Guided Tour of the D-Day Beaches from Paris - Hotel Transfers

Guided Tour of the D-Day Beaches from Paris - Hotel Transfers

$ 164,6 $ 322,75
Produktcode: 7844_8357_7497
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager


Set off for a full day excursion to Normandy from Paris with an official guide. Set off from your Paris accommodation at 06:30 for our central Paris agency. Relax during the journey by luxury air-conditioned coach before arriving at the Caen Memorial Museum at around 10:15. The Caen Memorial Museum retraces the various stages of the conflict that took place during the Second World War. Your guided tour will give you the chance to see everyday objects from life during occupation, maps, and models of military vehicles, as well as film screenings that recreate the emotions of D-Day and the Battle for Normandy. The visit continues with an included lunch at the restaurant in the Caen Memorial Museum. Menu* Starter Buffet: Légumes crus de saison et leur vinaigrette(tomates, concombres, carottes) Salades composées Charcuterie *** Table served hot dish Fondant de poulet farci aux cèpes Galette de pommes de terre / Julienne de légumes *** Chesse and Dessert Buffet: Fromages normands (Pont l’Evêque et Camembert) Tarte normande Salade de fruits Tarte au chocolat Teurgoule ** Pain de campagne (farmhouse bread) *** Drinks: Bordeaux wine (1 bottle for 4) Eau de source Coffee * Example of menu, subjet to modification without any notice   In the afternoon, your tour will continue to several of the iconic landmarks that played a part in the landings. Your first stop will be at the Pointe du Hoc, overlooking the hundred-foot-high cliffs. Stormed by the American Rangers on D-Day, it was one of the key German fortified sites along the Normandy coast and was equipped, at that time, with a number of heavy artillery posts.  You will then visit the famous American Cemetery at Saint Laurent, located just above Omaha Beach. This 170-acre site is home to 9,387 perfectly aligned white marble headstones, a memorial, chapel, and the Garden of the Missing. It pays tribute to all the American soldiers who died during the Second World War. A small trail leads down the hill to Omaha Beach, giving you the opportunity to walk across the sand. You will have one hour to spend here. Following this visit, you will stop at Arromanches, a historic town known for its artificial port, which was built as part of the Normandy landings. The harbour saw the unloading of almost 10,000 tons of equipment. You can still make out the floating reinforced concrete "Phoenix" constructions in the water.  Finally, you will make a short photo-stop near Juno Beach and its cemetery, one of the key D-Day landing beaches for Canadian troops.  Return to your Paris accommodation is scheduled for around 21:30.

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