Deko-Bild "Küken im Ei" aus stabilem Deko-Karton (210 g/m²) im 2er Set, ca. 20 x 23 cm.
3 x Unterkunft im Komfortzimmer , 3 x Frühstück in Form eines reichhaltigen Buffets, 1 x Begrüßungsgetränk (1 Getränk nach Wahl: Kaffee, Tee, alkoholfreies Getränk, 1 Glas Becherovka, Bier oder Wein), 3 x Halbpension (Abendessen in Form eines 3-Gänge-Menüs oder eines Buffets, je nach Angebot des Küchenchefs, ohne Getränke), 3 x Lunchpaket zum Mitnehmen (1 Baguette, 1Stk Obst, 1 Stk Müsliriegel, 1 Stk Getränk), Täglicher kostenloser Eintritt in das hoteleigene Wellnesscenter von 08:00 bis 19:00 (Pool, finnische Sauna, Infrasauna, Whirlpool), Kostenlose Nutzung der zusätzlichen Aktivitäten des Hotels ? Bowling (1x pro Aufenthalt, 60 Min.), Tischtennis, Darts (Reservierung an der Hotelrezeption), 1 x Massage der unteren Gliedmaßen - Beine und Füße (40 Min.), 1 x Wellness-Anwendung 'Schröpfen' (40 Min.), 10% Rabatt auf gekaufte Wellnessanwendungen im hoteleigenen Wellnesscenter, Karte der Rad-/Langlaufwegen in der Umgebung, WLAN-Internet-Anschluss in den Zimmern und öffentlichen Bereichen des Hotels kostenfrei, Parken am Hotel kostenfrei, zzgl Kurtaxe
The IRWIN Marples MS500 Series All-Purpose Chisels with ProTouch Handle. These chisels have a large metal striking cap to withstand hammer impacts, prolong the life of the handle, and prevent mushrooming. ProTouch handles are designed to provide extra comfort, grip, and also reduces vibrations and reduces hand fatigue. One-piece blade forging gives added strength and durability. Made from special tool steel which ensures a much sharper cutting edge for quicker and easier operation. A special hardening process gives the blade a longer lasting edge - less time spent re-sharpening. The blade is hardened to the last inch giving more working chisel for your money. Every chisel is honed and sharpened ready for use out of the packet - to save you time and effort. Avalible in the following sizes: MARS50014: 6mm (1/4in).MARS50038: 10mm (3/8in).MARS50012: 12mm (1/2in).MARS50058: 16mm (5/8in).MARS50034: 19mm (3/4in).MARS5001: 25mm (1in).MARS500114: 32mm (1 1/4in).MARS500112: 38mm (1 1/2in).MARS5002: 50mm (2in). The following sets: MARS500S3: 12, 19,and 25mm (1/2, 3/4 and 1 in)MARS500S3SS: 13, 19 and 25mm (1/2, 3/4, and 1in) (sharping kit inculded). MARS500S5W: 6, 10, 12, 19, & 25mm (1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, and 1in)MARS500S6: 6, 10, 12, 19, 25, & 32mm (1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1 & 1 1/4 in).1 x Marples MS500 Series All-Purpose Chisels with ProTouch Handle 12mm (1/2in).
3-D Relief-Sticker, Osternester, Bogengröße ca. 21 cm x 30 cm, Sticker in verschiedenen Größen, selbstklebend. Unsere 3-D Reliefsticker bestechen durch ihre Prägung und die wunderbaren österlichen Motive. Die Aufkleber haben einen Relief-Charakter, der nicht nur sichtbar, sondern auch spürbar ist, so wirken die edlen Motive wesentlich plastischer. Gestalten Sie mit den vielseitigen Motiven Gruß...
These Lindstrom Diagonal cutting nippers have an oval head. They are produced from high performance ball bearing steel which is black oxidised for increased durability. The numerically controlled machine grinding guarantees edge and angle accuracy and contact, which increases tool reliability and consistency. The edges are precision induction hardened to 63-65 HRC. The handles have a return spring and are sleeved. Ideal for wire harness work, and standard printed circuit board assembly. Oval heads are the most common type of nipper head. It combines strength and durability, can withstand and distribute the impact of cutting and is utilised in a myriad of applications.Length (A): 125mm (5 in). Blade length (B): 16mm (0.63 in). Head width (C): 16mm (0.63 in). Head depth (D): 8mm (0.31 in). Tip width: (F): 1.6mm (0.06 in). Cutting capacity: 0.4-2.0mm. Cutting edge: Micro-bevel. The Micro-Bevel cut is designed to meet the requirements of the electronic assembly industry. Leads are ‘pinched’, allowing less altitude and a smaller overall surface area. Because of its design, it has a wide cutting range and variety of uses.
Kalimba Piezo Pickup Mbira Accesorios Thumb Piano Pick-up