Self-supporting motor with vibration decoupling for outstanding vibration and noise reduction. Very easy to handle due to its ergonomic design and light weight. StarlockPlus tool mounting with outstanding torque transfer, suitable for all Starlock and StarlockPlus accessories. Powerful Li-ion batteries with SafetyCell technology. Charge indicator on each battery. Wide range of accessories available for all applications.
5Pcs 11in Alicates de punta larga con mecánicos de agarre suave Electricistas Craft Hobby Tool Set
These Knipex 35 32 Series precision electronics round nose pliers with ESD grip to discharge the electrostatic energy correspondingly slowly and under control to protect endangered components. For very fine installation work in electronics and fine mechanics used for gripping, folding and bending. Smooth ground gripping surfaces with carefully deburred edges. Low friction double spring for gentle smooth closing and opening. Mirror polish together with a fine film of oil offer effective rust protection - no circuit faults caused by peeling chrome from plated tools. Length: 115mm.Pointed Round Jaws for bending wire eyes.
17 unids Brocas Set Martillo Eléctrico Broca Cincel Cortador de Agujero Taladrar Ranurado Herramientas con Caja de Plástico
The IRWIN Vise-Grip Curved Jaw (CR) Locking Pliers feature a unique self-energising lower jaw that delivers three times more gripping power than traditional locking pliers, with absolutely no slipping or stripping. The slotted geometry of the new ‘self-energising’ Vise-Grip CR locking pliers exponentially increases torque for more secure clamping. The Vise-Grip CR Plies can establish multiple contact points, guaranteeing a significantly tighter grip. As a result, the CR range is especially well-suited for performing in greasy work environments and for manoeuvring in tight spaces where a worker cannot easily get two hands on a tool. The patented curved jaw securely grips multiple surface shapes including round pipes, square or hex bolts and more.Set of 3 Comprising:- 1 each 250mm (10 in), 175mm (7 in) and 125mm (5 in) Curved Jaw Locking Pliers.
Arrow T18 wire cable tacker with all steel construction, the chrome finish resists wear and tear. The grooved driving blade and grooved guide ensures perfect stapling with jam resistant mechanism and a short span easy compression handle. Designed to accommodate smaller wires and cables up to 5mm diameter, suitable for telephone, intercom and burglar alarm wiring. The T18 takes 3/16 x 3/8 leg (ARRT1838) & 3/16 x 7/16 leg crown staples (ARRT18716)