Die SofLens 38 ist eine Monatslinse aus Polymacon aus dem Hause Bausch & Lomb. geeignet für: gelegnetliches Tragen, trockene Augen, Sportler Nutzungsdauer: 4 Wochen Wassergehalt: 28 % Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit: 27,1 x 10 -9 lieferbare Werte : -9,00 dpt bis -0,25 dpt UV-Schutz: nein Handlingstint : ja Aufgrund ihres geringen Wassergehalts ist sie besonders für trockene Augen geeignet. Weiterhin verringert der geringe Wassergehalt Irritationen, die durch die trockene Luft von Klimaanlagen oder während der Arbeit an Monitoren entstehen können. Die geringe Materialdicke ermöglicht trotz des geringen Wassergehaltes immer eine ausreichende Sauerstoffversorgung der Hornhaut. Die Linsen sind leicht bläulich eingefärbt und erleichtern somit die Handhabung. Pflegemittel zum Aktionspreis: Beim Kauf von mindestens einer Box bekommen Sie die 380 ml Flasche oculsoft Easy ALL IN ONE zum Sonderpreis von nur 5,00 ? dazu.
all colors are available,size suitable for adult,cool style,with original box, welcome to purchase,big order pls contact us.
1 Day Acuvue Moist are daily contact lenses which are meant to keep your eyes moist for a longer period of time than other contact lenses, to give you long lasting comfort. These contact lenses use Lacreon technology from Acuvue to lock in moisture so that they will still be moist towards the end of the day. They also provide UV protection and are ideal for those who suffer from dry eyes towards the end of the day and those who want the convenience of a daily contact lens. The 1 Day Acuvue Moist contact lenses 90 pack also offers great value to the lens wearer.
ReNu Multipurpose Solution Handy Pack (120ml) - contact lens solution from Bausch & Lomb.
Biotrue from Bausch & Lomb is a multipurpose solution for cleaning, disinfecting and storing your soft contact lenses. This new 240ml flat-pack bottle has been designed to fit through most letterboxes, saving you a trip to your Post Office.
Opti-Free Puremoist multi-purpose solution combines the comfort of long-lasting moisture and the healthiness of clean contact lenses. The Hydraglyde Moisture Matrix keeps your contact lenses hydrated from insertion to removal, surrounding them in a cushion of moisture that will keep your lenses moist and feeling great for up to 16 hours. Its proven disinfecting system, based on the unique ingredients, protect your eyes from irritations due to harmful microorganisms or protein deposits. The unique formula of Opti-Free Puremoist suits all types of soft contact lenses; its extreme gentleness is ideal for the care of sensitive eyes. This Twin Pack contains a 2-month supply of solution and 2 lens cases.