Disfrute de las mejores vistas de la Torre Eiffel y de todo lo que París tiene para ofrecer en el piso 56 de la increíble Torre Montparnasse 56 (esto también le evitará las largas colas en la Torre Eiffel). ¡Si usted hace una sola visita cuando esté en París, esta tiene que ser! Celebre una ocasión especial o simplemente el hecho de que esté en la ciudad más bella del mundo (probablemente). Usted podrá disfrutar de las mejores vistas a la Torre Eiffel. Hay disponibles un gran número de equipamientos visuales e interactivos, como el 360 Degree Cafe que cuenta con una amplia variedad de bebidas, aperitivos y comidas ligeras.
Mazmorra de Ámsterdam ¿Tiene un gran sentido del humor y nervios de acero? Entonces está en el lugar correcto en La Mazmorra de Ámsterdam. Enfrentase a más de 500 años de la historia más oscura de Ámsterdam. Los escalofriantes personajes de los "viejos tiempos" cobran vida ante usted en toda su gloria. Podrá verlos y sentirlos durante la emocionante atracción. The Gallows Fields – ‘Campos de la Horca’ El lugar donde se exhibirían los cuerpos para la gente; un recordatorio de su destino si alguna vez cometiera un crimen. Los cadáveres colgantes eran el sello distintivo de un sistema legal que "funcionaba efectivamente". Uno cree que las zonas de la horca eran evitadas por todos, sin embargo, todo lo contrario era cierto, era como una atracción. Murder on the Zeedijk – ‘Asesinato en el Zeedijk’ Sumérjase en esta historia de fantasmas y conozca a la deslumbrante Dina y su menos refinada hermana Helena, en las calles más antiguas de Ámsterdam, con su historia inquietante. Hell on the Batavia – ‘Infierno en el Batavia’ Siente cómo le asusta el miedo a bordo del barco VOC del siglo XVII, el Batavia
If you want to see the Grand Canyon from all of the best spots arrive in style and learn from some of the best guides in the countryaEURthen this tour is it.
One Hour Night Expedition with Boggy Creek Airboat Aventures Details: This airboat tour is for those who want to go to the farthest extremes in adventure and thrills and are not afraid of the dark. Search the thrilling swamps for the intimidating Florida Alligator as they glide across the marsh seeking their next prey. The only way to see these impressive dinosaurs is in their territory. Your captain will wear a miners cap that will help seek out the red eyes of these most revered reptiles. These airboat tours are very popular so reserve early, especially during the holiday season. Dress: Be sure to dress in warm clothes even in the warmer months. Cameras and video equipment are at your own risk due to light spray. Why not combine your visit to Boggy Creek Airboat Adventures with other famous attractions and activities in Orlando such as Ripley's Orlando or Wonderworks?
Discover the epicenter of Movie Stars, Music, fashion, Culture, and exuberance that has shaped generations. This immersive walking tour takes you on an epic journey through the Sunset Strip. The most active and poignant 1.5 mile stretch of Sunset BLVD that encompasses Hollywood, West Hollywood and Beverly Hills. This isn’t just any old Sightseeing Tour, you’ll actually walk in the footsteps of epic Movie stars, Rock stars and discover stories you won’t believe! You’ll be amazed by how much your life has been affected by the Sunset Strip. Immerse yourself in one of the most interesting and exciting streets in the world. Discover the Secrets of world renowned locations; Chateau Marmont, The Andaz (Riot House) Hotel, Pandora’s Box, Ciros, The Rainbow and more. Explore the epic rise of Musicians like Jim Morrison, Motley Crue and Guns ‘N’ Roses and indulge in the glitz and glam of Iconic movie stars and mobsters. There will be ample opportunities to get Awesome photos and video content, to post as we go, as well as opportunities to enjoy refreshments, air conditioning, bathrooms and additional amenities to make your tour as pleasant as possible. Make the most of your time In Los Angeles and take this Fun, Unique and Exciting Tour. With our incredible storytelling guides at the helm, there’s really nothing else like it. Start your Sunset Strip Story now.
After a refreshing dip in the ocean, enjoy a tasty buffet with rice and peas and sweet corn, chicken meatballs in tomato sauce, bread and banana with drinks. Please let us know if you are vegetarian and we will do our best to accommodate you. Your drinks including beer, soft drinks, sangria and water are included during the journey, and after enjoying your lunch you will sail back to Puerto Colon enjoying spectacular views on the way. When the whales and dolphins are close to the boat you can get excellent views through the glass bottom, or window in the catamaran but if they are a distance away you will get a good view of them from the deck. Through the glass bottom you will see plenty of fish and if the whales appear beneath the boat you will really see them up close and personal! The return trip will give you the chance to enjoy a different view of this spectacular coast with its sophisticated resorts, volcanic beaches, hidden coves and wide bays sailing down to Puerto Colon, where the journey will come to an end. An unforgettable day out for all the family. As you sail on the crystal clear water you will be treated to spectacular views of the coastline and of the beautiful island. A perfect way to enjoy a family day out with sun on your face and a soft gentle and welcoming breeze blowing through your hair! Bon Voyage! Including on-board service: - Drinks: beer, soft drinks, sangria and water included during the journey. - Type of Food: Buffet with rice and peas and sweet corn, chicken meatballs in tomatoe sauce, bread and banana. - Special menu for vegetarian people. - Funny bath in the crystal water of our coasts and under the waterfall of our boat. - Specialized guides on board. - Panoramic windows with submarine vision. - Live submarine TV. Don't forget to bring with you bathing suit, cap, sun cream and suitable shoes!