Thrill seekers only! Take in the sights of the surrounding land, trees, and caves from a different perspective with Xplor Activity Park. It takes you above, below, and even through the earth. Set sail on a raft over crystal clear waters, navigating through caves, and amongst vintage rock formations. Experience the adventure of conquering all different terrains in a 5 mile journey through the exotic Caribbean jungle. Explore eight caverns in a mighty two-seater amphibious vehicle. Swim through the most mysterious routes, surrounded by breathtaking stalactites and stalagmites. And if that isn't enough, soar above it all on a multi-platform zip line circuit with a few water landings thrown in to refresh your senses.This action packed day will leave you anything but bored! Remember to stop at some point and enjoy your buffet lunch and refreshments.
Edinburgh Castle Great Hall The Great Hall was completed in 1511, as the nation’s chief place of ceremony and state assembly. An original hammerbeam roof dating from 1511 is just one fascinating feature of the impressive Great Hall. Guided Tours All visitors to the castle can join our popular guided tour free of charge. Filled with intriguing tales and castle secrets for all. The Honours of Scotland Top of the list for many visitors are The Honours of Scotland, the nation’s crown jewels. The crown, sceptre and sword of state are the oldest royal regalia in the United Kingdom. Mons Meg This mighty medieval siege gun is one of the world’s oldest, it could fire a gunstone almost two miles. Built at Mons, Belgium, she represented the cutting edge of military technology. National War Museum Scotland Discover the story of Scots at war over 400 years, revealed through personal mementoes, photographs and military objects. One o'clock Gun The One o’ Clock Gun was first fired from the Castle on 7 June 1861, and has continued ever since, six days a week, except during the two World Wars. Prisons of War Exhibition A highly acclaimed ‘Prisons of War’ experience in the castle vaults vividly recalls the conditions the 18th century captives endured. Royal Palace Its fine rooms were the home of Scotland’s royalty for centuries, where Queen Marie de Guise died in 1560 and her daughter Mary Queen of Scots gave birth to James VI in 1566. Royal Scots Regimental Museum Closed 16th - 22nd June. Explore the proud and exciting story of one of Scotland's most famous regiments. Scottish National War Memorial Originally opened in 1927, this is a memorial to Scots who died in both World Wars, and in later campaigns. Their names are listed here in the Roll of Honour. The Regimental Museum Of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards An important collection illustrating the history of Scotland's only cavalry regiment and its English and Scottish antecedents dating back to 1678. The Stone of Destiny The Stone of Destiny is an important symbol of Scottish nationhood, and still plays a central role in all British coronations. It was the coronation seat of ancient Scottish kings. St Margaret's Chapel Take a quiet moment in St Margaret’s Chapel, built by David I around 1130 and the oldest building in Edinburgh. Views of Edinburgh Photo hotspots around the castle - capture stunning views of Edinburgh Royal Yacht Britannia This magnificent ship has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. But, above all, she was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family. Now in Edinburgh you are welcome on board to discover the heart and soul of this most special of royal residences. Before you step on board the Royal Yacht Britannia, you will be given a complimentary audio handset that is full of captivating stories and provides a rare glimpse into the life of the British Royal Family. From Sir Winston Churchill to Boris Yeltsin, Rajiv Gandhi to Nelson Mandela, some of the world’s most influential people have been welcomed aboard Britannia; now you can stand where they stood and see what they saw. You can choose to enjoy the tour in a wide range of languages. There is also a children’s tour in English, a version for the visually impaired and one for people with learning difficulties. Printed scripts are also available. Starting at the Bridge, the self-guided tour covers five of Britannia’s magnificent decks, taking you through the fabulous State Apartments and crew’s quarters, and ending in the gleaming Engine Room. The majority of items on board are the original pieces, which have been kindly loaned by the Royal Collection. Highlights of the tour include the State Dining Room, the Sun Lounge and the Officers’ Wardroom. Be prepared for a few surprises at Britannia. Look out for the on-board Garage housing one of Her Majesty’s Rolls-Royces. You will even be able to see inside The Queen’s Bedroom; a rare insight that is not possible at any other royal residence. In March 2009 we opened the Royal Deck Tea Room on board. Sit back and enjoy the stunning waterfront views as our friendly waiters serve light refreshments with speciality teas and coffees in spectacular surroundings. Back on dry land, our award-winning shop in Ocean Terminal has exclusive gifts and popular Britannia souvenirs as distinctive as Britannia herself. What will you choose to remember your visit
