10 edle, ausgestanzte 3-D Motive "Brautpaare 2" mit Glimmerlack-Veredelung, ca. 6 bis 11 cm.
Rustins Danish oil gives an oil finish, suitable for all types of wood. It differs from Teak Oil in that it contains special ingredients, which prevent it drying to a gloss. It is an easy to use wipe on finish, which brings out the beauty of the timber and gives a natural, open grained, soft lustrous finish. Ideal for all woods and is excellent on turned woodwork. Conforms to The Articles in Contact with Food Regulations. Also Conforms to the Toys (Safety) Regulations 1995, BS:EN71 Part 3, which makes it ideal to use on children's toys. Danish Oil is a unique formulation developed by Rustins.Rustins Danish Oil. Size: 2.5 Litre.
Pro'sKit 1PK-501E anticorrosión larga nariz alicates acero inoxidable Mini prácticos alicates
10 quadratische Doppelgrußkarten mit edler Prägung in Flecht-Optik, ca. 16 x 16 cm, mint. Dazu 10 passende Umschläge, ungeprägt, selbstklebend, mint, ca. 17 x 17 cm.
N° 16 Lili a été suivie Lili est suivie dans la rue par un homme, mais elle sent le danger et trouve de l?aide? Ce livre parle de la pédophilie. Il fait comprendre que les enfants doivent se méfier des inconnus au comportement étrange et ne pas...
50 kleine Schleifen aus Organza und Satin, Band ca. 10 mm breit, insgesamt ca. 3 cm, violett.