Hop-On Hop-Off Unlimited Tickets Valid for 24 Hours of Sightseeing Tour at Your Own Pace - Enjoy unlimited hop-on hop-off privileges! Spend as much time as you desire at each stop. Live Guide Narration - Local Tour Guides on each bus offer colorful entertaining historic commentary.. Every 30 Minutes! Buses Visit each Stop! - Stay as long as YOU like at each location. You can always catch the next bus! 7 Days a Week - 09:30 - 17:30 - Continuous Loop tour so YOU can decide what time your tour begins and ends. Tour Loop is 2 hours. Restaurant and Attraction Deals along the Way - Hop-Off and present your ticket to receive deals and discounts at various attractions, restaurants, and gift shops all along the route! Cemetery Walking Tour - Self guided tour of Lafayette Cemetery #1 included for all.
Celebrating 60 years in show business Paul Anka plays an exclusive run of shows at the Encore Theater. Buy the best seats in the house on ShowTickets.com.
Edinburgh Castle Great Hall The Great Hall was completed in 1511, as the nation’s chief place of ceremony and state assembly. An original hammerbeam roof dating from 1511 is just one fascinating feature of the impressive Great Hall. Guided Tours All visitors to the castle can join our popular guided tour free of charge. Filled with intriguing tales and castle secrets for all. The Honours of Scotland Top of the list for many visitors are The Honours of Scotland, the nation’s crown jewels. The crown, sceptre and sword of state are the oldest royal regalia in the United Kingdom. Mons Meg This mighty medieval siege gun is one of the world’s oldest, it could fire a gunstone almost two miles. Built at Mons, Belgium, she represented the cutting edge of military technology. National War Museum Scotland Discover the story of Scots at war over 400 years, revealed through personal mementoes, photographs and military objects. One o'clock Gun The One o’ Clock Gun was first fired from the Castle on 7 June 1861, and has continued ever since, six days a week, except during the two World Wars. Prisons of War Exhibition A highly acclaimed ‘Prisons of War’ experience in the castle vaults vividly recalls the conditions the 18th century captives endured. Royal Palace Its fine rooms were the home of Scotland’s royalty for centuries, where Queen Marie de Guise died in 1560 and her daughter Mary Queen of Scots gave birth to James VI in 1566. Royal Scots Regimental Museum Closed 16th - 22nd June. Explore the proud and exciting story of one of Scotland's most famous regiments. Scottish National War Memorial Originally opened in 1927, this is a memorial to Scots who died in both World Wars, and in later campaigns. Their names are listed here in the Roll of Honour. The Regimental Museum Of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards An important collection illustrating the history of Scotland's only cavalry regiment and its English and Scottish antecedents dating back to 1678. The Stone of Destiny The Stone of Destiny is an important symbol of Scottish nationhood, and still plays a central role in all British coronations. It was the coronation seat of ancient Scottish kings. St Margaret's Chapel Take a quiet moment in St Margaret’s Chapel, built by David I around 1130 and the oldest building in Edinburgh. Views of Edinburgh Photo hotspots around the castle - capture stunning views of Edinburgh Royal Yacht Britannia This magnificent ship has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. But, above all, she was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family. Now in Edinburgh you are welcome on board to discover the heart and soul of this most special of royal residences. Before you step on board the Royal Yacht Britannia, you will be given a complimentary audio handset that is full of captivating stories and provides a rare glimpse into the life of the British Royal Family. From Sir Winston Churchill to Boris Yeltsin, Rajiv Gandhi to Nelson Mandela, some of the world’s most influential people have been welcomed aboard Britannia; now you can stand where they stood and see what they saw. You can choose to enjoy the tour in a wide range of languages. There is also a children’s tour in English, a version for the visually impaired and one for people with learning difficulties. Printed scripts are also available. Starting at the Bridge, the self-guided tour covers five of Britannia’s magnificent decks, taking you through the fabulous State Apartments and crew’s quarters, and ending in the gleaming Engine Room. The majority of items on board are the original pieces, which have been kindly loaned by the Royal Collection. Highlights of the tour include the State Dining Room, the Sun Lounge and the Officers’ Wardroom. Be prepared for a few surprises at Britannia. Look out for the on-board Garage housing one of Her Majesty’s Rolls-Royces. You will even be able to see inside The Queen’s Bedroom; a rare insight that is not possible at any other royal residence. In March 2009 we opened the Royal Deck Tea Room on board. Sit back and enjoy the stunning waterfront views as our friendly waiters serve light refreshments with speciality teas and coffees in spectacular surroundings. Back on dry land, our award-winning shop in Ocean Terminal has exclusive gifts and popular Britannia souvenirs as distinctive as Britannia herself. What will you choose to remember your visit
Highlights Explore and absorb all the major classic sights of Melbourne - Melbourne Zoo, Royal Botanic Gardens and Melbourne Cricket Ground Ticket Includes Bus ticket professional audio tour guide We also recommend the following experiences: SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium, Melbourne Zoo, LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre Melbourne.
