¿No le gusta compartir? Reserve un bote solo para su familia y amigos para realizar un tour personalizado, teniendo en cuenta sus intereses. Durante el tour recorrerá 1700 hectáreas de pantanos protegidos, ciénagas y ríos que conforman los Everglades de Florida. Podrá observar detenidamente cocodrilos, águilas, aves y los árboles y plantas que caracterizan este fabuloso humedal. En el Parque Gator and Wildlife hay unos 200 animales en exhibición, incluyendo cebras, perezosos, lémures, linces y otras especies exóticas. Disponible sin cita previa la visita del aviario con patos, loros y otras aves de todo el mundo. Los hidrodeslizadores utilizados durante este tour están diseñados especialmente para no dañar esta reserva ecológica, están aprobados por la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos. La seguridad es uno de los principales puntos a tener en cuenta, por eso en los hidrodeslizadores proporcionan a los clientes chalecos salvavidas y protección auditiva. ¡No olvides la deliciosa barbacoa con costillas ahumadas, pollo cerdo desmenuzado, cocodrilo frito e incluso patas de rana!
Discover The Deep!! 1 km journey divided in to 5 worlds: Old World, New World, Jungle, Gardens & Deep Blue. 55 tanks 8,000 specimens of 700 species. Including sharks, clownfish, sturgeon fish, hammerhead sharks, blow fish and many more… One of the deepest shark tanks in Europe –8.5m deep holding 3.5 million litres of natural saltwater Largest display of live corals in Europe. Unique view into one of the most beautiful and diverse ecosystems in the world – a habitat normally explored only by experienced divers. Interactive educational touchscreens Interactive touch pool – Starfish, sea urchins and many more. Home to the only exhibition dedicated to the plight of the Bluefin Tuna Jungle area is the largest roof top jungle in Europe and faithfully recreates the microclimate, fauna, flora and waterfalls of the Amazon Basin. 2 children play areas – Outdoor area: pirate ship, bouncy castle and splash area. Indoor: soft play Entertainment and fun for all ages: Multilingual ocean guides with vast knowledge Children entertainment – Face painting, water balloon battles, mini disco…. Feedings/chats throughout the day in Spanish, English and German Extra activities: Shark Vision Boat Dive with Sharks Dive/ Snorkel with Rays (Summer Only) Our values: Our philosophy is: Acknowledge to value, value to protect Mallorca’s only marine recovery and rehabilitation centre (off limits) Useful Info: Fun for all ages whatever the weather Food outlets including buffet and a la carte Free Wi-Fi Minutes from the airport, beach, Fan Mallorca Shopping Centre and Palma Public transport stops just outside Public exterior and underground car park Accessibility award – fully accessible for prams and wheelchairs
Lunch Cruise Menu Available throughout October and November ____________________ Bateaux London Lunch Menu Lunch Menu Roasted Chicken Breast butternut puree, braised leek Ricotta stuffed gnocchi gorgonzola, cobnut, black butter sauce (v) ------------------------------------------- Orange cheese cake mascarpone quenelle and Seville Orange peel -------------------------------------------- Tea and Coffee Bateaux Windsor reserves the right to change menus and beverage prices as required without prior notice. Bateaux Windsor does not certify that products are free from nuts or traces of nuts. (V) denotes vegetarian dish.
