50 schimmernde Perlen mit Loch zum Auffädeln, Kunststoff, Ø 6 mm, gold.
Features: Made of brass and zircon, durable and fashionable. With this exquisite bracelet, beautiful and shining. Having an opening, fits for most of female's wrist. A good gift for yourself and your friends.
20 edle Perlen "Tropfen" mit Loch (Ø ca. 1,1 mm) zum Auffädeln, facettiert, ca. 0,8 cm x 1,1 cm, flieder.
150 edle Perlen facettiert mit Loch zum Auffädeln (Ø ca. 1 mm), Perle ca. Ø 6 mm, apricot-irisierend.
Description:Style: ElegantType: Ear StudMain Color: ColorfulWeight: About 6gSize: As the picture shows belowMaterial: 925 Sterling Silver (the needle), Zinc Alloy, Rhinestone, ShellPackage Included:1 Pair of EarringsMore Details:
Brass Bar Links, Nickel Free, UnplatedSize: about 1mm wide, 22.5mm long, hole: 0.5mm.