Come and meet the fascinating lifelike wax figures in an interactive attraction, impressive sets and costumes. Nowhere else you will get so many selfies with your stars. A tour through the 2.500 square meters of the exhibition shows you different themed areas like history, politics, sports, music and Hollywood Hills. Numerous interactive elements, actors and impressive sets makes ithis tour educative and entertaining. The lifelike wax figures made Madame Tussauds world famous. At Madame Tussauds, more than 120 national and interantional celebrities and the big legends of contemporary history attract thousands of visitor every day. Please note, that children under 15 years must be accompanied by an adult.
Advisories: The hike to the boat requires some physical effort and is not recommended for persons with moderate to extreme physical limitations. Transportation Details: Passengers drive to the Grand Canyon West Rim for check-in and boarding The West Rim is an approximate 2.5 hour drive from Las Vegas, NV Sample Itinerary: Check-in at Grand Canyon West Terminal Clients will board helicopter and begin descent to the bottom of the canyon. (Flight time is approximately 5-7 minutes) Descend approximately 4,000 feet while marveling in the scenic views of the canyon walls Upon landing, hike to the base of the river to board pontoon boat. Enjoy a 1 (one) mile float trip on the Colorado River (approximately 15-20 minutes) Return to helipad for flight to the rim of the canyon Clients will board a shuttle to multiple stops along the rim. Time spent at each stop is at the client’s discretion First stop is the Hualapai Ranch. A re-creation of the old west that includes a small town with cowboys and gunfights Next stop is at a lookout point where an enormous eagle-like rock formation is located and was named after, Eagle Point Last stop is Guano Point. Here clients will have nearly 360 degrees of panoramic canyon views and great photo opportunities Clients return to the main Grand Canyon West terminal via shuttle Helicopter: Flight from the top of the West Rim to the bottom of the canyon floor. Approximately 5-7 minutes. Boat: Approximate 20 minute pontoon boat cruise on Colorado River Please Note: Passengers weighing 300lbs (136.36kg / 21.43 stone) or more will be charged a fee for an additional comfort seat. This fee is based on the product and ranges from $50 to $200.
A particularity of the Zoo de La Flèche is the diversity of the plant species that it shelters. The botanical decorations contributes naturally to the well-being of the animals and indirectly to that of the visitors. Aware of the stakes that flora represents for its residents, the Zoo emphasizes its preservation and counts among its decorations, more than 800 plant species, all carefully positioned according to the atmospheres recreated for animals. Highlights: More than 400,000 visitors a year 18 hectares dedicated to the visit 90 tons of fruits and vegetables a year Also: 1500 animals of 160 different species that evolve on the park 100 people who work every day for animal welfare and park maintenance Shows and animations assured throughout the season by the teams of the Zoo About 100 births a year
VR World There are a wide variety of experiences for all types of people. Some will enjoy shooting droids in space and fighting off zombies to racing on a track, while others will enjoy flying on a paraglider or climbing a mountain. Others still will enjoy watching short films or painting in the green room. Some experiences require full body motion while others are seated activities. Each participant gets approximately 5-10 minutes at each experience. At the gate, each participant will sign up using their real name, a screen name, an email, a phone number, and other pieces of information. While not required, if a participant signs up with their own phone number, they will receive a notification when they are at the the front of the queue for their attraction There are offering a wide selection of non-alcoholic drinks, beer, wine and liquor. Our house cocktails will not disappoint. Try the VRWorldian, Simon’s Escape, Caipirinha Assassin or Salty Borzoi to name just a few. No food at this time. There is no food inside the building, but guests are able to leave and re-enter the building during the time of their ticket. Empire State Building The world-famous 86th and 102nd floor Observatories offer unmatched views of New York City and on a clear day one can see to New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Delaware. 1,050 feet above the city’s bustling streets, the 86th floor Observatory offers panoramic views from within a glass-enclosed pavilion and from the surrounding open-air promenade. 200 feet higher, our 102nd floor Observatory is a private and serene perch in the middle of the greatest city in the world. The Observatories have been a “must visit” for millions each year since it opened to the public in 1931. Each year approximately four million people are whisked to our 86th and 102nd floors, consistently one of New York City’s top tourist attractions. Visit the Observatories 365 days per year, day and night, rain or shine, for magnificent views of Manhattan and beyond. The Empire State Building embodies the feeling and spirit of New York City. It is recognized not only as an iconic landmark offering some of the most spectacular views on earth, but also as an international symbol of shared hopes, dreams, and accomplishment. Accessibility: The Empire State Building is fully ADA compliant. We have handicapped restrooms on the 86th Floor Observatory and also have lowered viewing walls and binoculars. Service dogs are allowed throughout the building. Motorized and non-motorized wheelchairs are permitted. The 86th Floor has ramps to make getting around easier and lowered viewing walls so that visitors in chairs can still take in the view.