Primera parada – la cosmopolita isla de Hydra Calles adoquinadas, su belleza arquitectónica, así como sus medios de trasporte tradicionales… ¡cómo el burro! Podrá ver las hermosas fortalezas y las impresionantes mansiones, disfrutar de un paseo por las pintorescas calles o incluso visitar lugares de interés histórico. Segunda parada – el puerto de Poroso Una isla frondosa de vegetación, una magnífica belleza natural y miles de pinos, desde las playas escarpadas hasta las playas de arena, haciendo de Poros la isla del romance y la tranquilidad. Camine por la ciudad y descubra el ayuntamiento, el museo arqueológico, la biblioteca púbica, el centro cultural y las pequeñas casas blancas de la isla… siga hasta el punto más alto de la isla y descubra la histórica y famosa Torre del Reloj de Poros. Última parada – la histórica Egina La isla más grande de golfo Sarónico, la isla de Egina es conocida en todo el mundo por sus deliciosos pistachos, sus playas vírgenes y el Templo de Afaia. Podrá coger un autobús hasta el Templo de Afaia y la Iglesia Saint Nectarios o nadar y visitar la isla Agistri sólo es accesible por un pequeño barco. Transporte hasta/desde Puerto de Piraeus: Traslados en autobuses disponibles hasta/desde Puerto Piraeus, el lugar desde el cual sale el crucero, y 150 hoteles céntricos en Atenas y la región Attica. Opción incluida en la entrada: Crucero + Transporte. Por favor al realizar la compra rellene el formulario donde se le pide el Hotel donde pasará su estancia. Tenga en cuenta: Deberá traer documentación de identidad válida (pasaporte o DNI). Prepare los vales que se le enviaron a su correo impresos y preparados para mostrarlos cuando haga el embarque. En el caso de que no lo traiga, se le podrá negar a entrada y no se le devolverá el dinero. No permitido a bordo de la embarcación: animales, comida o alcohol comprados fuera de la embarcación, drogas y substancias peligrosas. Las mujeres embarazadas deberán traer un certificado médico, No se permitirá la entrada de niños menores de 3 años. Términos y Condiciones completos
Steamboat Natchez Cruises - Daytime Jazz Cruise Rates do not include gratuity to drivers and/or guides. MARDI GRAS WORLD: WHERE MARDI GRAS IS MADE! There are plenty of tours in New Orleans, but only one offers a real, behind-the-scenes look at New Orleans Mardi Gras, and that’s the Mardi Gras World tour. Mardi Gras World gives you an authentic Mardi Gras experience all year round, whether you visit while sightseeing in New Orleans, enjoying a New Orleans family vacation or taking a break from your business trip. Take our day tour to see what it takes to bring Mardi Gras to life year after year. Our tour allows you to see firsthand the hard work and extensive planning that goes into this grand event. Since 1947, Blaine Kern Studios has built the breathtaking parade floats for major parades not only for Mardi Gras, but for parades all over the world. Mardi Gras parades would be nothing without the fantastical floats that line the parade route year after year. The hard work that goes into making these spectacles is what makes Mardi Gras in New Orleans the greatest show on Earth! Our knowledgeable guides take the mask off Mardi Gras with an all-access Mardi Gras tour, winding through the massive studio where these magnificent floats are built from the ground up. You’ll learn about the history of this unique and festive tradition and go beyond its reputation to get a deeper understanding of the real Mardi Gras. The whole family will love the experience of touring the space where our artisans create spectacular floats for over 40 parades each year. There are plenty of opportunities for photos in front of floats, with props, or wearing a traditional Mardi Gras costume on this New Orleans tour. This is an experience you will want to document, so don’t forget to bring your camera! A FREE shuttle is provided with ticket purchase, and has pick-ups at 20 convenient downtown locations. Just call 504-361-7821 to see where our designated pick up locations are. Call when you are at one of our many locations and we will quickly pick you and your party up. If you do not wish to use our complimentary shuttle, the closest parking is available in Lot J across from the Mardi Gras World entrance. ($15.00/vehicle, owned by the New Orleans Convention Center, subject to change) Wandering through the magical float den is an exciting experience for kids and adults alike, so come join us for the best Mardi Gras tour around.
Musée du quai Branly The opening of the musée du quai Branly, in June 2006, helped legiti mize long misunderstood cultures and finally made them accessible to a wider public. 300,000 works and objects from Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas make up the collection of the museum, whose mission is to conserve, document and enrich. As a resource of messages and potential connections between world cultures, the collection is a point of departure from which the museum has shaped its identity: that of a museum for the 21st Century with innovative architecture and museography, all in the heart of a major international capital. The musée du quai Branly is a museum that does not claim to teach from a position of authority; rather, it sets out to create bridges between cultures, while encouraging curiosity and attracting visitors from different backgrounds with varied interests. Within the museum, diverse skills and perspectives create the ideal context for the collection, giving rise to cultural, artistic and scientific proposals, from different levels of interpretation and approaches, be it via temporary exhibitions, performing arts, lectures or conferences. The quality and renewal of this myriad of offerings depend upon the public making the museum their own and upon their desire to keep coming back. The dynamics of mediation between visitors and the collections, taking into account the vision of a given society at a given moment, opens up the dialogue to the key issues of our day: globalisation, our relationship towards “otherness” and the natural world. NOTE : The combined ticket include tickets for the permanent collection and the temporary exhibition Bateaux Mouches - Sightseeing Cruise The Compagnie des Bateaux-Mouches® makes a point of honour only to serve dishes prepared only from products selected each morning and cooked ready to serve. All the tables are situated next to the picture windows to allow everyone to enjoy Paris with all modern conveniences. All our boats have an open deck, which affords a magical, all-round view of the City of Light. Cruise commented in up to 10 languages* Free itinerary translated in 25 languages Boats with an open upper deck 1h10 mns cruise * Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.