I only sell replica coins for collections, none of the coins I sell are original. Please don't buy them as the original coins. I sell these copied coins only want to make your collections more perfect. and if you did not find the coins you want. you can send samples to us. we can make custom coins.
please read carefully before buying. this item not including the inside or outside frame because of the expensive shipping cost, it is just a print canvas. do not accept this reason to return goods.you can choose 5 of all products to order. thank you very much for your understanding.
20 pcs 5 designs and each design 4 pcs material:resin size:about 2.5cm perfect decor for your fairy garden and terrarium
Medium:Plate Aluminum Dimension: H24.5"xW11.5"xD1/2" each x5panels,Total 24.5"x61.5"
2 dekorative Design-Glasteller, ca. Ø 21 cm, klar. Die Design-Glasteller können nach Belieben mit unserer Brilliant-Farbe "Glaskunst Venetia" auf der Rückseite bemalt werden.