Die Kombipatrone von ONLINE – die passt immer! So kann die dünne Seite für ONLINE und alle Standard-Füllersysteme und die dicke Seite für LAMY-Patronenfüller verwendet werden. Die hochwertige Tinte – königsblau, löschbar – garantiert intensive Schreibfarbe in gleichbleibender Qualität, in vielen, verschiedenen Schreibfarben erhältlich. 4 Päckchen à 5 Patronen im Maxi-Pack, mit Rabazzi-Sammelpunkten.
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Beschreibung ELBA Heftstreifen aus Manilakarton für DIN A4, gelb Lochung: 60 mm (ungeöst), 80 mm (geöst) aus Recyclingmaterial Inhalt: 50 Stück (27450 GB)
Everbuild 30min Polyure Wood Adhesive comes in gel or liquid form.As well as bonding all common wood types (hard, soft, exotic, painted), Everbuild Polyure Wood Adhesives will also bond Formica, polystyrene, PU foam, metal, glass, wool and various plastics (including PVC) even to porous surfaces.These products also adhere to stone, concrete, brick and masonry, are fast setting 30 minute or 5 minute set (Typical PVA based wood glue 8-12 hours) and when cured give exceptional bond strength to wood and most common building surfaces.The gel or liquid can be used internal and external and have excellent weathering and ageing properties, while being fully water proof to EN204 D4, including seawater.Everbuild Polyure Wood Adhesive foams slightly on application to fill small gaps and increase overall bond strength on a range of job applications including general wood jointing, construction, window and door frame etc.. The product is used by door manufacturers, furniture manufacturers, for the construction of staircases and ladders, and even right down to boat building and as a high quality insulation adhesive for foam/glass wool/fibre boarding.Available in:Size: 310ml Gel.Size: 750g Liquid.A 5 minute set cartridge applied thixotropic gel.Size: 310ml.
Beschreibung für Dänische Kronen (DKK). Wird statt des Hartgeldeinsatzes eingelegt
l'oblique Dossiers suspendus AZV pour armoire, fond 30 - für den Markt: F (100330475)