Disneyland® Park In a Magical Kingdom not so far away - somewhere between a place where you wish upon a star and dreams come true - classic Disney heroes and heroines live once upon a time in fairytales that are, happily, never ending. 5 magical lands, endless fun, pick one that's for you... or pick them all! Experience your favourite Disney® Lands just as you remember them in classic Disney stories where fairytales really do come true. Endless attractions and thrills that come in all sizes and shapes. There are big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2 that takes you to the edge of the universe. For little ones, they can sail around the world with " it's a small world". Family fun can be found in every corner of the Park, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter's Tea Cups. Meet Disney® Characters The Park where favourite Disney® Characters live and can't wait to meet you. Alongside Mickey and Minnie, say 'Howdy' to Goofy and 'Hello Honey' to Pooh. Get a hug, an autograph and a photo. Just say 'cheese.' It's party time! Every day's a party at Disneyland® Park. On top of all the wonderful attractions and characters, there are lots of spectacular family parade and shows to enjoy, all year round. Enjoy our wonderful shows and parades every day! Walt Disney Studios® Park Right next door to Disneyland® Park, discover the magical world of cinema and television at Walt Disney Studios Park - 4 cinemagical 'lots', featuring thrilling attractions and spectacular shows with your dreams centre-stage. Explore the scenes on 4 studio lots. Where your "screendreams" come true! It's showbiz, folks! Make your big screen debut at Production Courtyard, Toon Studio, Backlot and Front lot. It's a star studded itinerary, and you never know what star you'll bump into. Blockbuster preview attractions. You ought to be in pictures! It's your day to be discovered while exploring all there is to see at Disney® Studios - The Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic, Disney Cinema Parade, Animagique and 'lots' more... Walt Disney Studios® Park, where movie magic abounds. Get behind the scenes with our never seen before Parade and tours. Why not take in a spectacular Show or Parade to round off the day like the Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic or our Moteurs...Action! Stunt Show Spectacular? Then you'll know exactly what it's like to be a star.
Sit back and enjoy THE RIDE’s incredible street performances against the backdrop of some of New York City’s most iconic landmarks including Times Square, Columbus Circle, the Chrysler Building, Grand Central Terminal and Bryant Park. You’ll explore the city in a completely new way through our floor-to-ceiling glass windows and stadium style seating! You will delight in pop-up presentations along the 4.2-mile route through Midtown and Times Square by THE RIDE’stalented ensemble of actors, singers, dancers, and instrumentalists. THE RIDE is one of the best ways to tour New York City and whether you’re new to the city or a long-time native, you’ll find New York City eternally fresh aboard THE RIDE. Our performers blend with the street life to become a part of THE RIDE, showing guests an experience they cannot get anywhere else! You won’t be able to tell where the New York City streets begin and the show ends! Great for holidays, birthday parties, special occasions, family reunions, Sweet 16’s, Bar and Bat MItzvahs, schools and camps, scout program, senior groups, corporate outings, team building, incentive trips, date nights, or just a fun day with family and friends, our 5-7 street performances make THE RIDE the best choice for your next event! Important Information: THE RIDE is 75 minutes long, unless otherwise pre-determined. THE RIDE is for children ages 6 and up. Children under 6 years of age will not be permitted on the bus. Food and drink are prohibited on THE RIDE. There is no restroom on the bus. Please make sure to use the restroom before boarding There is no access to a restroom during THE RIDE. All patrons must arrive no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled performance time. Patrons that arrived after THE RIDE has started will not be permitted to board THE RIDE. THE RIDE is not wheelchair accessible and you will have to ascend stairs to enter.
Overnight guests will stay at Hilton Garden Inn Monterey close to Fisherman's Wharf and Cannery Row. The tour allows for free time to explore Cannery Row and Downtown and Old Monterey on your own. You can add admission to the world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium as part of your tour. This tour also includes stops in Downtown Carmel, 17-Mile Drive, and the Pebble Beach Golf Course.
