Su jardín botánico y el zoológico, con cientos de aves exóticas, decenas de mamíferos, reptiles, miles de peces y mucho más, además de miles de palmeras y plantas, es uno de los más importantes del mundo en su género. Palmitos Park es considerada como una de las atracciones más populares en Gran Canaria. No te pierdas el espectáculo de los loros, donde verás a estas inteligentes aves realizar una increíble variedad de trucos, desde montar en bicicletas a hacer rompecabezas, pintar cuadros o contar hasta diez. Visita la mayor colección de orquídeas de Canarias, la Casa de las Orquídeas, recrea un hábitat único para cientos de estas flores. Otro punto destacable es el Jardín de Cactus, en el que podrás contemplar una impresionante colección de cactus y aloes, con especímenes realmente increíbles. Las estrellas del parque son los delfines, inteligentes y cariñosos. En el único delfinario de Gran Canaria, el de Palmitos Park, podrás contemplar a estos simpáticos mamíferos marinos en un entorno espectacular. El Acuario presenta una gran variedad de peces tropicales, incluyendo la colección más importante de Europa de peces de coral. Los peces de agua salada y agua dulce con los colores más vivos y las formas más asombrosas viven en una ribera artificial. Otra atracción es la Isla Primates, donde viven algunos gibones procedentes de la península de Malasia y de Borneo y que se han podido criar en cautividad por primera vez con éxito. Todo esto está inmerso en un vergel de más de 1.000 palmeras y 15.000 plantas.
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Advisories: The hike to the boat requires some physical effort and is not recommended for persons with moderate to extreme physical limitations. Transportation Details: Passengers drive to the Grand Canyon West Rim for check-in and boarding The West Rim is an approximate 2.5 hour drive from Las Vegas, NV Sample Itinerary: Check-in at Grand Canyon West Terminal Clients will board helicopter and begin descent to the bottom of the canyon. (Flight time is approximately 5-7 minutes) Descend approximately 4,000 feet while marveling in the scenic views of the canyon walls Upon landing, hike to the base of the river to board pontoon boat. Enjoy a 1 (one) mile float trip on the Colorado River (approximately 15-20 minutes) Return to helipad for flight to the rim of the canyon Clients will board a shuttle to multiple stops along the rim. Time spent at each stop is at the client’s discretion First stop is the Hualapai Ranch. A re-creation of the old west that includes a small town with cowboys and gunfights Next stop is at a lookout point where an enormous eagle-like rock formation is located and was named after, Eagle Point Last stop is Guano Point. Here clients will have nearly 360 degrees of panoramic canyon views and great photo opportunities Clients return to the main Grand Canyon West terminal via shuttle Helicopter: Flight from the top of the West Rim to the bottom of the canyon floor. Approximately 5-7 minutes. Boat: Approximate 20 minute pontoon boat cruise on Colorado River Please Note: Passengers weighing 300lbs (136.36kg / 21.43 stone) or more will be charged a fee for an additional comfort seat. This fee is based on the product and ranges from $50 to $200.
Exhibitions: Bergerac's Island - Jersey in the 1980's The 1980s were a decade of people power and individuality. World-changing events were led by public opinion and the need to change an unfair world. The most momentous of these changes was the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, reuniting a divided Germany. International protests and campaigns led to the eventual release of anti-apartheid campaigner Nelson Mandela. The world was changing and people became much more aware of the need to look after it. This exhibition looks at how we felt about what was happening in the world and Jersey in the 1980s. Storymakers - Where people make history (27 May - 31 Dec) This new community exhibition celebrates people's passion for the past and the ways in which they engage with Jersey’s heritage. Whether that is making a pilgrimage to Elizabeth Castle on St Helier's Day or taking part in a re-enactment of the Battle of Jersey in the Royal Square Facilities and Access Entrance and parking: Located at the Weighbridge St Helier near the Royal Yacht Hotel. No on-site car park but parking for cyclists. Public parking in Pier Road. Buses and cycle routes: Any bus to Liberation Station. Follow any cycle route for St Helier Refreshments: The Merchant House Brasserie is at the entrance to the museum to make a reservation call +44 (0) 1534 510069. Gift Shop: The Jersey Heritage gift shop, selling gifts and souvenirs relating to the collection and Genuine Jersey products, the gift shop is located at the museum and is open to both visitors and passers by. Access arrangements: Disabled access to all floors Dogs: No dogs allowed, except Guide Dogs Hearing loop available at reception and a portable hearing loop is available for groups if requested in advance
Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Sanctuary guests can have a bird’s eye view of the vets working, and can experience the depth that Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary has for the care and welfare of the Australian native animal population. See xrays, ultrasounds and endoscopes streamed live on a flat screen for guests to observe during the procedure. Even watch from a surgeons eye view by a camera mounted on the surgical light! Free Flight Bird Show National Trust Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary presents the Free Flight Bird Show! Meet some of Australia’s most beautiful species of birds from the largest bird in flight, the Australian pelican, to the colourful parrots, birds of prey, endangered species and the majestic wedge-tailed eagle. Marvel at the beauty of these incredible creatures as they free-fly across the audience in a wonderful display set against the Sanctuary’s natural environment. Make sure you hang around to have your photo taken with a bird of prey at the end of the show! Crocodile Live Show Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is excited to have Boss Hog as a new member of the team. At almost five meters in length this massive salt water crocodile is an incredible sight to see. Come and learn about Boss Hog and his girlfriend Lilly as well as see the fresh water crocodiles.
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