Construite au Moyen âge, la cathédrale de Bayeux est un chef-d?oeuvre de l?art gothique ! Sur le chantier de ce gigantesque édifice, partez à la rencontre de ses courageux bâtisseurs : artisans, ouvriers, maîtres d?oeuvre... Saviez-vous que pendant...
Flexovit Waterproof Sanding Sheets can be used wet or dry and is a highly flexible high quality Silicon carbide abrasive. Waterproof paper is specially treated making it ideal for use with water or other lubricants. The paper lasts longer and gives a smoother finish when used wet as the water cleans, lubricates and helps prevent clogging. Size: 230 x 280mm.Packed in 25s
The Teng Tools Mega Bite range of Pliers have been designed to ensure the highest quality and optimum functionality. The overall length of the pliers gives a maximum leverage to suit the pliers function. These Teng Tools Side Cutting Pliers are suitable for heavy-duty applications and allow up to a 72 degree cutting angle. They are manufactured from high carbon steel, with Titanium coated joints for excellent strength and durability. For a comfortable grip, the pliers have Vinyl-coated handles. The TENMB442 Mega Bite Side Cutting Pliers have the following specifications:Length: 200mm (8 inch).Cutting capacity piano wire: 2.5mm.Cutting capacity Steel wire: 4.0mm.
These Forgefix traditional slotted, single thread Wood Screws have countersunk heads and can be used in many internal and external applications. They have a solid brass construction to avoid corrosion. APPLICATION:Used for both decorative and in applications where the screw may come in to contact with the elements avoiding corrosion.Can be used with all manner of wall plugs. Slotted screw driver required. With Slotted screwdrivers it is important to ensure that the tip matches the width of the screw slot, otherwise you run the risk of damaging the screw head. Slotted screwdrivers are available with either Flared or Parallel tips. For the majority of uses the Flared tip is ideal but if the screw needs to be driven below the material surface a Parallel tip screwdriver should be used. Countersunk heads are designed to sink flush with substrates to leave a smooth surface finish. The single threads have been designed to offer higher pull out values and quicker insertion.Wood Screw Slotted Countersunk Solid Brass 1.1/2 x 12 Box 200
Schablone aus Kunststoff mit 9 verschiedenen Formen zur Gestaltung von Wabenanhängern und anderen Bastelarbeiten, DIN A4. Eine Kurzanleitung zum Basteln von Wabenanhängern sowie ein Vorlagenbogen mit allen Formen zum Platzieren der Klebequadrate liegt bei.
The ALM Manufacturing WX168 Spool & Line 2mm x 6m is suitable for: Worx: WG168 & WG168E. Compares to: WA0014. Line Diameter: 2mm.Line Length: 6m. Manufactured in the UK.