eature: -- 100% new and high quality. -- Leather-lined microfiber leather, soft and smooth. -- Slip feature special materials, the phone is not easy to slide out, will not hurt the bottom of the phone, can be an excellent protective body shell. -- Against dust and dirt, to prevent scratches, prevent wear, anti-collision, provide a full range of personal protection for your love machine, perfect to protect your love machine. -- Arm with selected high-grade light-weight neoprene, feel fine, soft and elastic, waterproof non-slip, breathable, washable, comfortable to wear. -- Ultra-thin personal, practical and durable. -- Suitable for jogging, walking, cycling and other outdoor activities shin. Specifications: Product name: Phone Arm Band Material: PVC + PU + Sided patch diving material Color: Black, Blue, Rose, Orange, Fluorescent Green Size: 4.7 Inches, 5.5 Inches 4.7 Inches For: iPhone 6/6s, iPhone 7 5.5 Inches For: iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus Package Include: 1 x Phone Arm Band More Details:
Kurzinfo: Polycom Universal Power Supply - Netzteil Gruppe Netzgeräte & Batterien/Akkus Hersteller Polycom Hersteller Art. Nr. 2200-46170-122 EAN/UPC 0610807774891 Produktbeschreibung: Polycom Universal Power Supply - Netzteil Produkttyp Netzteil Geleistete Netzspannung 48 V Ausführliche Details Allgemein Produkttyp Netzteil Stromversorgungsgerät Geleistete Netzspannung 48 V
Mit dem Lightning Digital AV Adapter kannst du das, was du auf dem Display deines iPad mit Retina Display, iPad mini, iPhone 5 oder iPod touch (5. Generation) siehst - Apps, Präsentationen, Websites und mehr - auf einem HD Fernseher oder HDMI kompatiblen Bildschirm wiedergeben, und zwar in HD Format mit bis zu 1080p (Filme werden mit bis zu 720p wiedergegeben). Sieh dir Diashows und Filme im Großformat mit bis zu 720p an. Schließ dafür einfach dein iPad mit Retina Display, iPad mini, iPhone 5 oder iPod touch (5. Generation) an einen HD Fernseher oder an einen HDMI kompatiblen Bildschirm an. Der Lightning Digital AV Adapter leitet die digitalen Audiosignale an Bildschirme, die dies unterstützen. Über einen zweiten Lightning Connector, der im HDMI Adapter integriert ist, wird das Gerät aufgeladen und synchronisiert, wenn es mit einem HDMI kompatiblen Bildschirm verbunden ist. Kurzinfo: Apple Lightning Digital AV Adapter - iPad-/iPhone-/iPod-Audio-/Video-/Lade-/Datenadapter - HDMI / Lightning
Deliver rugged durability to your device with the oneo ARMOUR phone
case. Designed for those with an active lifestyle, the oneo ARMOUR not
only offers sturdy and robust protection, but is also stylish. Comprised
of an inner and outer impact-resistant exoskeleton, the ARMOUR case
protects vulnerable parts of your phone, whilst a built-in stand flips out
to offer optimal viewing.
Dual-Layer Case
This rugged oneo ARMOUR case has been designed with an inner and outer
layer made from polycarbonate plastic to ensure the ultimate protection of
your device. The dual-layer provides great shock and impact absorption, so
you can enjoy your adventures without worrying about the durability of
your device. The exoskeleton design is in place to protect vulnerable
parts of your phone such as the corners and sides.
Textured Finish Improves Grip and Comfort
Whilst offering all-around protection for your device, the oneo ARMOUR
features a textured finish, which is designed to not only improve your
grip but to make it more comfortable when the phone is in your hand.
Built-In Stand for Easy Viewing
Alongside adding strength to the case, the strong attachable exoskeleton
shell also features a built-in stand that flips-out to offer the perfect
viewing angle for videos and pictures. Simply click the stand back into
place to create a stylish phone case with zero bulk.
Easily Access All Ports and Features
With full access to all of the features and ports on your phone, the oneo
ARMOUR case will allow you to use your phone just as your normally would,
by not blocking any of the functions such as the power and volume buttons,
charging ports, and front and rear cameras.
Key Features:
- Two layered design protects phone from bumps, scrapes and drops
- Flip out built-in stand for easy viewing
- Textured finish improves grip and comfort
- Cut-outs for the main ports and features of your device
- Impact-resistant exoskeleton design
Box Contents
1 x oneo ARMOUR Grip iPhone 11 Pro Max Protective Case -
Buy With Confidence
This oneo product comes with a 2 year warranty from
the manufacturer, giving you the comfort and confidence you would expect
from a leading electronics brand. All products are subjected to an
extensive R&D and testing process before being added to the range. If you
would like to find out more visit them at oneo.xyz
Kotierung:11/20/2020; Speziell ausgewählte Produkte:COD