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Ramore Head
Castillo de Dunluce
White Ricjs
Isla Doo
Portrush Este
Bahías del Oeste
Duración: 1 hora
Muir Woods and Sausalito First, this enthralling excursion takes you across the Golden Gate Bridge to stop for a view of San Francisco from Vista Point, then through the coastal mountains to the Bay Area's popular Muir Woods. This national monument is the site of a virgin forest of California Coast redwood trees, among the oldest and tallest on earth. Take the opportunity to roam through an ancient forest of giant redwood trees on your 90-minute visit of Muir Woods. The tour then takes you to Sausalito, a quaint Mediterranean-style seaside village. Stroll along the waterfront, shop or take photos in this picturesque artists' colony nestled on the northern shores of San Francisco Bay. In addition, you'll enjoy an hour of breathtaking sightseeing on the Golden Gate Bay Cruise. The fully narrated cruise on San Francisco Bay takes you under the Golden Gate Bridge (weather permitting) for close-up views of Alcatraz Island, the San Francisco waterfront and the California sea lions. Golden Gate Bay Cruise On this San Francisco Golden Gate tour, you’ll discover this city’s colorful history and world famous landmarks through personal headphone audio in 12 languages. During the Golden Gate Bridge cruises, you may experience frequent wildlife encounters that include seagulls, pelicans and sea lions. At times, you may see even harbor porpoises and whales. So be alert! Departing in the heart of Historic Fisherman’s Wharf, at Pier 43 ½, sail past the San Francisco skyline and view the lively neighborhood of North Beach, the famous swimming clubs of Aquatic Park, the historic vessels at Hyde Street Pier, the San Francisco Maritime National Park, and numerous other exciting sights. As you head west towards the Golden Gate Bridge, cruise along Fort Mason and the Marina District which was devastated in the 1989 earthquake. Next, enjoy views of Crissy Field and the lush hillsides of the Presidio—both former army installations—that are now part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Don’t miss incredible photo opportunities when sailing directly under the massive 4,200-foot span of the 746-foot tall San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. As you steam back into the Bay, travel past the wildlife reserves of the Marin Headlands and the legendary town of Sausalito, once home to the 1960s’ flower generation. With Angel Island State Park to your left, slowly cruise around the infamous Island of Alcatraz. On your way back to Fisherman’s Wharf, see the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, and Coit Tower in the distance. After a full hour of exciting sights on Red and White Fleet’s Golden Gate Bridge boat tours, the barking sea lions at Pier 39 welcome you back to Pier 43 ½. Here, you can visit two National Historic Landmarks, the WWII submarine USS Pampanito and merchant vessel USS Jeremiah O'Brien. Highlights Combined excursion to Muir Woods and Sausalito with one-hour Golden Gate Bay Cruise Exploring the giant redwood sequoia trees at Muir Woods Shopping and browsing in Sausalito, California's prettiest town Drive across the Golden Gate Bridge One-hour narrated Golden Gate Bay cruise Cruise under the Golden Gate Bridge and by Alcatraz Island Comfortable indoor and outdoor seating FREE wireless on board tour vehicle
Enjoy a one night stay at the George Hotel with dinner, breakfast & a bottle of bubbly included.
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