Der Badespaß geht wieder los. Du hättest vorher gern eine coole Herren Badehose ? Dann schau dir die Champion Boardshort an. Das Material der orangen Boardshort trocknet sehr schnell. Du kannst sie auch zum Bummel in der Stadt tragen. Ein Gummibund sorgt für einen perfekten, bequemen Sitz. Am linken Bein hast du einen dezenten Logo-Print.
Wireless Gather sling Deep V Printing Sexy Tankini
Super low-rise swim brief made from ultra soft and comfortable microfiber. Very fitted cut. Contrast waistband, stitching and side panels. Rufskin Sport eyelet on the left hip. Front lining. Made in California.
This sexy bikini set which uses stitching as the main structure, polka dot make it active in the crowd's attention. To show yourself wearing this different bikini set on the beach.
Very sexy swim brief made from stretch and resistant Italian fabric. Super low-rise and fitted cut. Board shorts inspired details and drawstring in the front. Contrasting yoke to underline your buttocks. Front lining. Marcuse logo embroidered at the back.