Benefits: Unbeatable comfort. Aquaform Technology allows high oxygen to your eyes, improving hydration. Ideal for sensitive eyes. Without the need for added surface treatments and wetting agents, these lenses are ideal if you have sensitive eyes. Exceptional vision. The aspheric front surface offers improved depth of focus. These Biofinity contact lenses with Aquaform Technology provide unbeatable comfort. This is because they allow more exceptional levels of oxygen through to your eyes, improving hydration. Since they lock in moisture there is no need to use additional wetting agents with these lenses. This is ideal if your eyes are sensitive. What's more, Biofinity lenses have an aspheric front surface. This leads to improved resolution and focus, ensuring outstanding vision. Dependent on your Optician's advice, Biofinity lenses can be worn overnight; great if you lead a busy lifestyle. Contact lens type: Monthly disposables Manufacturer: CooperVision Material: 48% Water, 52% Comfilcon A Handling tint: Yes UVA/UVB protection: Not specified Usage instructions: Daily wear for 30 days. Continuous wear for up to 7 days. Please replace with a new pair every month Optician's own brand: Specsavers Easyvision Opteyes (Ultimate) Related Products: Biofinity Multifocal, Biofinity XR, Biofinity Toric Sold by Specsavers as Opteyes
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