El Jabon Eco Masters Carrot & Argan es un pack de dos jabones y es ideal para la luminosidad de la piel. Con el objetivo de iluminar e hidratar la piel, el Jabon Eco Masters Carrot & Argan es perfecto para una limpieza diaria tanto para el cuerpo como la cara.
Cranberry & D-Mannose is one of the most natural ways in which you can work towards naturally supporting your bodies’ urinary tract and other defences. The biogenic formula has been chosen to help boost your vitality and fortify internal protection. Learn more about how Cranberry and D Mannose here.
Makari Locion Limpiadora Profunda es una formula antiseptica natural para pieles grasas y con tendencia acneica, ya que limpia la piel en profundidad.
Les proteges slip en chanvre Lulu Nature peuvent etre utilisees comme protege slip ou pour les petites pertes de fin de cycle. Tres doux, facile d utilisation et agreables a porter car ils laissent respirer la peau. La fixation sur la lingerie se fait a l aide d un bouton-pression. Fabriques en France, ils sont constitues de 2 epaisseurs de molleton ultra absorbantes en chanvre. Dimensions (longueur / largeur ) : 18 cm de long / 7.5 cm de large / 0.2 cm d epaisseur. Info verite: tolerance de 2 % par rapport a la taille indiquee due au montage manuel. Ingredients / INCI : Chanvre veritable double en PUL,100 % PE lamine ultra restistant - sans phtalates, ni pvc Conseils d entretien : Lavable en machine a 60C, eviter le seche linge pour les conserver le plus longtemps possible. proteges slip x4 en chanvre Lulu Nature.
The U-breast device is ergonomically designed for breasts, with five individualised massage modes and an LCD display panel with built-in control. U-breast uses adjustable hypoallergenic electrodes, and is small & discreet and comes with Transonic Gel.
HerSolution Gel aspires to excite & stimulate the feminine form, and is intended to aid a worrying drop in desire. HerSolution is uniquely formulated for the female form, with Cocoa Butter & Aloe Vera. It has a light, nourishing gel formula, to be applied whenever needed.