10 Grußkarten aus Permuttpapier, B6 (11,5 cm x 16,5 cm), weiß, inklusive passender Umschläge (Perlmuttpapier, weiß). Die Grußkarten haben eine Grammatur von ca. 250 g/m², die Grammatur der dazugehörigen Umschläge liegt bei 120 g/m². Mit diesen Karten können Sie Ihre Grüße und Wünsche hervorragend erstrahlen lassen. Verzieren Sie die Karten nach Belieben mit 3-D Motiven, Stickern, Halbperlen ode...
The Plasti-kote Fast Dry Enamel Aerosol is a superior quality paint and comes in a handy 100ml spray that is ideal for small project or craft uses. Fast Dry Enamel is non-fading, long-lasting paint which is safe to use on children's toys and furniture. Suitable for use on cardboard, ceramic, glass, metal, paper, plastic and wood. Available in 37 superb colours, please note that the cap is not a true representation of the finish.Colour: White.Finish: Gloss.
2 x Übernachtung , 1 x Frischefrühstück vom Buffet, 1 x Begrüßungscocktail in unserer BARHERMANN, 1 x Abendessen als 3-Gang-Menü in unserem Restaurant VARUS, kostenfreie Bademäntel im Zimmer, Nutzung unseres Wellnessbereiches
Liberty are very good at creating interesting design out of motifs from the every day. This piece is called 'Debonair' and repeats rather nicely executed art pen drawings of neckties on hangers to produce complexity and rhythm. Trapezoids and verticals. In a wonderful palette of cooler lilaces, madder reds, malachite, earthy yellows, beige, blue-grey and burnt orange. It begins to seem almost elemental, a sense of folk art perhaps mixing the regular with freely drawn but detailed ideas. On finest Tana lawn cotton, of course, a superior long fibre fabric with wonderful print definition and a soft, almost silken hand feel. Three button cuff shirt with a classic collar in our easy tailored fit for an all day confident wear