The safety of our guests and sea lions is our number one priority. Here are a few key rules to make sure everyone (including our sea lions) have a great time! Jewellery, watches, hair accessories, hats, sunglasses and loose articles are not permitted in the water. We provide all guests with a wet suit for their interaction; you will wear your swim suit underneath. All guests are required to wear a wet suit during their programme. For the safety of our animals, we cannot allow you to wear your personal wet suits. Cameras are not allowed in the water. However, we do provide a photographer throughout the interaction. Please know that your scheduled time is for the mandatory check-in and not for the interaction itself. It is very important you arrive at your scheduled time. We are not able to provide a refund or reschedule you if you do not arrive on time.
Your helicopter flight experience begins with a greeting and check-in from friendly operations staff, followed by a thorough safety briefing in the comfort of the modern and spacious guest lounge. After the safety briefing, we will head out to the helicopter and use your own camera for some photos in front of your helicopter before boarding. Cameras and video recorders can be taken with you on the helicopter for more fantastic memories of your flight over picturesque Sydney Harbour and beyond. Upon take-off enjoy full panoramic views of the Sydney skyline, Pacific Ocean and the historic port of Botany Bay. Within minutes of departure your experienced and skilled pilot will have you above the glistening waters of Maroubra Beach and tracking north along the coast at 500 feet. You will contour fly the picturesque coastline of the Eastern Suburbs beaches including Coogee, Clovelly and also the world famous Bondi Beach, the aquamarine waters sparkling against the Sydney sun. Admire the spectacular houses of Dover Heights and Vaucluse perched on the chiselled sandstone cliffs as you continue northbound to Sydney Heads. From the entrance to Sydney Harbour your flight path will continue north passing the golden sands of Manly and Curl Curl Beaches en route to Dee Why and Long Reef. Your experienced pilot will guide your helicopter towards the yacht filled waters of Middle Harbour, as you look down at the traffic crawling along the Spit Bridge and then onwards into the awe inspiring Sydney Harbour giving you a view of icons such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Taronga Zoo, Watsons Bay, Rose Bay, Manly Beach and Sydney’s most exclusive real estate addresses. Looking towards the horizon you can see the rest of Sydney stretching out towards the Sydney Olympic site and further afield to the foothills of the world renowned Blue Mountains. As you start your return journey to the heliport you will fly past some of Sydney’s great sporting arenas including the Sydney Football Stadium and the Sydney Cricket Ground, as well as Randwick Racecourse. Throughout the flight your pilot will be providing you with informative commentary via Bose voice activated headsets, you will also be able to talk with the pilot and your other passengers whilst on the helicopter.
Tanque Interactivo de Tiburones y Rayas (Fundación The Trust Family) Los visitantes de esta exposición podrán alcanzar y tocar suavemente la parte posterior de las rayas gavilán, de las rayas del Atlántico y de los tiburones, mientras nadan con gracia a través del agua cristalina. La exposición muestra estas increíbles especies de una manera que pone de relieve su importancia para un ecosistema marino sano y hace hincapié en la importancia de la conservación de los hábitats costeros, como los manglares y las lagunas. Abierto todos los días a partir de las 9:30 am. Centro de Mamíferos Marinos (Fundación New Balance) Conozca a estos enérgicos osos marinos Árticos y leones marinos de California, y descubra cómo puede ayudarles en su hábitat natural. Contemple a los leones marinos de California lanzarse rápidamente al agua y a los agiles osos marinos Árticos juguetear en esta hermosa sala de exposiciones al aire libre. Descubra los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los mamíferos marinos en su hábitat natural, y obtenga una nueva perspectiva los viernes con las sesiones especiales de formación de New Balance. Foca Común del Atlántico Los visitantes podrán disfrutar de las focas del Atlántico en su exhibición en la plaza del acuario, antes de comprar las entradas. Vea las focas nadar, jugar y descansar. Aprenda más sobre ellas y vea algunos de sus comportamientos mientras trabajan con los entrenadores sus entrenamientos libres a lo largo del día. Centro Interactivo Planeta Azul Esta nueva exposición es parte de la reciente reforma integral del acuario, una transformación para el siglo XXI. Esta área de exhibición presenta los serios desafíos a los que se enfrentan los océanos y muestra el liderazgo mundial del acuario en la búsqueda de soluciones con una combinación de pantallas interactivas, presentaciones representativas y exposiciones de pequeños animales vivos. Idiomas Hay guías del acuario en español, mandarín, alemán, francés, italiano y portugués de Brasil, y están disponibles en la recepción del acuario bajo petición. Duración Haga planes para pasar de 1 ½ a 2 horas en el Acuario. Si quiere visitar también IMAX film, tendrá una duración de 45 minutos más. Inclusiones La admisión al acuario incluye el Acuario y todas sus exposiciones. Exclusiones El Teatro IMAX Simons y El Avistamiento de Ballenas en el Acuario conllevan un cargo adicional. Ahora en el Teatro Simons IMAX Humpback Whales 3D - Duración: 40 min. Las Ballenas Jorobadas 3D le llevarán a un mundo submarino lleno de magníficas ballenas cantos de ballena hipnotizantes, por primera vez en IMAX 3D. Great White Shark 3D - Duración: 40 min. Prepárese para una visita a ojo de mano del tiburón depredador más conocido: el tiburón blanco. Galapagos 3D: Nature's Woderland - Duración: 40 min. Solo existe un lugar en la tierra donde las iguanas conviven junto a los pingüinos tropicales y el pez más grande del océano. Viaje allí con esta película: el país de las maravillas de la naturaleza en la pantalla más grande de Nueva Inglaterra.
Information : Important: Closing of the Queen’s State Apartment for renovation works We strongly advise against high-heeled shoes (parquet flooring in the rooms and cobblestones in the courtyard) Strollers are not permitted inside the palace Access to the palace is challenging for those with reduced mobility Photography without flash is permitted inside the palace Tuesday mornings are not recommended due to the high number of visitors The skip-the-line access is subject to the Versailles Palace procedures: The Vigipirate plan, the security control or an unforeseen crowd can slow down the entrance On-site visit duration: 2h Languages Available : English and Spanish : Every departure Italian : Wednesday and Sunday German : Tuesday, Friday French : Saturday Portuguese : Thursday Japanese : Tuesday
Winter: Daily Departure time: 10:00, 12:00, 15:00 or 09:00 / 10:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 15;00 Departure from Pyramides Agency: 2 rue des Pyramides, 75001 Paris Important Operation Information: In 2018, Eiffel Tower will renovate its lifts. The renovation will last at least 12 months and implies that one lift will be out of service during this period. We will keep you informed of any further notice.
With more than 400 miles of bike lanes and traffic-free bike paths, you’ll love NYC by bike!
Stop when you want, get up close and delight in the freedom of pedaling through NYC’s diverse landscape. Experience car-free, fun, easy riding along the scenic Greenways in the city’s waterfront parks.
We’ll give you maps and locks so you can easily access all of NYC’s must-see sites as well as discover something new and exciting around every corner - all at your own pace.
Inclusions: Bike rental includes comfort hybrid bike, helmet, handlebar bag, lock, city map