Su jardín botánico y el zoológico, con cientos de aves exóticas, decenas de mamíferos, reptiles, miles de peces y mucho más, además de miles de palmeras y plantas, es uno de los más importantes del mundo en su género. Palmitos Park es considerada como una de las atracciones más populares en Gran Canaria. No te pierdas el espectáculo de los loros, donde verás a estas inteligentes aves realizar una increíble variedad de trucos, desde montar en bicicletas a hacer rompecabezas, pintar cuadros o contar hasta diez. Visita la mayor colección de orquídeas de Canarias, la Casa de las Orquídeas, recrea un hábitat único para cientos de estas flores. Otro punto destacable es el Jardín de Cactus, en el que podrás contemplar una impresionante colección de cactus y aloes, con especímenes realmente increíbles. Las estrellas del parque son los delfines, inteligentes y cariñosos. En el único delfinario de Gran Canaria, el de Palmitos Park, podrás contemplar a estos simpáticos mamíferos marinos en un entorno espectacular. El Acuario presenta una gran variedad de peces tropicales, incluyendo la colección más importante de Europa de peces de coral. Los peces de agua salada y agua dulce con los colores más vivos y las formas más asombrosas viven en una ribera artificial. Otra atracción es la Isla Primates, donde viven algunos gibones procedentes de la península de Malasia y de Borneo y que se han podido criar en cautividad por primera vez con éxito. Todo esto está inmerso en un vergel de más de 1.000 palmeras y 15.000 plantas.
Las plantas más famosas del observatorio (86th y 102nd) ofrecen vistas increíbles de la ciudad de Nueva York, e incluso durante un día claro se puede ver New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania y Delaware. A 320 metros del ajetreo de la ciudad, se encuentra el piso 86th con vistas desde una terraza de cristal. 200 metros más arriba se encuentra el piso 120nd, en un ambiente privado y tranquilo situado en el centro de la mejor ciudad. Empire State Building El observatorio ha sido una atracción de visita obligatoria para millones de visitantes cada año desde que abrió al público en 1931. Cada año, aproximadamente 4 millones de personas visitan las dos plantas. Podrá visitar el observatorio durante los 365 días del año, durante noche y día, llueva o haga sol, para contemplar las magníficas vistas de Manhattan. El Empire State Building alberga el sentimiento y espíritu de Nueva York. No es solamente conocida por su icónico paisaje que ofrece algunas de las vistas más espectaculares de la Tierra sino que también es reconocida como un símbolo internacional de esperanza, sueños y éxitos. Accesibilidad: disponemos de lavabos adaptados a personas con discapacidad, así como también paredes bajas y binoculares. Los perros guía pueden acceder al edificio acompañados de su propietario. También permitimos el acceso de vehículos motorizados y no motorizados. El piso 86th tiene rampas para facilitar el acceso. Información del edificio El observatorio de la planta 86 está a 320 metros de altura. El observatorio de la planta 102 está a 380 metros de altura. La antena de retransmisión se encuentra a 443 metros de altura. 103 pisos. 1.872 peldaños hasta el piso 103. El edificio ocupa 7.366 metros cuadrados. Pesa 365.000 toneladas. Su volumen es de 1.300 millones de metros cúbicos. Más de 7 millones de metros cúbicos de piedra caliza y granito de Indiana para el Revestimiento exterior. Aproximadamente 10 millones de ladrillos fueron utilizados en la construcción. Se usaron 730 toneladas de aluminio y acero inoxidable en su construcción. 57.000 toneladas de acero fueron usadas en la construcción. Contiene 761 km de cableado eléctrico y 113 km de cañerías. 6.514 ventanas. 210 columnas en la base que soportan todo el peso del edificio. La construcción duró unos 45 años. Hicieron falta 7 millones de horas de trabajo humano para construir el Empire State Building. El coste final de la propiedad ascendió a 41 millones de dólares. 73 ascensores. 5 entradas. 265.000 metros cuadrados habitables. Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium is New York City's Must See Times Square attraction. What is an Odditorium you ask? An Odditorium is a museum like no museum you have ever seen in your lifetime - Believe It or Not! Venture off the hectic New York City streets to enter a world showcasing the odd and celebrating the weird and outlandish from around the world. Your self-guided adventure is sure to astonish as you come face to face and interact with remarkable relics and rare treasures from around the world in our New York City museum attraction. For over 40 years, Robert Ripley - the real-life Indiana Jones - traveled the world collecting the unbelievable, the inexplicable and the one-of-a-kind. His vast collections praised as “amazing”, “ludicrously strange” and “extremely amusing” are now on display in our exhibits for you to see, hear and touch, Believe It or Not! Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square invites guests of all ages to experience the unbelievable mysteries of our world. As one of the most popular things to do in NYC, Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square is home to rare artifacts and thrilling interactive exhibits. Our one-of-kind attraction welcomes visitors to immerse themselves in the unusual, the unexpected and the unbelievable. Only in Ripley’s Times Square will families rediscover wonder around every corner. A FAMILY FRIENDLY ATTRACTION IN TIMES SQUARE Ripley's Believe It or Not! Times Square showcases some of the most incredible exhibits found in New York City! While touring our amazing attraction you'll see unbelievable artifacts and treasures, many of which were collected by Robert Ripley himself. You will be utterly amazed and entertained with the astonishing exhibits and activities our unique attraction has to offer. OVER 500 UNIQUE AND UNBELIEVABLE EXHIBITS Along with seeing unbelievable sights, you and your family and friends will experience immersive interactive exhibits! Most importantly, you'll learn how diverse and weird our world really is! With over twenty themed galleries spanning two floors, our family friendly attraction in Times Square is the largest Ripley's in North America. Our NYC attraction is home to the most amazing interactive exhibits. Some of these amazing exhibits include: The Little Apple - A New York Experience The Impossible LaseRace™ The Black Hole