Tenga en cuenta:
Tour Radio City Music Hall State Door - entre bastidores, incluye: Rockettes Christmas Spectacular
Holiday Markets en Union Square, Bryant Park, Grand Central y Columbus Circle
American Museum of Natural History Origami Holiday Tree en exhibición (22/11/18 - 10/01/19)
Tour por Lincoln Center Tour y vea el "Winter's Eve" en Lincoln Square el 30 de Noviembre
El Tour Grayline Night cambia por el Tour Holiday Lights
Tour por Rockefeller Center para ver el árbol de Navidad y la pista de hielo
Tour Woodbury Common para ir de compras a más de 220 tiendas.
Entrada para Luna Park, en Coney Island
Lista de las ACTIVIDADES incluidas en el pase.
Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)
¿Es esto sólo una tarjeta de descuentos? ¿Tendrá que comprar las entradas?
No. Los pases incluyen la admisión a cada una de las atracciones, sin necesidad de pagar nada en las taquillas. Algunas atracciones podrán ofrecer mejoras o extras por una tarifa adicional.
¿Debo escoger mis atracciones por avanzado?
No hace falta, podrá escoger entre las atracciones incluidas durante la marcha.
¿Cuál es el margen de edad para las Tarjetas de niño?
Las Tarjetas para niños son para niños entre 3 y 12 años. La mayoría de atracciones no cobran a los niños menores de 3 años. Aún así, hay algunas excepciones (especialmente en museos o atracciones dirigidas a los viajeros más jóvenes). Si tiene un niño menor de 3 años, por favor compruebe con la atracción directamente por avanzado. Puede que tenga que pagar en taquilla.
¿Cómo consigo mi pase?
Cuando se haya completado su orden recibirá un correo electrónico con una versión para imprimir y otra para Smartphones de su New York Explorer Pass. No necesitará canjear nada, puede ir directo a la primera atracción que desea visitar y empezar a usar su tarjeta inmediatamente.
¿Cómo “activo” mi tarjeta?
Simplemente visite la primera atracción.
¿Es mi tarjeta válida todo el día?
Sí. Puede entrar a las atracciones en cualquier momento con la New York Explorer Pass.
¿Caduca la New York Explorer Pass?
Sí. Tiene un año desde la fecha de compra para empezar a usarla. Después de un año, caducará.
¿Cuánto puedo ahorrar?
Compare el precio del pase con los precios de las entradas de las atracciones que quiere visitar para ver cuánto ahorrará. Tendrá la flexibilidad para crear su propio itinerario y escoger las atracciones que quiere visitar dependiendo de sus intereses.
¿Puedo visitar las atracciones más de una vez?
No. Su pase sólo incluye una visita a cada atracción.
¿Necesito hacer reserva para visitar las atracciones?
Las atracciones que necesiten de reserva tendrán un símbolo específico en la guía. Algunas atracciones necesitan una tarjeta de crédito para realizar la reservar. En esos casos, no se hará ningún cargo a su tarjeta de crédito a menos que no se presente para su reserva. Si está interesado en realizar el Tour de Gossip Gir, NY TV y Películas, o el Tour de Sexo en Nueva York, le recomendamos que haga sur reserva tan pronto llegue a la ciudad.
¿Cuál es el truco?
No hay truco. La New York Explorer Pass está asociado con todas las atracciones que participan para hacer su visita a Nueva York tan memorable como sea posible y para ayudarle a ahorrar dinero.
¿Puedo compartir mi pase con un amigo o venderlo?
No. La New York Explorer Pass no es transferible y no puede ser revendida.
¿Qué ocurre si una atracción está cerrada o un tour es cancelado por culpa del mal tiempo u otro problema?
Aunque se intenta tener disponibilidad en todas las atracciones, los eventos inesperados ocurren y están fuera de nuestro control. Lo bueno de la New York Explorer Pass es que hay tantas atracciones entre las que elegir que, si una atracción está cerrada o no se puede visitar, seguro que encontrará una alternativa en la guía.
¿Cómo uso mi pase para visitar la Estatua de la Libertad?
Presente su New York Explorer Pass en una de las taquillas de Statue Cruises dentro del Castillo Clinton en Battery Park.
Una vez haya obtenido su Billete para el Ferry desde el Castillo Clinton, debe esperar en la cola de seguridad antes de embarcar.
El Ferry tiene la misma seguridad que un aeropuerto, por lo que prepárese para una espera larga. Resérvese al menos 2 horas para visitar una isla y 4 horas para visitar las Islas de Ellis y Liberty.
Su pase sólo le otorga acceso a la isla. El acceso al pedestal y la corona requieren reserva y el espacio es limitado, y no está incluido en su pase.