Adler Planetarium Featured Shows: Planet Nine - In July 2015, the New Horizons spacecraft gave us our first close look at Pluto, the most famous dwarf planet in the outskirts of our Solar System. The New Horizons flyby was big news, and the pictures it continues to send back to Earth reveal a world far more complex than anyone realized. Destination Solar System - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER The year is 2096. Space tourism is booming, and you’ve signed up for a quick trip around the Solar System with Space Express Tours! In this live show, your guides are Jesse, a lovable rookie tour guide who can’t wait to show you the wonders of your celestial neighborhood, and Max, the much more experienced—if slightly grumpy—shipboard computer. With Max steering the ship and Jesse chattering excitedly about each place you visit, you’ll soar through the Asteroid Belt, explore the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and hover over the roiling surface of the Sun. Hold on tight! Cosmic Wonder - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Ever since the first curious person looked up at the night sky, people all over the world have challenged themselves to uncover its secrets. What are stars? How did they get there? Why does our view of the sky change throughout the year? What holds the Universe together? Skywatch Live - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER The Adler’s view of downtown Chicago is magnificent, but the lights of the city make it a little tough to see the ones in the sky. What’s a stargazer to do? Join us for Skywatch Live! In this show, your live presenter will turn down the city lights and crank up the stars to show you the night sky over Chicago like you’ve never seen it before. You’ll learn how to navigate by starlight, get to know the stars behind your favorite constellations, and witness the incomprehensible vastness of the Universe without ever leaving your seat. Earth, Moon & Sun - WHAT YOU WILL LEARN With the help of Coyote, an amusing character adapted from Native American oral traditions, kids will laugh and learn as they explore the relationship between the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Coyote has lots of misconceptions about our world, the universe, and well… just about everything. Coyote’s humorous mistaken ideas about the universe help the audience understand how the Earth, Moon, and Sun work together as a great big system. Undiscovered Worlds - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Until very recently, the only planets known to us were the familiar worlds in orbit around our Sun. In the last two decades we have confirmed more than 1500 new planets, called exoplanets, orbiting other stars; thousands more are awaiting study. Undiscovered Worlds tells the tale surrounding this explosion of discovery and examines what will be required to determine which, if any, of these new exoplanets can support life. Welcome to the Universe - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER In Welcome to the Universe, you’ll get a clear picture of your place in this jaw-dropping cosmic landscape. With the guidance of a live presenter, you’ll explore the Pleiades star cluster, sail past the Andromeda galaxy, navigate the galaxies of the Coma Cluster, and discover hidden wonders of the Universe. One World, One Sky: Big Bird's Adventure - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Join Big Bird and Elmo on an unforgettable journey to the Moon and back! When Elmo’s friend Hu Hu Zhu stops by Sesame Street for a visit, he notices that Sesame Street is a little bit different from his home in China. But when he looks up at the sky, he feels right at home. Elmo and Hu Hu Zhu may live in different cities, but they share the same sky! Featured Exhibits: (Temporary) - What is a Planet? - What You’ll See And Do: Witness how astronomers and the media reacted to Pluto’s reclassification in 2006. Learn what the current definition of a planet is and hear what Adler Astronomers think of the current definition. Voice your opinion about Pluto alongside skeptics and space enthusiasts through an interactive voting poll in real time. Explore artifacts from the Adler collections that illustrate the ever-evolving definition of a planet. This temporary exhibition, which is included with general admission, will be open to the public from March 19, 2016 through January 8, 2017. Mission Moon - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Mission Moon invites you to experience America’s first steps into space through the eyes of NASA’s Captain James A. Lovell Jr. and his family. You’ll find out how the United States became the first nation to put a man on the Moon, what it’s really like to be an astronaut, and why it takes a team to explore uncharted worlds. Community Design Lab - In the Community Design Lab (CDL), you can test different materials to find out which ones will survive the journey to 100,000 feet above the Earth’s surface. Your discoveries may find their way into a future flight with Far Horizons, the Adler’s high-altitude ballooning program! If you could photograph an object in space, what would it be, and who would you share it with? In the CDL, you can build a DIY telescope-mount for your smartphone and