flats – Crocodylus niloticus, también conocido como el cocodrilo del Nilo, es el centro de atención en la isla de Discovery Bay's Upper, conocida como Crocodile Flats. Está exposición está compuesta por 32 toneladas de piedras, 72 toneladas de arena de la playa, cocos y palmeras. Los cocodrilos miden aproximadamente de 1 a 3 metros, y cuando acaban de crecer, pueden llegar a los 5 metros y pesar 500 kg. Su principal dieta está formada por pollo, pescado y conejo. Stingray Exhibit – Conozca a las últimas criaturas que han llegado a Miami Seaquarium®, rayas del sur y rayas nariz de vaca que han establecido como su nueva residencia la nueva piscina de 38 m³ situada en la zona de Tropical Wings. Allí tendrá la posibilidad de alimentar a los animales. Las sesiones para su alimentación se realizan a diario y ofrecen la oportunidad de alimentar a alguna criatura marina. Sharky's Sky Trail - Sharky’s Sky Trail es una carrera de obstáculos con varios niveles que proporcionan una experiencia desafiante y divertida para toda la familia. Los visitantes tendrán la posibilidad de escalar 3 pisos para hacer frente a los retos que incluyen 18 puentes y puentes suspendidos, y otros obstáculos. Salty's Pirate Playground – Cierre las escotillas y camine por la zona de juegos piratas. La atracción consiste en un barco pirata de dos plantas situado en el centro de una fosa llena de tiburones. El barco pirata, con pistolas de agua, redes, zonas acolchadas y un tobogán en espiral…. Entretiene a bucaneros de 1 a 12 años. Espectáculos Top Deck Dolphin – Vea las travesuras que realizan estos delfines de nariz botella, con impresionantes saltos y vueltas. Este espectáculo puede ser visto a cualquier hora durante el día. Mantenga sus ojos bien abiertos ya que tendrá la oportunidad de ver a algún delfín bebé dependiendo de la fecha de su visita. Golden Dome Sea Lion – Disfrute de las aventuras de los leones marinos. Este pequeño espectáculo cómico de leones marinos y focas muestra sus habilidades atléticas. Flipper Dolphin Show – El Nuevo espectáculo temático del Caribe, inspirado en el delfín Flipper. También se mostrará un seguido de imágenes sobre la película original al entrar al estadio. Orcas & Delfines – Solo existe un lugar en el que encontrará delfines blancos jugando y haciendo exhibiciones junto a una orca.