JORVIK Viking Centre Take hold of the past and explore the excavations which first unearthed the Viking-age city in our brand new exhibitions. As you travel around Viking-Age Jorvik aboard our state of the art ride experience - which now includes commentary in sixteen languages, from all major Scandinavian dialects to Mandarin Chinese – you will encounter Old Norse speaking citizens on the streets of the city and in their homes. Discover the Arabic trader bringing his wares to trade, and the Viking storyteller recounting the apocalyptic Ragnarok myth. At the end of an unforgettable journey, visitors disembark to the JORVIK galleries where they can see some of the fascinating Viking artefacts. Cutting edge displays help you to investigate all of the information gathered from the 5-year-long dig at Coppergate and piece together the jigsaw of where the Vikings came from, why they came here, how they lived and died, and where they travelled to. At JORVIK Viking Centre you are standing on the site of one of the most famous and astounding discoveries of modern archaeology. Between the years 1976-81, archaeologists from York Archaeological Trust revealed the houses, workshops and backyards of the Viking-Age city of Jorvik, as it stood 1,000 years ago. Ticket Details Please Note: JORVIK tickets purchased through this channel do not entitle the holder to jump the queue – you must join the queue as normal and will be able to exchange your 365 Vouchers for tickets at the admissions desk. Vouchers must be printed off before visiting JORVIK, entry won't be granted without your 365tickets Voucher. York City Cruise Please note: The River Ouse in York can occasionally rise to levels that can have an impact on this cruise's daily operations after periods of heavy rainfall in the catchment area upstream. The local operators will always attempt to sail for as long as it is safe to do so. There can come a point where their smallest boat can no longer fit underneath the bridges. Depending on the height of the river, they may not be able to sail at all. In this instance, you will either be eligible for a full refund or your ticket(s) will happily accepted on another date during your stay if sailing is possible.
Hampton Court Palace ha sido un refugio de lujo para muchos de los reyes y reinas más famosos de Gran Bretaña. Enrique VIII pasó tres de sus lunas de miel aquí. Descubra lo que fue realmente vivir y trabajar en el Palacio de Hampton Court. Tome un viaje fascinante a través de 500 años de historia real. Maravíllese con la impresionante arquitectura y los interiores opulentos de los Apartamentos de Estado y visite las enormes cocinas Tudor en pleno apogeo. Disfrute del impresionante Gran Palacio y la Capilla Real, y vea cómo Sir Christopher Wren transformó el palacio para rivalizar con Versalles. Tómese un tiempo para apreciar una de las mejores colecciones de pinturas del Renacimiento en Europa y escuchar intrigantes historias de la corte real de expertos guías vestidos con un traje histórico completo. O disfrute de un audio tour, disponible en 9 idiomas: inglés, francés, alemán, español, italiano, holandés, ruso, coreano y japonés. Todo esto antes de haber comenzado a explorar los impresionantes jardines junto al río, donde encontrarás el famoso laberinto. Destacado: El acceso a estos lugares está incluido en su boleto de admisión, a menos que se indique lo contrario. El Great Hall de Enrique VIII Este Great Hall es el hall medieval mejor conservado de Gran Bretaña y uno de sus teatros más antiguos. La compañía de William Shakespeare actuó ahí entre 1603 y 1604. Descubra como el joven y popular Enrique VIII se convirtió en el viejo y obeso Enrique VIII en la exposición Young Henry VII (incluida en su entrada). La exposición incluye pinturas y elementos interactivos. El mundialmente famoso Laberinto Haga la prueba y pierdase en el divertido y mundialmente famoso Laberinto. El acceso a los Jardines y al Laberinto está incluida en su entrada. Las cocinas Tudor y su funcionamiento Cosntruidas para alimentar la corte de Enrique VIII, las cocinas podían proveer comida a 600 personas dos veces al día. Vea las cocinas hoy en día y experimente las vistas y olores de un cocina Tudor real. Palacio Barroco Los esplendidos apartamentos de William y Mary, que gobernaron juntos durante el final del siglo XVII, son una bonita y elegante muestra del decadente periodo barroco. Ofrecían increíbles vistas a los magníficos jardines y en particular al King's Privy Garden (el Jardín Privado del Rey), diseñado para ser visto en toda su excelencia desde la Cámara Privada del Rey. La Galería de Arte Cumberland Descubra magníficas obras de arte de la Royal Collection en la Galería de Arte Cumberland. Vea una selección de las mejores pinturas: obras maestras de Holbein, van Dyck, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Bassano y Gainsborough, así como otros artistas que trabajaron por, o fueron coleccionados por, mecenas reales durante siglos. Los hermosos Jardines Pasee por las más de 24 hectáreas de hermosos y internacionalmente reconocidos Jardines del Palacio de Hampton Court. El acceso está incluido con su entrada- Actividades Familiares Hay disponibles una gran variedad de actividades y tours para entretener a las familias. Escoja entre las visitas familiares, el mundialmente famoso Laberinto, los tours guiados con trajes de época, cocina en las instalaciones en vivo y mucho más. La Capilla Real Esta bella capilla ha sido usada sin interrupciones durante más de 450 años. Los visitantes son bienvenidos a atender a un servicio religioso en la Capilla Real. Café Tiltyard - ¡Oferta para niños! ¡La historia da hambre! En el Café Tiltyard podrá escoger una comida infantil caliente con limonada o lecha y un bizcochito por sólo £3.95.
