Hochbrillante Metallic-Farbe "Royal Flash" zum Bemalen von Acryl, Kunststoff, Holz, Terracotta, Papier und Pappe, metallisch glänzend, mit feinsten Glitzerpartikeln, schnell trocknend, auf Wasserbasis, 50 ml. Durch den enthaltenen Härter ist unsere Royal-Flash-Farbe auch ohne zusätzlichen Lack wasser- und wetterfest. Anwendung: Die Farbe dünn mit einem Acrylhaar-Flachpinsel oder einem Schwämmch...
This Makita BO4556 Palm Sander further operator comfort is afforded by the soft-start system which allows time for the motor to speed up to maximum revs without the torque kickback. The abrasive mounting pad measures 112 x 102mm which enables a 114 x 102mm sheet and a 114 x 140mm sheet can be fitted by clamp fixing. This new Makita palm sander provides versatility, high performance and total operator safety. It is supplied with 6 abrasive papers, a dust bag and a punch plate.
Made from unbreakable and shatterproof ABS. The handle, pocket clip and blade are insulated for maximum safety. Made to VDE specification 0680- Part 6 - 4.77 To test the circuit place the screwdriver end on the electric contact and press your thumb against the metal contact next to the neon viewing window, if the contact is live the bulb will light. IMPORTANT:-Check that the neon bulb is in order by using the tester first on a known live circuit.Never touch the uninsulated part of the blade when testing.Size: Blade length 57mm (2.1/4 in)
50 edle Faltpapiere, 10 cm x 15 cm, 110 g/m², mit Prägung in Brush-Optik und Perlmuttschimmer, violett (Rückseite matt).
These Forgefix Carriage Bolts are Zinc Plated, and ideal for timber to timber joining. They come complete with a hex nut and are fully threaded to 100mm. Also known as 'Cup Square Hex Bolts', the square underneath the Cup stops rotation of the bolt when tightening. Conform to DIN 603 and DIN 934 standards. Available in a comprehensive range of sizes to suit most applications. APPLICATIONUsed mainly for fastening timber to timber and is extensively used for timber joist construction in house building and numerous decking applications. A Carriage Bolt, also known as a Coach Bolt or as a ‘Fully Threaded Cup Square Hex Bolt’, has a domed or countersunk head, and the shank is topped by a short square section under the head. The square section grips into the part being fixed (typically wood), preventing the bolt from turning when the nut is tightened. A rib neck Carriage Bolt has several longitudinal ribs instead of the square section, to grip into a metal part being fixed. Zinc coatings prevent oxidation of the protected metal to create a longer lasting finish. It does this by forming a barrier and by acting as a sacrificial anode if this barrier is damaged. Zinc oxide is a fine white dust that (in contrast to iron oxide) does not trigger a breakdown of the substrate’s surface integrity as it is formed. The zinc oxide, if left intact, can act as a barrier to further oxidation, in a way similar to the protection afforded to aluminium and stainless steels by their oxide layers.Carriage Bolt & Nut ZP M10 x 50 Bag 10