Kommen Sie nach Teneriffa und besuchen Sie die herrliche Welt des Loro Parque, ein authentisches Reich der wilden Tiere. Laut der berühmtesten Rezensionsseite steht der Park auf Platz 1 der Zoos weltweit. Seine einzigartige Papagaiensammlung und die große Vielfalt an terrestrischen und marinen Säugetieren begeistern jeden Besucher. Neben Shows mit Delfinen, Orka Walen und Pinguinen ist Lion's Kingdom, ein großes Gebiet in dem drei Löwen der vom Aussterben bedrohten Angola Art leben, ein Highlight des Loro Parque. Für die kleinen Entdecker gibt es Kinderlandia, einen afrikanischen Abenteuerspielplatz mit vielen Rutschen, Klettergerüsten und der ersten Achterbahn der Kanaren - dem Orka Zug. Der Loro Parque ist außerdem ein Schutzgebiet für bedrohte Tierarten aus aller Welt.
New York Helicopter Tour: Helicopter Flight Services is proud to operate top-of-the-line, high-performance Bell407 (up to 6 pax) and EC130 (up to 7 pax) helicopters. The spacious cabins and high visibility windows have been specially designed for sightseeing which allows 180 degree views; no other helicopter operator in New York City can offer these unobstructed views. The Bell and EC130 have proven to be safe, fast and powerful helicopters giving an incredibly smooth ride in virtually all conditions. Pilots are specially trained on both types of helicopters and the state-of-the-art safety system, TCAS. TCAS is an onboard radar system that allows pilots the advantage of managing the air traffic around them. All passengers enjoy their flight with voice interactive headsets to hear and speak to the pilot and each other. Empire State Building: The world-famous 86th and 102nd floor Observatories offer unmatched views of New York City and on a clear day one can see to New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Delaware. 1,050 feet above the city’s bustling streets, the 86th floor Observatory offers panoramic views from within a glass-enclosed pavilion and from the surrounding open-air promenade. 200 feet higher, our 102nd floor Observatory is a private and serene perch in the middle of the greatest city in the world. The Observatories have been a “must visit” for millions each year since it opened to the public in 1931. Each year approximately four million people are whisked to our 86th and 102nd floors, consistently one of New York City’s top tourist attractions. Visit the Observatories 365 days per year, day and night, rain or shine, for magnificent views of Manhattan and beyond. The Empire State Building embodies the feeling and spirit of New York City. It is recognized not only as an iconic landmark offering some of the most spectacular views on earth, but also as an international symbol of shared hopes, dreams, and accomplishment. Accessibility: The Empire State Building is fully ADA compliant. We have handicapped restrooms on the 86th Floor Observatory and also have lowered viewing walls and binoculars. Service dogs are allowed throughout the building. Motorized and non-motorized wheelchairs are permitted. The 86th Floor has ramps to make getting around easier and lowered viewing walls so that visitors in chairs can still take in the view. Additional Options: 102nd Floor Observatory: Upgrade available at Observatory ticket office (2nd floor) or 86th floor kiosk for an additional $20.00. Express Pass: Purchase exclusively from the official Empire State Building onsite ticket office on the day of arrival to move to the front the line. Dining: State Grill and Bar offers a prix fixe dinner package to observatory guests with fresh locally sourced foods prepared in our glass enclosed kitchen and unique, local craft beers and cocktails. There are also two Starbucks, a café, Chipotle, Sushi-teria, and the budget minded Heartland Brewery.
Sites Visited: Uffizi Gallery Masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Titian, Michelangelo, Raphael, Perugino, Cimabue, Caravaggio, and more Piazza della Signoria Palazzo Vecchio Please note that the order of sites visited is subject to changes. Inclusions: Pre-reserved Uffizi tickets Palazzo Vecchio Tickets Expert local guide Headsets Small groups of 15 or fewer Exclusions: Gratuities Hotel Pick-Up/Drop-Off
There is a free bar on this trip for throughout the cruise. Drinks include lager, sangria, cava and soft drinks, so no need to be thirsty! The friendly crew will look after you on this 5 hour Catamaran cruise and you can just sit back and relax and take in the beautiful coastal views. All ages catered for.
Date: Saturday 6th April Time: 15:00 Hospitality Ticket Includes: · Seats in East Stand Middle Tier · Access to Captains Bar · Match Programme · Access 2.5 hours prior to kick off and 90 mins after final whistle Terms & Conditions: Match dates and kick-off times are subject to change due to weather, cup replays or television demands. If the date and/or time change your ticket will be valid for the new date and/or time. As these changes are outside of our control, no cancellations can be accepted or refunds given, however we can help with re-sells and name changes (fees apply) By purchasing these tickets you agree to the Terms & Conditions.
Enjoy your Valentine's Day in Paris and on the Seine with Bateaux Mouches. Departure on the 14th February, for a 2h15 cruise you have 2 options : Menu Prestige Excellence The Menus remain the same as those of the classics dinners except Dessert which will be a Surprise Dessert + a Special Gift offered. What is included : A cruise along the River Seine in the heart of the most romantic city in the world Candle-lit dinner for two Soft violin and piano music to dream to Gourmet cuisine, Exceptional wines and Champagne Privileged seating for an unrivalled view of Paris Please note : Formal dress for your pleasure and that of other passengers. Thank you to note that our dinners are dressed; jacket and tie are required. The "Jeans" and sportswear are not accepted. Free parking on our dock for the duration of the course.