Nutrini PeptisorbNutrini Peptisorb is a 1kcal/ml semi elemental, nutritionally complete tube feed designed for children aged 1-6 years or 8-20 kg in body weight. Nutrini Peptisorb is based on short chain peptides for the dietary management of disease related malnutrition in patients with malabsorption and/or maldigestion.Nutrini Peptisorb is gluten free.
Proto-col Green Magic Pulver setzen sich aus Superfoods zusammen wie Spirulina, Lecithin & Chlorella. Jetzt sparen bein Kauf von 3
Optimised formulation to combat water retention Facilitates circulation in blood vessels. Combines natural substances studied for their role in draining fluid from the body. Used for regaining a firmer figure.
Cosme Nail - Mini Vernis a Ongles - Rose Nacre - 5 Ml Lisandra Paris est une gamme de vernis a ongles qui respecte la charte de la gamme qui est"9 free" : sans toluene, sans camphre, sans formaldehyde, sans resine formaldehyde, sans xylene, sans plomb, sans parabene, sans dibutyl et sans colophane. Cree en 2012, le laboratoire Lisandra a comme premiere priorite, de proposer des produits performants et efficaces. En ayant toujourscomme ogjectif premier de satisfaire sa clientele et en controlant la qualite de toutes les gammes, La gamme de vernis a ongles Lisandra paris est composee de produits de soin hypoallergeniques garantis selon la charte "9 free" : sans toluene, sans camphre, sans formaldehyde, sans resine formaldehyde, sans xylene, sans plomb, sans parabene, sans dibutyl et sans colophane. Ingredients : INCI : Hypoallergenique. Sans Toluene, Sans Formaldehyde, Sans Camphre et Sans DBP.
EnergivitSuitable for use from birth through to children requiring additional energy, vitamins, minerals and trace elements or who are following a restricted protein diet. Energivit can be used in conjunction with specific amino acid mixtures to provide a formula individually tailored to meet the patient's specific needs. It can also be used as a convenient protein free feed in the short term, for example as an emergency regimen. Energivit must be supplemented with a suitable nitrogen source if intended for use as a sole source of nutrition.Use under medical supervision. Not suitable for use as a sole source of nutrition. Not for parenteral use.
MaxMedix Water away Kapseln konnen effektiv bei Wassereinlagerungen sein. Das naturliche Krauter Diuretikum kann eine Gewichtsabnahme initiieren.