Included: All park entrance fees inc. 3 Parks Pass BBQ Lunch Tea / coffee / biscuits Friendly & informative tour guide
ArcelorMittal Orbit Zoom high into the clouds and explore London’s famous skyline from the top of the ArcelorMittal Orbit – UK’s tallest sculpture. Enjoy a breath-taking panorama of up to 20 miles across London through stunning floor to ceiling windows before experiencing the city’s landmarks from the outside observation walkway suspended 262ft above the ground. Discover sights including Wembley Stadium, St Paul’s Cathedral and Canary Wharf and get a bird’s eye view of the iconic venues of London 2012.
Sehenswürdigkeiten: Abdrücke der Toten Porta Marina Die Basilika Der Tempel von Apollo Das römische Forum Pompeiis Hauptstraße Der Macellum - altertümlicher Supermarkt Die 'Höhle Canem' Heim des tragischen Dichters Römische Bäckerei Der Friedhof Ein Pompeii Bordell (wenn für die Gruppe geeignet) Panoramablick über die Stadtmauer mit Blick auf Neapel und Capri
Sites Visited: Death Casts Porta Marina The Basilica The Temple of Apollo The Roman Forum Pompeii’s Main Street The Macellum – ancient supermarket The ‘Cave Canem’ home of the Tragic Poet Roman Bakery The Cemetary A Pompeii brothel (if appropriate for the group) Panoramc walk on the city walls, with views of Naples and Capri
Ein paar der Highlights im Siam Wasserpark sind: Tower of Power Wenn Sie Adrenalin mögen, verpassen Sie nicht den „Tower of Power“! Den Turm erklimmen,nochmal tief Luft holen und dann die Badehose festhalten denn jetzt geht es fast vertikal, wie im freien Fall 28 Meter runnter, rein ins Wasser. Am Ende der Rutschpartie durch ein riesiges Aquarium gleiten - ein must für Adrenalinjunkies. The Lost City Siam Park ist voller Überraschungen für alle Altersstufen und daher haben auch die Kleinsten eine Kinderbereich nur für sich ganz allein. „Die verlorene Stadt“ besteht aus diversen Türmen, Brücken, Netzen, Wasserfällen und insgesamt 15 Rutschbahnen. Baby Zone Der Siam Park hat auch einen ganzen Bereich für die Wassser-Babies. Hier ist alles auf die wirklich jungen Gäste und ihre Eltern abgestimmt. Der exotisch anmutenden Siam Beach mit traumhaft weißem Sand, Palmen, wunderschönem Blick über den Atlantik ist ein perfekter Ort um die Seele baumeln zu lassen, tiefenentspannt einen erfrischenden Drink zu schlürfen… Die Seelöweninsel Beim Betreten des Parks werden Sie von unseren sympathischen Seelöwen begrüßt. Sie zeigen Ihnen, wie sehr man sich beim Baden und Spielen im Wasser amüsieren kann. Ein fantastisch angelegter Wasserpark der Extraklasse in einer traumhaften Umgebung!
Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition is the world's largest exhibition devoted to Shakespeare and the London in which he lived and worked. Housed beneath the reconstructed Globe Theatre on London's Bankside, the exhibition explores the remarkable story of the Globe, and brings Shakespeare's world to life using a range of interactive displays and live demonstrations. Visitors to the exhibition can discover how shows were produced in the theatres of Shakespeare's time, from writing and rehearsals to music, dance and performance. There are opportunities to learn about the traditional crafts and techniques used during the process of rebuilding the Globe; to find out how special effects were produced in Shakespeare's time, to listen to recordings from some of the most memorable Shakespearean performances ever, or join the cast and add your own voice to a scene recorded by Globe actors; to create your own Shakespearean phrases in the word jungle; to watch a sword-fighting display and browse the costume collection, where you can learn about the extraordinary methods used in creating clothes 400 years ago. A visit to the Exhibition includes a guided tour of the theatre where expert guide-storytellers provide fascinating half hour tours of the auditorium, taking visitors on a journey through time back to Elizabethan London as well as the reconstruction process of the 1980's-90's and how the wooden 'o' works today as an imaginative and experimental theatrical space. An exhibition visit and theatre tour lasts about one and a half hours. Information sheets are available in English, large print, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Chinese and Japanese. NB: There is no access to the theatre during matinee performances. Visitors will be taken to the nearby archaeological site of the Rose Theatre, Bankside's first playhouse. London Bridge Experience & Tombs There are recreations of the past wooden, stone and medieval bridges, all of which include live characters in full regalia of the time. Join in the fun, have a laugh and learn some of London's gruesome history at the same time. The performers also do their very best to add a few surprises along the way; so try to be ready for them! Then travel through the Terror Time Tunnel to emerge in the present and if you're feeling brave you can choose to face your fears and descend into in the former plague pit; the London Tombs where a few more surprises will chill your bones. It's a thrilling experience using the latest in Hollywood style wizardry and our marvellous real life characters guiding you through the ages on the bridge. Get ready to be entertained and amazed at what you will see. Feel the ground shake as you march in Queen Boudicca’s army, discover the gruesome fate of Tudor traitors, sneak through the dark streets of Victorian London and follow in the footsteps of Jack the Ripper