SEA LIFE Oberhausen täglichen Fütterungen und unterhaltsamen Vorträge INTERAKTIVES Interaktives Berührungsbecken – Vorträge täglich ab 10.00 Uhr Schwarmring-Fütterung – Montag, Mittwoch, Freitag, Samstag um 11.00 Uhr Rochenbecken-Fütterung – Dienstag, Donnerstag und Sonntag um 11.00 Uhr Hai Abenteuer (am Rochenbecken) – täglich um 13.00 Uhr sowie Samstag, Sonntag, Ferien und Feiertage 16.00 Uhr Fütterung der Otter – täglich um 13.30 Uhr Fütterung tropisches Schildkrötenriff – täglich um 14.30 Uhr Fütterung tropisches Ozeanbecken – täglich um 14.30 Uhr Kurzfristige Änderungen der Fütterungszeiten vorbehalten. LEGOLAND Oberhausen Tritt ein in das LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre Oberhausen und Du wirst glauben, dass Du soeben in die weltgrößte Box voller LEGO® Steine gesprungen bist! Strecke im 4D-Kino Deine Hand aus und berühre die Sterne, finde mithilfe des Modellbauers die Top-Geheimnisse des LEGO Bauens heraus, entdecke das magische Karussell "Merlins Zauberschüler", schau Dir im MINILAND® lokale Wahrzeichen in Miniaturform an, feiere ein unvergessliches Fest in einem unserer Party-Räume und erlebe vieles, viele mehr! Das ist der ultimative Ort für alle LEGO® Fans – für jung und alt. Das LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre ist der perfekte Ort für die ganze Familie, um miteinander zu spielen und Spaß zu haben – und natürlich ist es auch der perfekte Ort für die bunteste Geburtstagsparty der Stadt. Das LEGOLAND Discovery Centre ist Dein Reisepass in eine LEGO Welt voller Farbe, Kreativität und Spaß mit über 4 Millionen LEGO Steinen unter einem Dach. Dies ist der ultimative Platz für alle LEGO® Fans und alle Attraktionen sind bereits im Preis enthalten.
The first stop is Girona. Its medieval walls, Romanesque and Gothic landmarks, along with its baroque buildings and Jewish Quarter – which is one of the best preserved in Europe – invite you on a pleasant stroll. Enjoy exploring the streets and seeing your reflection in the river Onyar, which runs through the city centre flanked by multi-coloured houses and straddled by charming bridges. You won't be able to resist the temptation to take a photo. As soon as you arrive in Figueres, you'll realise that you're not only in the capital of the beautiful county of the Alt Empordà, but you're in the world capital of surrealism too. You'll visit the Teatre-Museu Dalí, which contains the largest collection of the artist's works. It was built, on his instructions, on the site of the city's former theatre. And today it is much more than a container of surrealist art. It is a surrealist work of art in its own right. Step inside the museum and let yourself be hypnotised by Salvador Dalí's work. And don't forget to visit the permanent exhibition, Dalí Jewels. We can guarantee you're bound to be impressed.
This 4 star hotel is located on the coastline of Acapulco. It is close to the Delfines Paradise. The Hotel has a coffee shop, an outdoor swimming pool and a fitness centre/gym. All 324 rooms are equipped with minibar, hairdryer, safe, ironing set and air conditioning.
Los divertidos tours turísticos en autobús para familias también ofrecen narraciones pregrabadas en nueve idiomas diferentes, lo que le permite aprender más sobre las muchas atracciones y puntos de interés a lo largo del camino. (inglés, español, francés, portugués, italiano, alemán, chino mandarín, japonés, coreano) La mayoría de los tours se realizan a bordo de exclusivos autobuses rojos de dos pisos al aire libre, que son perfectos para disfrutar del hermoso y soleado clima del sur de California. Este tour es accesible en silla de ruedas. Encontrará el mapa de las rutas en este enlace
This tour of Stamford Bridge is not to be missed, home of the incredible Chelsea Football Club It's a fun, informative and unforgettable experience, enjoyed by sports fans of all ages, from all over the world. The fully guided tour will take you behind the scenes at one of the world's greatest football clubs, giving you access to areas normally reserved for players and officials. Imagine meeting the press as you sit behind the desk in the press room. Soak up the atmosphere in the spectacular home dressing room where John Terry and Frank Lampard prepare to represent the Blues. Feel the excitement as you walk down the tunnel to the pitch side with the roar of a capacity crowd ringing in your ears. We pride ourselves on having guides who are both knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the club and we believe it's their passion that makes our tours a truly memorable experience. All stadium tours include entry to the Museum, giving you the chance to see how Chelsea has evolved on and off the pitch to become one of the greatest football clubs in the world. It will offer a highly interactive experience, bringing the club's past alive through audio visual shows as well as a fascinating collection of Chelsea related memorabilia. See some of the most iconic images from the club's history making it a must see attraction in London.
Discover a new type of visit! Through a spectacular and innovative display, take part in a real judicial investigation to discover the destiny of Joan of Arc. At the Joan of Arc Historial, a trial takes place for Joan of Arc to prove her innocence – be both actor and judge in the most famous judicial investigation in Rouen’s history. Witnesses, reconstructions and audiovisual effects will take you on an unprecedented experience which dives into the heart of the 15th century! From her military actions to retake the French throne to her ordeal at the stake, experience an epic and captivating story through the medieval rooms of a monument previously closed to the public. Then go and meet those who created her story and question them in a virtual conversation to discover the thousand faces of our heroine. The myths and legends will no longer be a mystery after your visit. Let’s meet in 1456! Please note the reduced rate applies to : Children and youths between 6 and 18 years old Students without age limit, with supporting documents Teachers with a valid education pass Large families with supporting documents Disability card holders, disabled from war, disabled veterans, with supporting documents Jobseekers, with proof of less than 6 months Persons benefiting from benefits / minimum social / minimum old age, with supporting documents