Mallette de Camping pliable sac de rangement de voyage Portable ustensiles de cuisine sac de transport pour randonnée pêche sur glace randonnée
“Go Wilder” Vip Tour - (This tour must be booked in advance at 305-400-7200 or [email protected]). An experienced guide will ensure that every second of this three-hour Jungle Island tour is filled with special animal encounters. Explore the wild world of animal care as the park’s animal keepers share insight into working with these wonderful creatures. Experience highlights of the “Go Wild” tour plus unforgettable private animal encounters with rare birds, unusual reptiles and exotic mammals. Shows Jungle Island’s three entertaining shows feature some of the wildest animals from around the globe. From the world’s most lethal bird-Cassowary to some of the most amazing animals you will have to see to believe. *schedule subject to change Winged Wonders Times: Daily 13:00 & 16:30 Location: Parrot Bowl Presented in the Coca-Cola Parrot Bowl, Winged Wonders captivates audiences with some of the most beautiful, playful, and dangerous birds from all over the world. Come soar with us and discover some of the world’s most fascinating birds including our very own Andean condor, beautiful stunt-performing macaws, and many other amazing feathered friends. Wild Encounter Times: Daily 11:00 & 14:30 Location: Jungle Theater Wild Encounter will enchant you with some fascinating felines.Don’t miss this exciting presentation of some of the jungle’s most respected animals. This incredible presentation of big cats is produced by T.I.G.E.R.S., The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species, an international big cat conservation educational organization. After each show, guests can purchase special, upclose photographs with tiger cubs or primates. Wild Adventures Times: Daily 12:00 & 15:30 Location: Serpentarium While Doctor Wasabi is out on safari, come visit with our animal care staff as we unlock the secrets behind some of the jungle's most rare and unusual residents. Exhibits Posing Area Smile! And don’t forget to take a famous picture with one of our beautiful and colorful parrots. Parrot Cove Times: Daily 11:00 to 17:00 Located at the farthest tip of Jungle Island, Parrot Cove is Miami’s only private beach. This sophisticated tropical beach playground offers breathtaking views of Biscayne Bay and downtown Miami and is exclusively for the use of park guests. After getting up-close to some of the world’s most fascinating animals, park guests can head to Parrot Cove for more adventures under the sun. At this beach oasis located at the tip of Jungle Island, visitors can relax in lounge chairs and then cool off by wading into Biscayne Bay. With the cost of admission to Jungle Island, the entrance fee to Parrot Cove is free. Be sure to stop by Parrot Cove to stay cool and relaxed in between Jungle Island's fascinating animal shows. Manu Encounter Times: Daily 11:00 to 17:00 Location: Manu Fashioned after the clay cliffs in Manu, Peru. This is an interactive experience with Squirrel Monkeys, free-flying macaws and parrots as well as other exotic animals. A brief presentation on the habits and habitats of these animals will be given by one of our Animal Care Trainers who will remain present to answer questions relating to this exhibit. Orangutan School Times: Daily 13:10 Location: Primadomes Witness the tremendous intelligence of our outstanding orangutans as they go back to school. Kangaroo Konnection Times: Daily 11:30 - 16:00 Location: Kangaroo Paddock Come meet and interact with our cuddly Kangaroos! Petting Barn Times: 10:30 - 17:00 Location: Petting Barn by Children's Playground Come pet and feed our petting barn animals. Makes for a wonderful memory and some wonderful pictures! Everglades Habitat & Walk Make your way across a true replica of the Florida Everglades, complete with beautiful flora and fauna from the region. Feed our birds around the park Many of our magnificent birds enjoy being fed by you, our guests. You’ll find them along our jungle paths with food dispensers at each location. Interact with Trainers and Animals As you wander through the park, you’ll encounter our trainers who host an assortment of animals. Touch, ask questions, and make friends. Penguin Exhibit Times: See penguins after each Wild Adventures Show Location: Serpentarium Our South African penguins are so adorable. Come see our fluffy little friends swim and waddle around their penguin pool. Playground It’s your time to monkey around. Frolic on slides and crawl tubes. Tortoise Exhibit You’ll be astonished at the size of these giant tortoises. Some males grow to 500 pounds and can live for 150 years.
Catégorie:Nouveauté; Pour:Unisexe; Activité:TT; Quantité:1 Pièce; Type de Batterie:Lithium; Alimentation:Batterie rechargeable; Matériau:ABS; Fonction:Améliore le Sommeil; date d'inscription:08/21/2020; Catégories de base:Santé Beauté
Oreiller de voyage en mousse à mémoire de forme