Exclusive information on Alli Alli 60mg Hard Capsules 84s -Weight Loss AidA healthy diet and physical activity are the foundations of weight loss and weight management are the basis of effective weight loss - alli works alongside these foundations to help aid weight loss. alli can help to boost weight loss by up to 50% when used in conjunction with a weight loss plan and is designed for those following a low fat, reduced calorie diet. The active ingredient within alli is orlistat 60mg, which is a clinically proven, evidence-based weight loss treatment. Recommended Dosage: One alli capsule to be taken three times a day with water immediately before, during or up to one hour after meals containing fat. No more than three 60mg capsules should be taken within a 24 hour period. Note: alli only works if it is taken with a meal that contains fat, alli has no effect upon diets that contain no fat content.
If a dose is missed and it is less than an hour since the last fat containing meal, then the dose can be taken. However, if more than an hour has passed since the last meal, then no capsule should be taken.
Waist Trainer est un corset minceur idéal pour les femmes qui souhaitent affiner leur silhouette sans pratiquer d'activité physique régulière. Le corset amincissant vous aide à perdre du poids ainsi qu'à améliorer votre posture. Simple d'utilisation et facile à ajuster. Disponible en coloris Noir, Taille L.
Creme pour les Mains 50ml Maurice Messegue est un soinpour les mains, au Miel bio, Beurre de Karite et Huile essentielle de Citron. Certaines zonesdu corps, beaucoup plus fragiles que d autres, necessitent des soins adaptes. La texture onctueuse de la Creme Mains Maurice Messegue apporte a vos mains un bien-etre et une sensation de confort immediat. Ce soin, a base de Beurre de Karite et de Miel bio, aux proprietes adoucissantes et protectrices, redonne a vos mains souplesse et douceur. Sans paraben. Conseils d utilisation : Appliquer sur vos mains, coudes et bras (si necessaire). Ingredients/INCI : Principaux actifs: Miel biologique 0,50 %, Beurre de Karite 2 %, Huile essentielle de Citron 0,40 %, Extrait hydro-glycerine de Citron 0,50 %. Creme pour les Mains 50ml Maurice Messegue.
Die Green Coffee Kapseln können Ihnen helfen, schneller Gewicht zu verlieren und Ihre Fettverbrennung zu beschleunigen – natürliche Nahrungsergänzung.
PKU Lophlex Powder 30x27.8gA powder free from phenylalanine, but containing a balanced mixture of other essential and non-essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. For use in the dietary management of proven phenylketonuria (PKU) in children aged from 8 years and adults, including pregnant womenThese products should not be used as a sole source of protein but must be given in conjunction with a protein source, to supply the phenylalanine, fluid and general nutrition requirements of the patient in quantities as prescribed by a clinician or dietitian. Only intended for use by patients with PKU.Use under medical supervision. Not for parenteral use. Not suitable for use as a sole source of nutrition.Water or diluted drinks should be offered / taken at the same time as PKU Lophlex Powder.
Ein neuer Milkshake mit dem köstlichen Geschmack von Cappuccino von MODIFAST, den Spezialisten in Sachen Eiweiß. Er schmeckt lecker und liefert dem Körper alle Eiweiße für eine Kräftigung der Muskulatur. Das lästige Hungergefühl wird nachhaltig reduziert. Eine Diät mit diesem Eiweißgetränk besteht aus drei "strengen" und zwei "leichteren" Tagen, über das Wochenende kann normal gegessen werden – so wird die Psyche gestärkt und der gefürchtete Jo-Jo-Effekt verhindert.