become an instant astrophotographer! Test it out on one of our ’scopes and share your photos on social media. Our Solar System - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Our Solar System is much more than a star and eight planets; it is home to a set of diverse and amazing objects that we are only beginning to understand. Pilot your own adventure in Our Solar System and explore the variety of objects currently orbiting our Sun. The Universe - A Walk Through Space & Time - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Transport yourself to the distant corners of the cosmos and witness how the Universe evolved over 13.7 billion years, from the Big Bang to this morning’s sunrise. Follow the Universe from its meager beginnings and see how galaxies, stars, planets—and all the atoms in your body—were created as the Universe grew. Explore regions farther than our Solar System, billions of light-years from home. Zoom from one wondrous location in the Universe to another and investigate the most diverse and beautiful objects in deep space in ultra high resolution from the world’s most advanced telescopes. Planet Explorers - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Are you interested in going to space and exploring other planets? Prepare for your out-of-this-world adventure in Planet Explorers. Begin by exploring your home, your backyard, and the sky above. What you discover will prepare you for your mission to space and the mysterious Planet X. Telescopes: Through the Looking Glass - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Astronomers have studied the cosmos for thousands of years, but until about 400 years ago, they did it without telescopes! In Telescopes: Through the Looking Glass, you’ll find extraordinary beauty and technology in some of the world’s most important telescopes and learn how these clever light-catching devices helped us discover our Universe. Clark Family Gallery WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER This futuristic, constantly changing environment features a one-of-a-kind architecture with vibrant lighting and video presentations. It was created using approximately 13,000 linear feet of aluminum tubing and 20,000 square yards of fabric. The gallery also has 125 LED lights, each capable of producing sixteen million different colors and over two billion different lighting combinations. Astronomy in Culture - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Go back in time and learn about some of the people and societies who have challenged themselves to understand our place in the Universe. This exhibition features spectacular astrolabes, armillary spheres, and sundials to illustrate the medieval European and Middle Eastern conception of the Universe. Visit our medieval classroom to find out how much different school was back then. Learn how to use early astronomy tools including astrolabes and sundials. Atwood Sphere - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Experience the night sky over Chicago as it appeared in 1913 in the Atwood Sphere – Chicago’s oldest planetarium. Although the star positions have not changed since then, we can see only a small percentage of these stars in our current night sky due to light pollution. The sphere is seventeen feet in diameter and has 692 holes drilled through its metal surface. These holes allow light to enter and show the positions of the brightest stars in the night sky. Take a live guided tour of the Atwood Sphere and identify stars and the constellations they form.
Schwimmwesten sind kostenlos und beim Handtuchverleih erhältlich. Schwimmwesten sind für alle Schwimmer unter 1,27 m erforderlich und für schwache oder unerfahrene Schwimmer jeden Alters empfohlen. Alle Schwimmer unter 1,21 m sollten nicht ohne einem verantwortlichen Erwachsenen im Wasser sein.
Betrunkene Gäste erhalten keinen Zugang zum Aquaventure Water Park.
Kinder sollten zu jeder Zeit von einem verantwortlichen Erwachsenen beaufsichtigt werden. Rettungsschwimmer sind für die Sicherheit aller Gäste anwesend, bieten jedoch keinen Ersatz für die ständige Beaufsichtigung der Kinder und anderer Personen.
Brillen und Schmuck sollten vor dem Nutzen des Parks abgelegt werden werden.
Aquaventure-Attraktionen werden nicht für werdende Mütter, Personen mit Nacken-, Rücken-, Gelenks- oder Herzproblemen, Übergewicht oder körperlich einschränkenden Bedingungen empfohlen. Gäste mit Verletzungen (Abgüsse, Bandagen usw.) oder ansteckenden Krankheiten können die Attraktionen nicht nutzen.
Schwimmwindeln für Babys und Kleinkinder müssen in Pools getragen werden und sind in allen Läden im Park erhältlich.
Bitte tragen Sie stets geeignete Badebekleidung. Unangemessene Badebekleidung umfasst unter anderem Folgendes:
Unterwäsche für sich
Kleidung mit Nieten, Schnallen oder sichtbarem Metall
Lange, locker sitzende Kleidung
Alle Kleidungsstücke, die von Atlantis Management als unangebracht angesehen werden
Wir bitten Aquaventure-Gäste die kulturelle Empfindlichkeiten, die sich auf diesen Teil der Welt beziehen, zu beobachten und zu respektieren.
Es ist Besuchern nicht gestattet, Nahrungsmittel oder Getränke, Glaswaren oder Alkohol in Aquaventure mitzunehmen. Aquaventure behält sich das Recht vor, alle Taschen auf solche Gegenstände zu überprüfen.