Authentische Vpdam 303 PVC + Stahl Diagonal Schneiden Zangen-Pinzette f¨¹r E-Zigaretten Geb?ude

Authentische Vpdam 303 PVC + Stahl Diagonal Schneiden Zangen-Pinzette f¨¹r E-Zigaretten Geb?ude

$ 4,92
Marke: Tinydeal
Produktcode: 2033_10561_174585
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager


Vpdam 303 Cut Pliers is a small plier that is very useful when you need to cut wire when building coils. It's very sharp and effective. Besides, the light weight makes it easy to carry it anywhere! A must-have for DIY vapers. The product will be sent by Random Color, thanks. Name: Tweezer Color Random Quantity 1

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