The tickets to Pompeii ruins and Mt. Vesuvius are not included in the ticket price.
There is an entrance fee of €15 and €12 respectively which you can pay for upon arrival.
Hansel and Gretel tells the story of two children who face off against a wicked witch aEUR and come out victorious aEUR in this visual spectacle for the whole family.
África cobra vida en Bioparc, donde te espera una verdadera inmersión en la vida y la actividad diaria del zoo. Déjate llevar y adéntrate en los hábitats naturales recreados con todo detalle y descubre la complejidad de ecosistemas naturales como las sabanas, las junglas o los pantanos. Descubre cómo los oricteropos (o cerdos hormigueros) excavan para vivir bajo tierra visitando sus madrigueras rodeadas por termitas. Observa a las hienas y a los jabalís como si estuvieran en África.
Aventúrate por la frondosa selva ecuatorial en busca de gorilas, búfalos y leopardos. Maravíllate viendo cómo se bañan los hipopótamos o cómo los cocodrilos del Nilo se sumergen subrepticiamente en el agua, entre miles de peces. Hay un hábitat de anfibios poblado por ranas y sapos y un recinto especial para grandes simios, donde pueden campar a sus anchas en paz.
Sigue los gigantescos pasos de los elefantes en una réplica de una antigua cueva excavada por paquidermos. La cueva de Kitum es una recreación de una gruta volcánica milenaria de Kenia. Al ponerse el sol, las manadas de elefantes entran dentro de la cueva en busca de sales minerales. También los búfalos suelen adentrarse en la gruta, donde viven miles de murciélagos.
The world-famous 86th and 102nd floor Observatories offer unmatched views of New York City and on a clear day one can see to New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Delaware. 1,050 feet above the city’s bustling streets, the 86th floor Observatory offers panoramic views from within a glass-enclosed pavilion and from the surrounding open-air promenade. 200 feet higher, our 102nd floor Observatory is a private and serene perch in the middle of the greatest city in the world.
The Observatories have been a “must visit” for millions each year since it opened to the public in 1931. Each year approximately four million people are whisked to our 86th and 102nd floors, consistently one of New York City’s top tourist attractions. Visit the Observatories 365 days per year, day and night, rain or shine, for magnificent views of Manhattan and beyond.
The Empire State Building embodies the feeling and spirit of New York City. It is recognized not only as an iconic landmark offering some of the most spectacular views on earth, but also as an international symbol of shared hopes, dreams, and accomplishment.
Accessibility: The Empire State Building is fully ADA compliant. We have handicapped restrooms on the 86th Floor Observatory and also have lowered viewing walls and binoculars. Service dogs are allowed throughout the building. Motorized and non-motorized wheelchairs are permitted. The 86th Floor has ramps to make getting around easier and lowered viewing walls so that visitors in chairs can still take in the view.
Additional Options:
102nd Floor Observatory: Upgrade available at Observatory ticket office (2nd floor) or 86th floor kiosk for an additional $20.00.
Express Pass: Purchase exclusively from the official Empire State Building onsite ticket office on the day of arrival to move to the front the line.
Dining: State Grill and Bar offers a prix fixe dinner package to observatory guests with fresh locally sourced foods prepared in our glass enclosed kitchen and unique, local craft beers and cocktails. There are also two Starbucks, a café, Chipotle, Sushi-teria, and the budget minded Heartland Brewery.
Duración del musical: 2 horas y 30 minutos, incluido un intermedio.
Calificación: recomendado para mayores de 7 años. No se permite la entrada al teatro a niños menores de 4 años.
Todas las personas necesitan de una entrada para el espectáculo, independientemente de su edad.
Los asientos disponibles en el teatro se llenaran según elección, con la excepción de los que el teatro designa como Asientos Premium. Puede consultar el plano de la sala en este enlace.