Use the Safescan 20 permanent UV pen to quickly and discreetly mark your high-value items such as TVs, tablets and phones. The special ink is invisible under normal lighting conditions; no one can see what you’ve written until it’s placed under UV light. The Safescan 20 UV pen is odourless and colourless and works on most surfaces, including metal, glass, paper, plastic, cloth and skin.Unlike standard UV pens, the high-quality Safescan 20 leaves waterproof marks that do not fade over time and don’t need to be protected with overseals. (The ink will gradually fade from skin and clothing through normal washing.) For best results, It is recommended that any markings on your property is in a place that will not be frequently touched or constantly exposed to sunlight.Box of 20 pens, ideal for marking valuables such as TV's mobile phones and laptops, permanent UV ink, markings light up under UV light, works on most surfaces, extra fine tip for easy writing, non-toxic ink
Beschreibung helit Karteikasten A7 quer, lichtgrau, unbestückt tragbar, beschriftbar, für ca. 1.200 Karteikarten, Lieferung inkl. 2 Stellbrettchen, Maße: (B)150 x (T)365 x (H)103 mm (H6213782)
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Kurzinfo: Lexmark Forms and Bar Code Card - ROM - Strichcode, Formulare - für Lexmark MX6500e MFP Gruppe Read-Only Speicher Hersteller Lexmark Hersteller Art. Nr. 16J0837 EAN/UPC 0734646521963 Produktbeschreibung: Lexmark Forms and Bar Code Card ROM () Produkttyp ROM Content (Inhalt) Strichcode, Formulare Entwickelt für Lexmark MX6500e MFP Ausführliche Details Speicher Typ ROM Modulinhalt Strichcode, Formulare Informationen zur Kompatibilität Entwickelt für Lexmark MX6500e MFP
Maul Magnet MAULsolid (Ø x H) 38 mm x 15.5 mm rund Gelb, Rot, Blau, Weiß, Grün, Grau, Schwarz 10 St. 6163999 (6163999)