threading is a highly popular technique for hair removal as it doesn't require application of any products to the skin. mastering this ancient art can give you a quick and simple alternative method of eyebrow and facial hair removal.
Sunkissed Bronze And Glow Bronzing Pearls 45gA bronzing favourite that everyone loves. The Sunkissed mineral pearls deliver a beautiful glow. It is great for using on your face, neck and shoulders for a healthy and natural look.
a fun, informative and interactive spray tanning course that will give you all the techniques and advice required for a professional treatment and the perfect spray tan.. top features an engaging beginner friendly course train with the industry specialists for the perfect treatment with step-by-step advice equipment overview, including the maintenance and cleaning of spray equipment key learnings mix of theory and practical client consultation, health & safety and full product overview marketing advice, professional business set-up and treatment recommendations
salon system’s marvelash technique teaches students how to thicken and lengthen lashes, offering immediate results that will last for up to 2 months. the course is suitable for the complete beginner or for those wishing to update their skills.