This 365 Warwick Castle ticket offer provides you with entry to the Castle, Grounds and Gardens (excluding the Castle Dungeon) and a FREE photobook. Make a day and knight of Warwick Castle and experience the fun of real history! Full to the turrets with dazzling shows and attractions, spellbinding story-telling and fun experiences all year-round. GET LOST IN TIME! Children on all ages can experience in the foulest and funniest bits of history brought to life by the UK’s first ever Horrible Histories® Maze! Watch your little one’s faces light up as they explore this exciting attraction; full of foul facts and fun games! This is a maze with a difference; the aim is not to reach the center, but to reorder the muddle that mischievous Rattus Rattus has made of time, and find the way out! Witness The Mighty Trebuchet, the largest working catapult in the world, launch a cannonball 150ft into the air (on selected dates from February Half Term) and don’t miss the spectacular Flight Of The Eagles Show (twice daily) featuring an impressive collection of eagles, buzzards and vultures; marvel as multiple birds simultaneously take flight in this soaring extravaganza! You must print your e-ticket off and bring it with you in order to be granted access to the attraction. FREE Photobook Make your trip extra special! We're offering you a FREE personalised Facebook Hardcover Photo Book when you book your Warwick Castle tickets with 365Tickets! This Square Softcover Photo Book is perfectly bound with a gloss-finish cover it really stands out from the crowd. It's the ideal size to leave out on the coffee table or in the bookshelf. Dimensions: 17cm x 17cm Photos: Minimum of 26 photos Price per extra page: $1 Style: Perfect bound gloss-finish hardcover Paper: 200gsm gloss paper Page Layout: 1 per page A link to the photobook is provided on the confirmation page of your booking.
How does Share Ride work? If you are going to LaGuardia airport: The driver picks up passengers in order from the destinations furthest from the airport to the closest. Your pick-up time will depend on the relationship between your location and how many other share passengers will be picked up and their respective locations. If you are the furthest away from the airport, you will be picked up relatively early to your flight time and will have to visit other locations to pick up share passengers before arriving at the airport. We guarantee that you will arrive to the airport on time. Please remember to allow for sufficient travel time to LaGuardia Airport. Please take traffic into consideration when booking your reservation. Please keep in mind that they cannot control traffic, flight delays and other unforeseen circumstances that may increase travel time. The share ride option is best for passengers who want the least-expensive form of travel and do not have a time constraint. For customers looking for a less time-consuming option or travelling in groups, we suggest taking a private SUV or sedan. Go Airlink NYC LaGuardia Airport share-ride shuttles: Up to 11 passengers. Share ride shuttle with other travelers, allows you to meet new people and socialize! Economical, environmentally friendly. 24 hour/ 7 days a week transportation service. Door to door service Baggage allowance: 1 Suitcase per person and 1 small carry-on per person.
iFLY welcome flyers from 3 to 103. If you have reasonable health and fitness you can fly. But do check the criteria below before you purchase tickets. There are a few exceptions: Flyers must be over 3 years of age. Participants must weigh less than 300 pounds. Participants who weigh between 260 and 300 pounds must bring this to the attention of an iFLY representative as additional restrictions and instructor scheduling limitations may apply. Women who are pregnant should not fly. Folks with recent back, neck and heart problems should check with a doctor before flying. iFLY recommends people with prior shoulder dislocations DO NOT FLY! Click below for a complete list of restrictions: https://www.iflyworld.com/flight-restrictions-and-requirements/
Catégorie:Appareils pour Réduire les Ronflements; Activité:Voyage; Quantité:1 set; Fonction:Repos de Voyage; date d'inscription:09/08/2017; Catégories de base:Santé Beauté,Soins Personnels; Produits spéciaux sélectionnés:COD
Alle, die sich immer schonmal einem Millionen-Dollar-Wissenschaftsmuseum verstecken wollten, sollten donnerstags im Golden Gate Park nach Nightlife in der California Academy of Sciences Ausschau halten. Seit 2009 ist die Akademie einmal in der Woche geöffnet, um die Zuschauer mit einer ständig wechselnden Reihe von Themenevents und mehreren temporären Bars im gigantischen Gebäude zu besuchen. Unterhaltung / Musik Mehrere DJs und / oder Live-Bands treten in verschiedenen Stilrichtungen auf, die an das Thema der Nacht gebunden sind, von House über Swing Hunderttausend Quadratmeter großes Museum voller unglaublicher Exponate, Aquarien, einer Nachbildung eines Regenwaldes und der größten vollständig digitalen Projektionsleinwand der Erde im Planetarium. Essen / Sonstiges Imbissbuden bieten eine Handvoll Snacks und Vorspeisen, die sich wöchentlich ändern können. In der Regel gehören dazu Brötchen, Hühnchen mit Pommes Frites und vegetarische Gerichte. Private Lounge zur Vermietung zur Verfügung. Wann gehen ? Nur donnerstags geöffnet, aber Gäste sollten früh eintreffen, um die langen Schlangen zu umgehen und den Regenwald zu erkunden, der um 20:00 Uhr schließt.
Para explorar la ciudad hay disponibles dos rutas: La Ruta Roja que viaja a lo largo del International Drive desde los Premium Outlets hasta Sea World, el recorrido continúa por la parte sur del Iternational Drive y termina en los Premium Outlets. Hay 77 prácticos trolebuses que llegan aproximadamente cada 20 minutos. La Ruta Verde empieza en el distrito de negocios Major Boulevard, viaja a lo largo del Universal Boulevard hasta la parte sur del International Drive. Los trolebuses de esta ruta llegan aproximadamente cada 30 minutos. Mapa y paradas de las dos rutas disponibles