HERMA Sammelmappe A3 Racing Team Polypropylen (19435)
Roor has been making high quality glass in Germany for 20 years, so when you see the Roor logo you know it means quality. These wonderful Roor bowls are made of a thick glass thats not easily chipped or broken and offer a fantastic bowl size- enough for a party or a long session alone! These bowls feature a 18mm male end and showcase the Roor logo around the stem. Each order comes with your choice of a small, medium, or large glass bowl size. The perfect replacement or addition to your glass collection. We also carry the Roor 14mm glass bowl .
Organize your favorite legal smoking blend or smoking accessories in this lovely RAW Rectangular Glass Jar! This RAWthentic glass piece features an air tight lid and the RAWesome RAW logo on the front. Each jar boasts a modern and simple look-- perfect for any smoking connoisseur! Store legal smoking herbs, smoking accessories or anything else you want to show off with pride! Measures 7" Tall and 4" wide. Color may vary. Be sure to grab up some extra RAW 1 1/4 Papers and RAW King Size Cones to store in your snazzy new jar!
These grinders from Cali Crusher are of their Homegrown variety, meaning they have been made right here in the USA in San Diego! Engineered from medical grade aluminum, these grinders were made to feature ample details to enhance your grinding experience. With their 4-way quicklock feature, you wont need to worry about your grinder getting jammed or cross threaded. Even better, you get more loading space for your legal smoking herbs and get a finer cut with the indestructible radial cut blades. These grinders from Cali Crusher are a top of the line grinder that is perfect for making your smoking experience that much easier to enjoy!
Das Urban Mix Movebook ist dank des widerstandsfähigen, flexiblen Polypropylendeckels und den Gummizugverschluss der perfekte Begleiter für unterwegs. Die Kunststoffhülle vorne im Movebook eignet sich hervorragend für den Transport loser Dokumente und sicheres Verwahren von Visitenkarten dank Visitenkartenfach. Oxfords exklusives glattes und extra weißes 90 g/m² OPTIK PAPERermöglicht Ihnen beidseitiges Schreiben, ohne das die Schrift durchscheint. A4+ Movebook, 7 mm liniert mit Rand, 80 perforierte und 4-fach gelochte Blätter Extra-weißes und seidenglattes, 90g/m² OPTIK PAPERermöglicht das Schreiben auf beiden Seiten eines Blattes ohne das die Tinte auf der Rückseite durchscheint Spezielle Lineatur mit Kopfzeile für Meetingtitel, Thema und Datum und Rand, um Stichpunkte zu numerieren oder hervorzuheben Die stabile, mit schwarzem Kunststoff überzogene, Doppelspirale sorgt für Langlebigkeit, während das Movebook flach aufliegen oder vollständig umgeklappt werden kann - für maximalen Komfort